Why is it that incels are usually portrayed in comedies (Superbad, American Pie, etc) instead of in dramas...

Why is it that incels are usually portrayed in comedies (Superbad, American Pie, etc) instead of in dramas? There's nothing funny about being alone, can you imagine a comedy film about a woman being gang raped? That would be the female equivalent of something like the 40 year old virgin.

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Other urls found in this thread:


he looks fine aside from his nose

having sex isn't really a big deal

>not r/incelfies
Fucking Reddit morons

get a bit of a haircut to clean it up, use some gel, and he wouldn't look so sad and disheveled.

because woman want ugly men DEAD and will never sympathize with them.

Incels need to unionize ASAP before they get holocausted. they are already being scapegoated.

>called security
Wow, I didn’t know whites women were so racist

You mean he looks fine except from the one feature that defines his whole face?

>incel cope
he's hideous. he's an asian male.

Being alone and learning to deal with it is a part of growing up. Once you've got that benchmark, finding someone, or at least learning how to find someone is just another thing you gather with time.

This. Shower, haircut and hit the gym. Fixes all incel problems.

Does stuff like that really happen in the US? It seems that maybe he sperged out somehow and doesn't realize it, or is it just because he is ugly and american college women are irredeemable?

are you equating being a virgin with being raped?

That really is the greatest tragedy of the whole thing.

>he looks fine except all the ugly

Don't let hair fall into your face boys.
And don't have a facial expression like your life or being around you is pure agony.


That nose is like a pokemon

Let's be fair here, Elliot Rodgers manifesto was comedy gold

He called himself lipcel though

Dude just be yourself. If you dont say something weird or disarming they wont remember you.

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I feel bad when my weird/ugly friends complain to me about women. I want to tell them that it's because they're weird and/or ugly, and it's not the womens fault for not wanting to date them. It's weird because they have zero introspection. Like they have never even thought about sitting down, and asking themselves "wait a minute...maybe it's not them, maybe it's...me".


>tfw only unattractive asians/indians/italian girls asked for my number in uni
I'm not dating down. As a 6/10 white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes I demand my female equivalent.

okay incel

>have large nose and get harassed by women
>go to israel and claim to be jew, tell country president what happened
>get Clinton or some other rich hollywoodfag to torture said women and keep them alive with no limbs, hairless burnt skin/face and body.
honestly I'm jelly

wizchan took years to finally figure out "just be urself" means "just stop being weird bro" normalfags think people act "weird and creepy" on purpose.

Remember if he's attractive he's your secret admirer. If he's ugly he's your stalker.

>user, I think I love you
What do?

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Bruh, that's a nose even a nigger would be jealous of.

take your meds schizo

See, this guy gets it. Hell I'm a minority and even I get girls. You just gotta stop trying so hard, once you do that, the girls will come to YOU.

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OK OP here, so can anyone please try to answer the question instead of talking about reddit and the guy in the pic?

Welp, I know what I'm calling r/asianmasculinity from now on.

Yeah but the nose is so awful that it tanks his entire look


>i love you too bb

>Why is it that incels are usually portrayed in comedies (Superbad, American Pie, etc) instead of in dramas?

oh come on that shit's wildly out of date. in 2019 thanks to the various incel murderers you're finally getting taken seriously

Speaking of Elliot Rodger, dude was legitimately good looking.
He may have been a manlet but his face was pretty good.
Had he allowed himself to grow into it he totally would have had the 'exotic' appeal that's all the rage nowadays.

I was joking. If you are a good looking nothing is wrong. 97% of women completely ignore whats said in texts on tinder and have already made up their mind as soon as they swipe. In person charisma can make up for ugliness but in the internet its all looks.

Ask if she's a virgin. I'd honestly reject any girl that approaches me. Any girl approaching me much be a turbo slut because if she is asking for my number she must be asking for every guy whose more attractive than me's number too. Similarly, if any girl says yes and I approach them they would say yes to pretty much anyone and probably rides the tinder cock carousel.

You can't win unless you grab one when you were back in elementary school and hold her tight.

thanks for explaining the joke, newfag

Who do ricels insist on spamming the catalogue with bmwf porn?

Ask her how many men she says that to on a daily basis.
I don't even know you woman

>adding 'cel' to random words
No wonder he's a fucking virgin.

"charisma" is just social capital, which is very volatile. these relationships are very unstable.

People want to laugh at someone, to degrade someone's position in social hierarchy to upgrade their own position. Whereas people of the past were allowed to laugh at black people, the disabled and homosexuals, people of today are still allowed to laugh at sexually failed people. That is because they haven't yet demanded, as a group, to be treated better, like many other minorities have.

>can you imagine a comedy film about a woman being gang raped
Sounds pretty funny t b h


She(he) cute

Holy shit I'm dying. Seriously tho, all he needs to do is lose weight, rat red meat and date within his own race.

unironically just be white bro.
>be average white dude
>go on asian tinder
>have harem of 300 asian girls

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What is it like being a physically unattractive male in college? One of the reasons I didn't go (besides being an idiot) is because I assumed it'd be a waste of time since I'd fail half of group projects because nobody would want to work with me.

what the FUCK is ur problem, chief

They had lots of femcel comedies in the 1990s and 80s. Michelle pfeiffer played one in batman returns. They would wear glasses and be alone in their apartment surrounded by cats. A more recent one is Gale from Bobs Burgers.

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Being a virgin is way worse

Kys my man.

>>go on asian tinder
that's that? link? don't really understand what a tinder is and if its even legal

My friend had one its got a weird name. Imagine bumble but chinese. Baidoo something. You better be good at chinese and live on the coast.

Retarded if true, the college tutor would literally assign you to a group if you couldn't make one.

I'm not attractive and I still had girls flirt with me. They just sit beside you in class, talk about lecture or whatever and ask for your number. Sometimes they invite you to a party. Everyone huddles around attractive people. If you are attractive people will sit all around you, if you are average a girl will sit beside you if it's a good seat. I noticed with incels people including myself would always sit one or two chairs away from them, leaving a notable gap.

Even if this guy got his nose and lip fixed, developed a sense of style, worked out, etc. he'd still be a gook manlet living in a white Western country and therefore sexually invisible to the vast majority of women

When people think of incels they picture stereotypical doughy white nerds but in my experience most of them are ethnics living in the West, and those people have legitimate grievances. They're completely fucked and they know it.

Pal I'm an incel too but come on man it's not comparable to being gang raped jeez, being incel can be kinda funny from time to time don't ya think? I don't think anyone could laugh about the time they got gang raped

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you're an incel too

correct answer.

You are not even allowed to laugh at retards anymore when they are an actual burden to society.

There's literally no physical trait you can't overcome by being balls-to-the-wall confident, high energy and fun. Even if that disaster of a face went on the prowl, if he was willing to play the numbers game and was fun to be around, he'd eventually catch someone.

What's funny about being an incel?

There are barely any group projects in college, and most of the ones you do get are pretty easy and straightforward. I'm a turbo autist and even I didn't struggle doing them.

Being physically unattractive in college is about the same as it is anywhere else. Doesn't really make a difference going about your day.

have sex

so you support rape?

