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what the fuck is sco pa tu manaa

DC is on their way for a comeback and marvelfags aren't ready

Is very single person on Twitter a nigger or spic?

pretty much.

even if DC gets good no one is going to care, they missed their shot

>grown adult fan bases arguing which kids superhero movies are better
Yeesh, I miss when incels people got bullied for that, now it’s the norm.

fuck off Amazon shill

sco pa tu manaa means "what do you think of this"
fucking newfag

MoS, BvS, WW, Shazam and Aquaman are all objectively better than 95% of MCU films

But the best Capeshit movies are Donner Superman, Blade and '89 Batman

Literally what? Does marvel or dc have amazon originals?

She's not single

spic? define spic
like mestizo

t. Spic


Speak English you ugly cock nosed stinking nigger.

Only the American users.

Native Spanish speaker.

So she thinks DC is better right.

Is she smoking dick? That's all that anyone paying attention to any of this wants to know.

Can't you read? Everything she typed was proper english. Think you might be the nigger in this scenario.

What exactly does "smoking dick" mean? Marvel is better anyway.

like smoking crack, except with a gay twist


I believe this.
>phase 4 marvel

not really because white people talk like this too, too imitate them

Fuck capeshit.
The funny thing about this is that if you ask any Normie which they prefer: DC or Marvel, 95% have no idea who DC is. They already lost the war, now it's just funny to watch DC fags talk shit and Marvel cucks feel the need to respond.

A few years ago I had an interview at Best Buy for Geek Squad. They started off the interview asking me Marvel or DC? I was completely confused, told them I don't read comics and don't pick a side in fanboy wars. They asked me what about the movies, and I said something like they're both fine, I don't really get too worked up about the movies. They asked me what's my favorite superhero, I said I don't really have one, I'm not really a comics person. The rest of the interview was normal but I didn't get the job.

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Probably because they just see it as a dumb, disposable, popcorn entertainment and couldnt care less about what company made what because they have sex.

>over 22 thousand likes
It's about time DCucks realized how tiny a minority their retarded asses are

DC is better by virtue of having less movies


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a thread died for this

trips of pedro

Oh now whatever will we do without that one sneed thread or that thread crying about a black person being cast in a new movie!