I'm so glad I fucked that stupid slut in my mate's garage when I was 17

>and those people have legitimate grievances
okay elliot, why dont you go back to china if you want to get laid

why don't you tell them retard? Sometimes your brain tries to convince you that you're not THAT hideous when in fact you are, and that's when you need an honsest friend.

>What's funny about being an incel?

When your flirtation or social interactions with a girl you're interested in go really bad it can be kind of comical in retrospect.

And that is why Danny DeVito is just as irresistible to women as Brad Pitt

I don't get it, you guys must want to be incel at this point. You see I never had this problem, just be natural and many doors will open before you

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If you think Danny DeVito can't score you are delusional.

It's the truth. Woman are unloving and unlovable. Any woman who isn't with the person who took their virginity is disloyal and loose/picks poor partners that cheat on them (a meme as woman initiate the end of the vast majority of relationships) if you didn't keep your girlfriend from elementary school or like grade 9 and marry her IT'S OVER. Die a virgin or a pathetic prostitute user. you missed your chance at love due to the despicable nature of woman.

that's a bad example because that's a money and status thing, not being high energy

>nosecel, i wonder what that i....
>oh i see

Yet ugly fucks have become more popular than me in friend groups, and I'm a good looker.

inb4 404
gud job janny
u seething incel

>I noticed with incels people including myself would always sit one or two chairs away from them, leaving a notable gap.

...Well, fuck.

that something so insignificant can have so much repercution on many aspects of one's life. It's nothing and yet it makes me so different and abnormal compared to other guys my age: that's kinda funny

Young Devito could slay if he wanted to, career or no career. You just gotta carry women away with your positivity, they love that shit. Being "on" all the time is actually harder work than working out, but if your face/height is fucked it's the only way forward.

not like Brad Pitt, he can't

I wonder how many anons here are legit deluded incel invading faggots from r/braincels and how many are LARPers, cause I've LARPed as a 5'4, chinless, balding framlet before in contrary to my strong chin, full head of hair that ain't receding, broad shoulders, etc.

No, they want an uggo who would won't straw when they lose their looks at 35-50 because they formed no personality.

okay incel

>People want to laugh at someone, to degrade someone's position in social hierarchy to upgrade their own position.


It's fucking hell for asians. the MAJORITY of asian woman in the west are in interracial relationships and in their home countries there is a "career woman" and "herbivore men" epidemic.

As an "incel" white guy i've personally been approached by decent looking asian woman. When I rejected one (with my flawless awkward "I don't have a phone" line" she spaghetti and literally told me "don't make me date an asian guy"

it feels like every asian with a girlfriend is in constant fear of losing them. Look at this poor asian dude whose not even ugly desperately try to keep his girlfriend away from this random average white dude. Rich chinese are literally resorting to flying to rural africa to fuck aids ridden black woman.

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gross if true
all women are whores

sorry you had to find out this way user. Lots or normalfags are insecure in uni because they don't have a lot of their old friends in their classes so they sit beside people and try to get to know them. it's honestly annoying.

Yikes dude

>all women are whores
the one's that don't bleed yet are pure. Having a period is like selling your soul to the devil. it's such a crazy 180. little boys are little shits and become respectable men. Little girls are angels and become evil roasties.

I love seeing millennials lose their minds due to their autism.

Reminder that incels are a minor thing.

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they are funny if you're not one

Man fucking more than one woman in life time is ok?

they just never stop being children and having a "life isnt how i want it and that is your problem to fix"-attitude

Yeah that seems completely fucked

>little boys are little shits and become respectable men
They used to.
Nowadays everyone is scum.

People who die alone is always because they deserve it.
Decent people find a decent couple early in their life.
The rest are all despicable whores and incels who will die alone, and it's well deserved.
We've already had way too much subhumans having kids when they shouldn't.

>little boys are little shits and become respectable men. Little girls are angels and become evil roasties.
this is true

Because people go to movies to escape reality.

>Woman are unloving and unlovable.
I'm guessing your parents divorced when you were 12 and you never recovered.

We’re reaching new levels of insecurity with this post.

>it's another "the most autistic website on the internet that insists they don't care about women and society act like experts on women and society even though each of them spouts something differently and all of them failed at life" episode

Seriously, what drives millennials to pretend they are sociologists?
You think that just because you are old and busted 30 year olds that you are fit to give advice to others, even though your only legacy is that you turned politics into console wars?

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Yea Forums isn't one person, newfag
and there's been an influx of redditor newfags recently


And redditors are the exact same shit, stupid, failed millennials.
It's just those idiots are even more Flanderized than the usual millennial.

I wish I was still a virgin.
I'll gladly take my floggings during the struggle sessions when the beta uprisings start.

>girls approaching guys
>girls asking for guys' numbers
youwotm8? where does this ever happen? girls would rather die than making the first move because they are even worse than guys dealing with handling rejection
or is this the reality of some Western countries after all the cucking and metooing?


Probably why every trap and fag thread is full of people asking for more, and why every single thread involving a woman turns into "WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY" shit.
Literal trannies.

go to england
i've literally had my ass grabbed by drunk slags

If you're not in the top 80% of men you're basically that hunchback from 300. No woman will ever love you.

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faggot here, I feel sorry for you incels. Lusting after a gender who's only redeeming quality is how backstabbing and liars they are. Truly, you have my condolences.

Nope, my parents are still together and I was quite popular with lots of friends in my formative years. I even had a very cute girl have a huge crush on me and even then I could tell it was just due to my social status and not the same kind of crush the boys would get on girls.

Literally everyone who has thought seriously about woman has a low opinion on them. Philosophers worth their salt either have negative thoughts on woman, or they never think about woman at all.

No, it's called the real world.
You should try it instead of building your worldview from your computer screen.

I myself lost my virginity and all the moves were done from the girl, from asking me to go to her home one day to throwing herself at me.

>Why is it that incels are usually portrayed in comedies (Superbad, American Pie, etc) instead of in dramas?

99% of "incels" are volcels who take literally zero effort into making themselves dateable, and have wildly inflated ideas of their sexual market value. Just finding women to sleep with is easy if you don't look like a disheveled slob and go bar hopping enough (not that I approve of that).

I'm creeping towards wizard status but even I know that my total lack of interest from woman is entirely my own fault. If you don't feel like changing anything and are content with celibacy, then do it. But if you're obsessed over getting laid then the dumbest thing you can do is go
>durr all women are roastie whores
which is both untrue and the most surefire way to prevent yourself from ever attracting a woman because nothing is your own fault.

Happened to me in university. it was only minority girls though (asian, indian,black and italian) so maybe they don't understand the cultural taboo,

Well no shit, all those are for quick fucks, and in those cases only looks matter.
You are insane if you unironically plan to date someone you met on a dating app.
Those are for pump and dump.
Pretty easy girls, too.

i feel bad for the guy, he diddnt desrve it, fuck women

Women are ridiculous when it comes to judging looks. There's plenty of guys that I think are definitely attractive or at least not ugly and every woman or girlfriend I would talk to would also rank them incredibly low.
Hard 7s would be hard 3s in their eyes. Hard 5s would be 1s. 8-9s would be "average". Women are either horrendously picky or outright delusional.

Same thing happens on dating sites like okcupid.

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>If you're not in the top 80% of men
top 20%

you're a walking meme

woman don't even love chad. They submit to chad and brag about having chad but they don't love the essence of the person behind chad. They don't love chad for his soul, they would upgrade to an interchangeable "better" chad if they got the chance. Woman never write any quality love/romance works of art, because they can't into love. They don't actually understand the concept of a soulmate.

Nothing is your own fault though. We're all products of circumstance and simple things like how you look determine a lot of your life. That's just how it is. Study after study after study indicates it.

Oh so you are philosopher who still thinks about woman and calls them unloving and unlovable?

Your parents are still together but all women are unloving... sounds like you better warn your Dad!

Wait, Americans actually use online apps to date people?
Are you even human?
How the fuck do you see a profile that might as well be made up, a picture that's probably full of filters, and use that bit info to decide whether you want to date someone or not?

I think this is the problem with you Americans, you are losing your ability to be human to each other, you approach human contact as if you were robots saying
You will never have a succesful relationship from a dating app because you don't know the other person, all you can get from these is whether they like movies, or games or some shit like that, nothing else, you can't make a relationship from that.

In fact, the most succesful relationships are those between boys and girls who have known each other since they were small, since school.

Theres like a million movies where women get raped

I am yet to see any proof of that so called tranny invasion, so I'm just going to keep assuming it's just a shitty boogeyman /pol/ made up when they started getting so full of r/TheDonald refugees that they couldn't keep using reddit as boogeyman

Also, spare me the lazy "dilate" or "SEETHING tranny" reply. Or do anyway. Just don't expect a (You)

jokes at you i can't even WALK


Having a constant external locus of control is bad for you user. So is having a constant internal locus of control.
The real redpill is that we are products of the choices we make and the consequences thereof. Life can throw a curveball at you but it's all about whether you swing or strike-out that dictates the person you are and the situation you'll find yourself in.


I fucking hate normies. I remember when EVERY relationship at the end of highschool had to end because now they were going to university. It was a fucking social norm to break up. I even got some to stay together just by asking them fucking why. like if it really can't work let it end naturally. Many were going to the same fucking school and had been together for two, three FOUR years and were just breaking up because everyone else seemed to be.


>hen I rejected one (with my flawless awkward "I don't have a phone" line" she spaghetti and literally told me "don't make me date an asian guy"

lmfao get fuckin real weirdo

based, trannies btfo

>Wait, Americans actually use online apps to date people?
They do everything through the internet because everytime they leave their homes they are putting their lives at risk.

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My parents aren't in love and are only together for social reasons. My dad also grabbed my mom when she was still a virgin in highschool.


That he got rejected doesn't make him an incel. Everybody gets rejected occasionally. It's the mentality that's the issue.


what the fuck is wrong with europeans? its like decades long trump derangement syndrome. dating websites also exist everywhere in the fucking world, you smelly dweeb.

>coping this hard
If it makes you feel any better I have very low opinions of asian girls who approach white guys and she tried to play it off like a joke.

The nose really is so bad it tanks the whole deal

>not banging unattractive women you don't like purely for your own pleasure
>not breaking their hearts just because you're bored
step up your game m8

>Everybody gets rejected occasionally
incel cope.

it's natural selection at work, quit being bitter about it.
either date down or don't try at all
can't have your cake and fuck it too

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based and selfawarepilled

>He looks fine aside from the dominant feature that completely fucks up his face and is impossible to fix without surgery

>dating websites also exist everywhere in the fucking world
And you are the only ones stupid enough to actually use them to date people.
Everywhere else is basically
and that's it.

You are meeting a literal unknown, people with common sense treat "dating" apps like meeting some slut in a bar, pumping and dumping.

Breh I lived in tokyo for 4 years and maintained a six pack at 185cm. Asian girls dont approach you unless youre in a drinking establishment. Lets be real, you haven't had pussy since pussy had you.

Why would i demean myself? I don't want to be some whoremonger collecting other whoremongers discarded concubines. It genuinely doesn't appeal to me. I don't find these common thots attractive and i'm sure as fuck not losing my virginity to someone i don't love.

>calls me incel
>outs himself as a confirmed incel

Entirely subjective bullshit. Are you a woman or tranny? Your estrogen is clouding our conversation.

>Nothing is your own fault though
and this is part of why you are the way you are.
you quit trying to control what little you're in control of

Incels want a relationship. The sex is a meme. Normalfags seriously think "just legalize prostitutes" is a real solution.

Nice cope, but we know you can't lose your v-card even if you tried lmao

Men tipically overrate themselves too, so if you consider yourself a 6/10, chances are you are a 4/10 or something along the lines

No, i'm a dude, and since i'm not American, I know very well that a primary rule when dating women is only dating women you actually know.
Banging strangers is already a risk, who the hell would just go and date a stranger?

I mean, you could get laid as a 4/10 as long as you're a man. Not too difficult. Just gotta have good game.


Have sex

Project harder moron. My life is fine, but I was lucky enough to be born 6'3 and decent looking. You gonna tell me some 5'4 dude with his face burned off has "control of his own destiny" and can make anything happen if he just believes? Lmao, fucking kys

Life sucks

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I don't think the 4/10 guy has good game, since he hasn't found his aryan princess yet

nothing wrong with wanting unused goods

I'm only semi-Western, living in post-commie country. My experience was the overwhelming majority of girls still expect the man to make the first move.

I was mainly joking, because I used to fuck girls I didn't give shit about and it's really not worth the trouble in the end. So good on you for realizing that, but I feel like you might be rationalizing not having the calibrated social skills to get laid at with having high standards/

And yes, I was 6'3 in the fucking womb

>Incels want a relationship. The sex is a meme.
but they're usually also unwilling to go for the girls "with a great personality" that are within their own league
which is convenient, because femcels are the same way.
nobody wants to date ugly
the end of this is that they both fall out of the genepool, which is good for the general population
what a cruel fate it is that our humanity is both the cause for our ugliness and our longing for love

Maybe the ones in canada and in university are more slutty? I don't think she was exchange because her english was fine. They also apparently don't like muscular guys so a 6pack isn't a big looks buff.

she sat beside me in class for a week making awkward conversation before finally asking for my number and then said the "don't date an asian thing" I had another one whose friends were teasing her and telling me she liked me and wanted my number and was acting embarrassed. those are the only asians that have approached me in school. I had one other approach me in toronto mall and another in a Chinese restaurant.








Notice how you have to resort to something extreme like "face burned off" to try and rebutt the fact that indeed most of your life situation is dictated by how you react and build

The "I'm not in control of anything" is a /r9k/-tier cope. Most of those incels are actually average-looking, most would look decent if they lost some weight or groomed themselves. Not taking control of your life is such a bitch-ass beta move. Get your shit together

>get put on blast
>immediately pull out the "i'm over 6' btw lol"

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Not that guy, but you must be a complete moron to think everything is out of your control. Everyone can improve their looks if they want to, granted their face is still in one piece. The people you're talking about are minorities.


>Woman never write any quality love/romance works of art
>who is Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters
also women who didn't jump on the cock carousel are able to pairbond

Lanklet cope. I probably mog you in every other department and am only 3 inches shorter.


>Go to church
>No young women your age because the boomers wanted two cars and a boat rather than children
>Any women who possibly were available get snatched up before age 18/19. Any women left have very, very serious problems and she's untouched for a reason.

>Go to work
>Find zero white women your age unless you work in a big office, mostly hispanic women everywhere else
>If you do find one you better hope she's not a single mother, has mental problems, or otherwise is a terrible person

>Go outside
>Find very few white women your age outside
>None of them want to be bothered
>Multicultural shithole means most people stay tucked away anyways

Dating apps exist for a reason. Although most women who use dating apps are single mothers, hyper-picky "career women" who refuse to date anyone who isn't a 6'3" doctor, and schizos/mentally ill women. Nonetheless it's often the only real choice for men looking for a partner who didn't marry their highschool sweetheart or who got really, really lucky at church/work.

Without dating apps you would probably have a uptick in suicides as half the guys on there would have almost no chance of meeting potential spouses otherwise.

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Explain this meme at once.

You sure you weren't rape?

I don't have high standards. My standards are literally my female equivalent. I just haven't had a decent white girl show interest in me since high school so I don't know if I would be weak and not care if she's a virgin or some shit and i'm not asking anyone out or shopping for some online mate. If I get a girlfriend I will meet her naturally in some social situation like a wedding or one of my friends girlfriends friends or some shit.

Notice how you're a complete faggot. I'm not even going to finish reading your post, you're a moron
To show that he was just projecting because he didn't have a real argument
>if you don't believe my pull yourself up by your bootstraps bullshit your life must suck haha
Everything I said is 100% true fag, cope cope cope like you do lmao


Most based post itt

6 is still above the cutoff
Whether you have the "motivation" to improve or not is itself genetic

>who is Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters
shlock writers.

Not really.
I was only 13 and I was kinda oblivious to what she was doing, thought she really just wanted to play vidya with me, but I got into it fast.

This poster has a 3 inch penis and he won't prove otherwise.

>Whether you have the "motivation" to improve or not is itself genetic
Holy shit, are you on the spectrum? I bet getting hit by a bus or not is predetermined by genetics too.

you want to see a cock? bit gay lad

>Whether you have the "motivation" to improve or not is itself genetic
No, that's a mental disorder, namely depression, which can be patched as long as you're willing

This man speaks the truth.

Yeah you would love to see a picture of my dick I'm sure, better luck next time lol

Funny thing is if the girl that is into particular incel, gave no attention to him, he would probably like her. As soon as low self-esteem guy sees girl likes him, he immediately thinks they are lower than average just because she likes him. Incels really should search problem in themselves and stop blaming world for their loneliness

Yikes. You cope, but actually.



If I had a son and someone did that to him when he was just 13, I would beat shit out of the bitch

Major cope!

>I even had a very cute girl have a huge crush on me and even then I could tell it was just due to my social status and not the same kind of crush the boys would get on girls.
So if you didn't date a girl who had a great personality, but were obese, would you be superficial too like the girls attracted to only social status?

whats wrong with non-white girls?

this tbf has been really fun

Your posts reek of inceldom. I don't buy what you're selling.

Lol sure you would tough guy


Cope harder

She was 13 too.
I always thought she was cute, she was one of those emo girls, but I wasn't too focused on getting a girl back then.
Had a ton of fun with her.

>I arrived at the house one day, my mother being at work, and heard the sounds of Samuel plunging his penis into my sister’s vagina through her closed room door, along with my sister’s moans. I stood there and listened to it all. So my sister, who was four years younger than me, managed to lose her virginity before I did. It reminded me of how pathetic I was, that at the age of twenty-two, I was still a virgin.

Plunging makes me lose it every fucking time

this post is full retard and ignores dating imbalance. incels don't get girls in their league, they get the absolute bottom of the barrel who aren't just ugly just are deviant art tier obese freaks. They also only have this happen if they are the "alpha incel" in their nerdy yugioh anime fanclub or some shit. even then many settle and these same woman end up cheating on them.

incels would love any "below average" girl who is actually in their league.

This simulation sure is boring.

he looks like a standard subhuman bugman, not exactly what i would call "fine" fucking faggot

Because male problems, specially teen male problems are considered laughing stock whatever the problem they have.

He probably doesn't want to pop out a mutt.

Hey, one of us is telling the truth. Guess only we know what it is :)

Asianincelbros how do you cope living in the west?

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When did you realize that Islam has the right of it?

Did you copy this post from /r9k/ or something. Because that's absolutely untrue and anyone who walks outside knows it's untrue

Literal gibberish from a double digit IQ poster

condoms are a thing

>a good chunk of his fond memories were playing WoW

I see what he's talking about all the time.

There was a thread here the other day where the consensus was that if a guy goes down on a girl she loses all respect for him, starts hating him, etc. Case in point, you jokers don't shit about this subject. That thread alone exemplified how deluded and out of touch and wrong you faggot clowns are.

Gibberish is more appealing than /r9k/ tier paranoid broscience mixed with some schizophrenia and a tinge of depression to boot.
I haven't met a single "decent looking" person who shares your mindset, and if I'd known of such people, I would've deduced them as mentally challenged.

are you retarded?

They aren't white and i'm white. The fact that they want to date a white guy is a massive personality flaw. I get the impression dating a white guy is some status symbol for them and we're all interchangeable.

some years back

You're going to be bad at sex and lose the girl that's in your league.
Looks bring them in, but dicking them down right makes them stay around and put up with all kinds of bullshit.
Practice girls aren't a meme.
t. had the same thought process as you and was hilariously bad at sex and lost the girl

You aren't intelligent enough to determine what is and isn't "broscience" my mental midget friend

Iam legit jelly i only fucked around with guys when i was 13 and some girls but only the basic bitch ones
I would give my soul for an emo gf

You would have "deduced" them? Fucking kek, alright retarded version of Sherlock Holmes, "deduce" away

I could accept the physical cope, since it comes with the territory, but I'm seeing now that you feel like your intelligence is being attacked too.
Get a grip while you can is all I'm saying. I know you're not the "Chad" you're LARPing as. And you have to realize that's okay. Just work on bettering yourself and maybe you'll be more believable.

Love how incels faggots will spam the cupid graphs about how women and men rate the other but never the messaging distribution.

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I didn't read this lol, fuck off retard

>be 3/10 incel
>go on diet
>excercise more
>try to be more social
>become a 5/10 incel
Wow dude the normies were right you just need to improve yourself! Now, instead of telling me to fuck off, girls tell me that another lucky girl will be my girlfriend in the future!
Thanks normies!

You see them as "below average" because they are into you. Deep down you think no one normal can actually like you, when some cute nerdy girl does (I'm sure you would have been into her if she just ignored you) you start seeing her as ugly

I could be the biggest retard in the world and I still wouldn't have to deal with incel issues so it's fair game imo.

>OK OP here, so can anyone please try to answer the question only asked to keep the post board-related instead of talking about the bait pic that I really wanted the discussion to be about?

"sexual comparability" is the biggest roastie cope in the world. I have no interest in keeping such a girl. None of you fuckers can compete with duracell and if she's actually in love with you sex is great regardless. It's why first time lovers often don't last very long because they are so excited.

>be millennial
>be an awkward autist your entire life
>expect everything to be delivered to you in a silver plate, like everything else in life
>turns out you have to put some effort

I always thought you millennials were all potential terrorists.
Go ahead and go with that, give people an excuse to kill the most laughable generation in human history.

I see a shitload of somewhat unnactrative males with somewaht unnactractive females. Sure there are sometimes the rare case of someone dating someone way out of their league but for the most part, a 4/10 is not confined to a deformed freak, that's only within the minds of /r9k/ incels, because I suppose it's easier to digest than the reality that if they worked in their personality and groomed themseves they could also get laid

all men are interchangeable to women, that's how it works.

Well you aren't too far away!

I know you read it. Keep coping with your self-imposed trauma, incel.
No problem. Start working on finding that future gf.

>Thanks normies!
this is what i said when my first job with my stem phd piad $40k CAD

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So, you don't bathe, you don't do excercise, to eat like trash, and you complain that you don't have a girlfriend?
You are the male equivalent of pink haired sluts, dude.
Although those sluts get pumped and dumped, they will end up alone because nobody wants to be in a relationship with them, since they are human trash.

>working on yourself for women and not for yourself
well that really your problem right there

It's because they're incels larping as volcels lol.
That shit happens rarely unless you're basically a male model.
If anything, thanks to Tinder, etc. girls are less likely to approach now than ever before.

I'm not far away at all. I wouldn't call you out on your inceldom if I was.

Cope harder with your delusional projections, incel

Outside of prostitution or arranged marriage, how the fuck does some 5'6 ugly indian dude EVER get laid?
This just world shit is childish, dude.

You and I are nothing alike. You vaguely resemble a version of me when I was 15 and delusional, but even then it didn't get that bad.

At this point dude is literally agreeing with me that he is close to being the most retarded man in the world while simultaneously being too retarded to understand what he's saying.
Jesus Christ boys, first time in a while a thread has made me laugh out loud.

She was great, always upbeat and happy, and would randomly tell me she loved me.
It's a shame she had to leave since her father found a job in the other side of the country.

Dilate, lol.

Shit nig is actually projecting lmfao

reminder that asian slant eyes are literally the same as downs syndrome eyes

this is a millennial website, gramps/kiddo
back to kikebook

>You see them as "below average" because they are into you
>reading comprehension
>not realizing beauty is objective
Keep projecting dude.

You'd have a very hard time finding a white girl under 25 who isn't obese that I didn't find attractive. especially one that shares my phenotypical features. Your meme about not liking them if they show interest in me is retarded. If I don't like them outside their appearance it's because they have severe personality flaws and the only two I can think of is that they are a slut or is an autistic scat loving furry or some shit.

;-; legit sorry man life can be rough but its still nice to have these happy moments to look back on
Wish you a good day

She is upbeat, happy and fucks some other guy now?

I'd be surprised if we agreed on even a single thing.
-said Dude
>first time in a while a thread has made me laugh out loud
Nice lie. Keep ""laughing"" though, I'm sure you're having a grand old time.

Incels usually believe they are smart and talented. That is always funny

That's how I thought it works but it's really not. Sorry to break it to you.
I've walked this path and that's why I'm telling you. The majority of girls expect to starfish and you to go full romance novel on them. They know what feels good but are too autistic to guide you properly and expect you to know what buttons to push.
If you don't lock down that "girl in love with you", at the 6 months to a year mark, she'll be deuces.
Some girls are active and put work in, but it's a lot rarer than the media wants you to believe.

Christ man do you have no sense of shame?

Get that sperm off your eyes. I said I do all these things now. Are you a retard?

>Incels want a relationship.
they don't, they hate women many of them are unironically in the closet and have not figured that out that yet.

I understand that
are memes, but they're memes because they're offered as a whole solution. Just working out bro won't by itself get you a gf, but for Christ's sake, what the fuck do you expect when you put zero effort in? The problem with most incels is that they lack self awareness. I have a couple of friends who would fit the mold, for example. Let me give you a run-down:
>late 20s
>shower once a week
>they still do shit we'd do in elementary school like children's card games
>all they fucking do is vidya
>all they fucking talk about is zoomer shit or vidya
>they don't have money for basic shit like new clothes
>they buy collector's edition anime waifu shit
>they wear raggety, old, I'll fitting clothes
Add all that up. If they ever try to make beta moves on a girl on social media (never real life), she's at least a 6/10. One of these fags has been orbiting a virgin titty monster who's got a 6/10 face and is 19-21. The nigger has disgusting long hair, constant BO, and literally lives in his mom's basement. There's zero fucking self awareness.

Listen fags. If you look like OP, you're not gonna plow Stacy. You're gonna plow Bertha. But even Bertha has fucking standards. The very least you could do is make an effort to not look disgusting. Take a fucking shower. Groom. Fix your fucking posture. Put on fitting, clean clothes.

We've all been insecure teenagers, so I know what it's like. The difference between me and him is that I took action towards improvement at some point, while he furthered his degeneracy. All of which is in his head, of course.

too long, didn't read

I guess, I've been with other girls and I really doubt i'll see her again, so I won't blame her for moving on. I did.

>an autistic scat loving furry or some shit.
Why was girl into furry interested in you? you are hairy or something?

Keep posting lol

My dick isn't that small dude. i'm not worried. I'm not doing beta shit like licking her pussy if that's what your trying to say would have saved your relationship.

Who the fuck wouldn't get "good at sex" after 6 months of fucking?

You should be the one who's ashamed. Your shitty "genetics" are no excuse for your behavior. It's more than likely that uglier guys than you get laid because aren't spergs.

Considering the dating app stats, the praise of terrorist ideologies, and hints at cuckoldry such as this post, it's obvious this thread is full of Amerimutts, so i'm going to stick to saying that i'm really happy you are all suffering.
You are a legitimately horrible people who show over and over a deep hatred towards whites, so I'm really excited to see your country collapse.

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As an incel, I think it's a good idea to execute all incels in a genocide-style cleanup.
No hard feelings involved at all. Incels played, they lost and now they need to pay the price of failure .
The world would be a better place without us.

Oh my God lmao
I probably fucked your crush at some point you fucking loser, at this point you are actually projecting your inceldom onto me

Dudes problem is his attitude, not how he looks. 80% of attractiveness is confidence.

You're wasting all of this sound advice on a bunch of incels who are simply too far gone to believe any of this. There comes a point of no return. Simple as that.

They want a relationship but not with modern woman. They aren't gay, that's a full retard take and you're probably some tranny trying to get gaslight incels into fucking you.

If you don't interact with any normal girl in you league it's your doing once again

ITT: incels give incels advice on how to get a girlfriend while acting superior for ignoring the advice and acting as if they don't care about getting laid.

As an Amerimutt I also am glad we are collapsing, can't wait to see this place burn

so what shithole are you from lol

Right.... except I genuinely do get laid, and would probably be a seething incel "scientist" if I wasn't.
Stop larping and start being a decent human being for a change.

How the fuck do you flirt bros? I got everything else down. 6/10's and sometimes even higher approach me regularly, but I fuck up everytime.

You still in contact with her? I'm hopeless romantic, it would be amazing if your roads could cross once again

Just a bunch of incels projecting hardcore onto each other

Just ignore girls and focus on a career when you're young. Then legally fuck girls half your age when you're settled in with a house and job.


Sure you do lmfao
>N-no I get laid I swear

>just settle for used goods lol
no, just no

They weren't, it's an example of the types of girls a stereotypical nerd incel might attract. I just gave it as one of two personality flaws that would cause me to reject a woman I found attractive enough to marry. The vast majority of people are just "unattractive" and not ugly. You need some sort of deformity to be revolting. Most unattractive girls are very cute in some perfect imperfections way.

Isn't past your bedtime?

Pretty much, except I'm not an incel. It's a mix of pity and disgust for me. It's unironically pretty easy to get laid. Just don't be a fucking sperg like these guys. Hate to sound holier-than-thou but it's a given under these circumstances.

White incels do all the thinking for the white power movement right now. We cant die until we get a significant amount of white chads angry enough to do something.

all you need to do is punch them in the face and call them worthless
women love abusive assholes

Its 8:36 AM where I am

Worrying about dick size as long as you're 7 inches or above is a meme.
You don't have to lick pussy. I think it's gross too, and I mostly fuck Tinder sluts now so no oral is a rule.
It's more about how to be dominant but not too scary/forceful, how to caress properly, the stuff you can do with your fingers.The different types of thrusting techniques.
Stuff I all learned after.
Of course I'm literally autistic, but judging by your posts, so are you.
Thought I'd spare you some typing some boohoo post on /r9k/ in the future.
People who are bad at sex will stay bad at sex unless they go out of their way to get better. Hopefully you're someone who is good at sex, but don't expect the girl to tell you.

so i still don't get it...
does Yea Forums treat asians like bros or enemies?

As a girl I will try to help you as I can. Give me example, what do you talk about with them, how you act, if you look into their eyes etc

Im glad I dont have a "purity" hang up when it comes to women. Sounds like hell.

Yes, I do, and here's the kicker: I didn't even have to pay for it. But wait! It get's better. I'm not a 7" Gigachad either! (hard to believe, but trust me when I say it's possible)
Actually go outside and smell the roses.

Reading these posts makes me think most of you are from the states.
Here in Toronto we have shittons, literal truckloads of hot young women of every imaginable ethnicity (yes white too) that aren't hoes, dress conservatively and are all fit.
Me and my fellow Asian bros do fine as well, tons of AMWF couples as well as WMAF couples, everyone fucks everyone else no one cares, though obviously most myself included prefer to date within our own race.
The only reason I don't (return) flirt with white girls usually is that I don't want to lead them on, but most are open to it.

Yikes you really are miffed

>I'm glad I'm a cuck

>They aren't gay, that's a full retard take and you're probably some tranny trying to get gaslight incels into fucking you.
Incels evolve into Trannies. They start as nasty ugly/dumb "NICE GUYS", it fails, they get "redpilled" and become bitter incels, the hatred they always felt towards women becomes envy, they start to think traps are better, becuase they have male brains, think "it's only a fetish" and end up "accidentally" being fucked in the ass, they eventually will discover they like to dress as girls. Is always the same.

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Thank you for giving us attention, mighty one. I will offer my unused penis to your altar.

Normal for me =virgin or non-virgin who is married or at least engaged to someone so they tend to be hard to find and I have no way of knowing before hand. It's not like I have insane free time either or a rockstar social life. It's rare I get to talk with new people at all let alone normal girls in my league. If it happens it happens.

If they aren't making our cartoons or vidya, they are as good as niggers.

Talk to that "unattractive" girls then, get to know and get laid

Reminder that once a man hits 60 he is automatically given a qt, loyal, virgin republican 18yo fertile gf. So just hang in there bros and keep aging like fine wine.

We did promise something, that if we turned 25 and we were both alone, we would try to meet again and move somewhere to live together.
But i'm realistic, it's been a while since that happened.

Just look at this thread, incels are hilarious as a phenomena.

If men are mocked for not having sex, then it's only fair that women should be mocked for having sex against their will.

How do I achieve groke mode?

/s is hard to tell on the internet

>being depressed/suicidal/angry over problems with physical looks that can be fixed with only $30k in plastic surgery


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It's more like I'm glad I won't die childless and alone.

I haven't encountered an user with such little self-awareness in a while. Post IQ, at this point I'm just curious.

I rather commit suicide right now by setting myself on fire than even considering the prospect of dating a Can*dian.

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Miffed or not, I'm not in a self-imposed predicament. You couldn't get laid even as a hypechad with a toxic personality like yours.

Are you Asian? Are you ugly? Are you an autist?

I can already imagine how that would go:
>Uhhh.. I uhhh *some cringey reaction that ruins it*

>charisma" is just social capital, which is very volatile. these relationships are very unstable.
Interesting, could you tell me more on this? What is "social capital" ?

More like 10K to 15K and that's using a renowned surgeon like Guyuron with 40 years of experience in nose, eye, and chin stuff.

you're a cuck though lol

It will happen, just don't close yourself from the world user, you deserve happiness

>y-you're not an incel like me
>how dare you!
>post IQ, self-unaware scum, so I can laugh at you!
Eat my shit.

>This meme again
I was out of shape, now I am jacked after 3 years of gym coping. Being fat isn't like being short, being fat is a choice and something you can change, barring some incredibly rare medical conditions.

what does 'toxic' mean?

>what life could be like under Islam

wmaf outnumbers amwf 20 to 1. i know this bc i'm in australia. although tbf, it depends whether you consider south east asian women subhuman or not.

Yes bud, I'm sure to that getting laid like you necessarily involves not saying mean things on the internet, because of the, ah, "bad mindset" it produces.
Delusional as fuck and I probably fucked your bitch

i'm not interested in getting laid. I'm interesting in finding someone who lets me love them for the rest of our lives and reciprocates that love. The latter part might literally be impossible for woman to do and you have to settle for submission.

And let me guess it’s okay if a guy is ‘’’non-pure’’’ am I right (:

This sounds so adorable

And half of those problems are usually non-existent. 99% of inceldom has no physical excuse to speak of.

I love how normies and incels have both valid points but instead of agreeing on things they just try to one-up one another in shitflinging contests.

no, you're wrong

No seriously what is it? My guess based on your language skills, if English is your first language, is soem


>What is "social capital"
google it and look into specifics/use reasoning to figure out what might be social capital that's a faux pas to talk about.

be 6'+, study hard, play hard. i.e. the same advice for black, white, and any type of guy.
literally not that hard.
obviously the rest is up to whether girls will like you.
personally into white girls so it's slightly harder but not much. if you mingle with them, you'll eventually find yourself a woman.

You are a dumb nigger and will learn the hard way

Mean things have nothing to do with this, though. The mindset is just self-castration. You wouldn't get your panties in a bunch if you didn't follow said mindset, and you weren't an incel.

robots and normies have valid points, incels have none. I


I said incel not chad.

>just don't close yourself from the world user
I have friends and good relations with my family. i'm not some hikkimori. Still i'm 25 and nothing has happened, and the older I get the less likely it is to find a girl in my age range whose not some discarded concubine.

Shut the fuck up you normalfaggot.
Kill yourself. Everyone already does the things you suggested. Go back to your delusions old man

>99% of men are your incorrect definition of "cucks"
>"I'm going to be miserable my whole life but at least I'm not a one of those guys lol"
Sounds like you're the only one coping here. Thankfully you're a genetic deadend.

But that is wrong. Incels can be right about some things, too.

>incel larping as a volcel


>who lets me love them for the rest of our lives and reciprocates that love.
It's very noble desire, but never say something like this on first date. Girls get more serious in relationship with time, wait a little bit

People tell me I look like Henry Cavill ALL THE TIME yet I still can't manage to hold a girls hand even once, let alone get laid. It's not even about what you look like, just your status.

literal projection lmao. You even admitted to getting dumped for "not being sexually compatible" I'll avoid those types of girls all together. If they are literally all woman I will avoid literally all woman.

who are you quoting?

>Here in Toronto we

Holy shit, a millionth Canadian lecturing Americans about how Canada is pinnacle of human society, with a holier-than-thou attitude

I'm not American, so I can objectively tell you this:
If US didn't exist you'd be chewing moose skin and dreaming of being gifted a ticket to London to meet Her Majesty.
Nobody on the planet cares about you. Nobody on the planet is impressed by you.

Cavill was screwed genetically but managed to improve himself later in life. If you don't have any immediate physical issues, there's a problem with your personality. Most people here have that by default. Start working on it.

I'm 24 years old virgin girl, so don't lose a hope, you will probably find one, but if you don't talk to them and get close you will never find out. Good luck user

>only 9/10s and higher can be volcels without people thinking they are coping
It's not fair...




Looks do matter.
Online dating is heavily skewed towards women.
Most people today aren't looking for meaningful long-term relationships.
These are all incel talking points that have some truth to them

Well it's a better cope that shooting your sister which seem to be the latest rage among retards lashing out at society.

>Incel looking for 7-10/10 girls
>Life is not fair!!!

Wrong. I care about them.





Trying too hard.

There's nothing wrong with being a volcel though. Don't compare the two.

you in shape?
i've heard of virgin girls in their 20s (physically attractive ones too) but they're stupid rare.
hard to believe she hasn't tried anything with anyone being that attractive.

Not him. He actually thought you were worth a serious response.
Good luck, "volcel" kek




>Cavill was screwed genetically
How so?

I have friends in Australia and most of them are AMAF couples, same here in Canada. I do know some WMAF in Australia but they tell me they get stares everywhere they go, so it can't be as common as internet culture makes it out to be.




Fucking kek. Look, to any incel posting ITT (since the thread is coming to an end)
Try your luck with AT LEAST 20 women before you continue on with your ways. If you don't do this, you're a faggot forever.

>you in shape?
Yeap, I just don't plan doing anything out of relationship and have no time for actual one. I don't think they are "rare" just don't walk with a sign over their head

It's only good if you are attractive. Otherwise it's just coping.

He has a raging hunger for cunny

When you think about it, its possible to be both an incel and a vocel simultaneously.

Okay, NPC.

yeah they're mostly amaf, but wmaf is noticeable enough. and yes wmaf get stares because let's be honest, the guys aren't usually lookers, and neither are the girls.

What if I told you that I have a Master's degree in law (Civil law part of the world so its in both criminal and private law, I think in America its devided as separate studies for some reason), I work in a law firm as a junior assistant and I am a 24 year old virgin




If you have the opportunity to
>have sex
And don't, that's hardly a cope.
But most people claiming they are volcel would jump at the chance to fuck these 4/10's they claim that they're rejecting

It's the bitter truth, though. Even my irl friends who don't give a shit if you are a virgin or not think it's coping.

He was fat and people made fun of him. Shockingly enough, when you put in the effort and work out, good things happen to your body. Similarly, your mindset and personality can be tweaked as well.
At least TRY to improve your situation before you can be certain that you're permanently screwed, and don't listen to that moron who's saying everything in life is genetics. You could always turn things around if you have a burning desire to do so.

Well I guess that's just one more thing him and I have in common. It's not fucking fair.

>Even my NPC friends
Okay, NPC.






If people arent lying to you, then it really comes down to your behavior. Literally everything you do must dry every pussy in a 20ft radius around you. If you look like Cavill, fucking act like it you beta.

America is weirdly segregated and racist, such that Asians are still considered an oddity there.
I've been back and forth from Canada and US and people don't look twice at me on Canada whereas they stare in the US.
It's probably the population difference that allows for deeper pockets of monoracial? communities.


Memorising arbitrary bullshit isn't really a talent though

I thought Canada had a high rate of rape

genuinely based

>. If you look like Cavill, fucking act like it you beta.
Exactly. But even if you're not Cavill-tier, you owe it to yourself to try. You have nothing to lose from here on out, so might as well give it a shot.

I never once described myself as a "volcel" that's what you are considering me. An Incel who can't get laid because he's too nervous or poor to hire a prostitute is still an involuntarily celebrate. I don't feel like I really have a volentary choice to remain celibate or not, every time i've had the opportunity to have sex with some thot i'd rejected them on some primal kneejerk impulse. wheather it's because i've internalized my desires for love/moral beliefs or because I have some deep seated insecurity of "not being worthy" to be in a relationship with anyone or some shit doesn't make it any less involuntary. I would love my virginity given the right circumstances, and am incel insofar as those circumstance don't arise. A true volcel would be a monk or some shit who shore a vow of celibacy.

Or just don't act completely retarded.
Cavill could probably say 5 words in total to a girl and be in her bed.
Like those shitty TV-movies where a girl meets the dude at the bar, it cuts and they're both naked and post-coital.
Like just don't say the spergy things you must be saying.

normie cringe

Yeap. Also you have better understanding of yourself and know what you are looking for in you partner, so you don't waist your time on some idiot

the jews are right
goyim really are cattle


If you've been presented with sex and refuse, you are volcel you sperg. That's literally what voluntarily celibate means. Thanks for the blogpost tho kek

Normies have become a preferable status-quo at this point. It's no longer something that you say to distinguish yourself as more "aware" or superior in any way. The real winners in life have surpassed normies, and then the other normies calling the normies normies.

I mean people COULD be lying to me but I've even had people from a distance mistake me for the man himself. Once they got closer they realized I wasn't him but still, it's happened over a dozen times. I consider myself pretty bland but I don't stutter or fall over myself trying to talk to women.



I'm not even a fag but I would be a stuttering mess around Cavill.
OK maybe I'm kind of a fag.

Yeah might have a moment of weakness if they showed up on your bed naked or some shit. it's not hard to reject girls when you don't let go up to going on a date/asking for a number.

I'm sure introverts have instinctively rejected invitations to hang out or go to a party or some shit when invited and it's not much different.

>Normies have become a preferable status-quo at this point
t. normie

reddit post

You simply haven't tried to improve on your pick-up skills as much as you could. But it's difficult to assess this with certainty since none of us know you personally. There's many attractive guys who struggle with this, but you have an undeniable advantage already, so you must learn to make use of it.



Never been presented with sex. I've only had girls ask me out which I declined. I've never had anyone "present" sex to me and without having been dating them it would seem creepy and I would probably get and STD. So once again by your definition i'm not a volcel.

the lord abides, always


I've accepted that I'll never have companionship and raise a family. As a result, I've completely cut myself off society and refuse to contribute financially toward it. I don't work and prefer to be a parasite, because I don't want the fruit of my labor to be subsidized and fund single mom's lifestyles. Neetbux for me, and an endless life of fuck prostitutes and vidya.

You might just be saying too much. Being goodlooking is a Godsend, because normal autistic behavior becomes "aloof and mysterious".
You need to be making eye contact (not a creepy amount and smiling, again not a creepy amount).
If you're not consciously aware of what your face is doing, you're probably defaulting to your resting school shooter face like most of us, which is needless to say a complete fucking turn off.

it it happens it will be due to "good luck" It's going to be fate and we will "fall" in love because i'm not going to actively search for it. I have no idea how I even could.

There's nothing fundamentally flawed with the reddit mindset, as much as it's parodied here.
If you were smart, you'd take whatever use you could from Yea Forums, reddit, and any other website or public space you browse.
If improving your life is "reddit", then yes, I wanna be reddit.

classic bait.

don't worry, you are


Define talent then, I think writing a 60 page final thesis and getting an A for it does take more than just hard work

Attached: 1559880995169.jpg (279x312, 19K)

Reddit's flaw is that it's gay, dishonest and overly moderated/censored.
Yea Forums's flaw is that most of the core demographic are delusional and suffer from a plethora of mental illnesses. Pick your poison.

>i'm not going to actively search for it.
You shouldn't just interact with people and get close to them, it will be enough

My little cousins restored my faith in woman. Girls have the potential to grow up into very good people. They just become corrupted.


While I'm sure there's some things I could work on personality wise I really don't feel like the problem is my pick-up skills. I mean even a moderate skill plus them saying I look like Henry Cavill should at least work out to getting laid every now and then. Maybe people are fucking me with? I have a hard time telling when people are being sincere or not and I'm usually on the defensive about it, ever since girls would fake me out in high school.

I wouldn't normally post a picture of myself but I'll will. I don't really like to do this but I'll delete it when I come back from my shower. Just be honest with me.

Attached: IMG_1047.jpg (480x640, 63K)

>i've had the opportunity to have sex
Unless the girl was naked in front of you that's not an opportunity to have sex. I don't know what the fuck you are but best of luck

>60 page thesis

Weak sauce, did that for my bachelors

Yea Forums's only flaw is that there's too many redditors here
good thing they're easy to spot

You are right and everyone should listen to you. How guy acts, his "charisma" is way more important than his looks

Meme all you want, but it's true. At least reddit doesn't worship negativity as a driving force in life. Ideally, you'd have balance between the two extremes, but people are tribalist monkeys in general so.

You look more like Joey Jordison than Henry Cavill, but you're jot band looking at all. Grow a beard and make sure you hair doesn't look oily and gross





You look good. But look at your expression. It looks like you're loading a gun as you're posting.
You're gonna have to spend some time in front of a mirror and work on appearing as less of a hollow shell.
Honestly you should cut your hair like Cavill's and smile more. You're one of the lucky ones that Reddit-tier advice can actually help.

>mfw I was being memed the whole time
You fucking faggot. That was good.
So what should there be more of? A bunch of misanthropes hating every aspect of humanity including each other, and being preoccupied with complaining, no matter what the general topic is? Do you honestly enjoy threads like these?

yeah, I just don't interact with lots of new people. I work full time, people tend to keep to themselves in public. It would have to be when i'm at some event with friends or family which honestly only happens a few times a year unless some unnatural social situation happens.

I was in school for 4 years surrounded by crazy amounts of new people that I would occasionally be forced to interact with for projects and it never happened, so it really seems like it will be a luck thing, and not some inevitable by natural trial and error.

In this photo you don't really look like him, but you are still very good looking


Can't your friends set you up for some cute girl?


>>i've had the opportunity to have sex
>reading comprehension
I just said i've been approached by girls who asked me out but never had one straight up ask me to fuck because i've never even said yes to going on a date after 9th grade. I was refuting his definition of me as a volcel.

I took a direct quote from one of your posts boyo. No need to get snippy. You might just be gay kek

You're imposing some universal movielike narrative to people who genuinely have no chance. There is no "growing up" out of certain issues. Middle class bildungsromans are stories, not realities.

This. Come on guys, we're better than this. Stop giving white people a bad name.



I guess if I asked I could probably get set up with one of their girlfriends friends but they are currently with thots and have been in multiple relationships. it's not impossible one of them would be a virgin too but pretty unlikely.

My roommates were my female cousin and her friend in uni and they had a friend who was still a virgin and they were obsessed with finding her a boyfriend, which they did and they broke up in the summer. Seriously felt like crab dragging down into the bucket type shit. It was like they though she was better than them for being a virgin when they weren't and got pumped and dumped or thought she was a loser for being one and didn't want to be seen as losers by proxy for being her friend.

They were both pretty "basic" though so it might not be an accurate representation of how roasties treat their non virgin friends.

They're both pieces of a puzzle. I think of it as a rollercoaster.
You must be this ____ to ride.
And there are minimums of physical attractiveness and charisma that can be kind of fluid depending on how much of each you have.
But you DO NEED some of each, and having excess looks is always > excess charm.



I'm mad why didn't they sat you two up or why didn't you initiate something with that girl?



So if Obama is black, does that mean Elliot Rodger was Asian?
It would, right?

There are also other things like, bad hygiene can ruin guys looks and attractiveness. I have seen many cases when bad charisma/personality fucked up guys chances and opposite to that made not so "handsome" one very interesting for the girls


There's some truth to lookism, but there's also some truth to the Reddit "BEE YOURSELF TAKE A SHOWER" meme.
Nothing in life is uncomplicated.

I don't know. I never saw her until she already got set up with someone else and just heard them gossiping about it a few weeks before and after summer break heard she got pumped and they got dumped in the summer. I wasn't really in their social circle of friends and didn't have any classes with her. she wasn't out of my league either (although my other roomate and cousins friend who wasn't single was so maybe she just had higher standards for her friend)

The rule of thumb for mixed-race people is--
For pandering purposes:
They are the minority race
For fear-mongering purposes:
They are white


>maybe she just had higher standards for her friend
It's not you, it's your self doubt is talking. If she only had one guy maybe it's worth trying something with her, is she is overall nice and cute?

also living with two pretty basic girls for 4 years was hilariously stereotypical. They were also so nice to each other and would talk massive shit about the other to me when they left the room. My cousin and I would often go home on weekends as we live in the same town and the fucking car rides was a full hour or non stop shit talking about petty nonsense. "this stupid bitch insisted that she can call a pickled egg just a pickle like how am i suppose to know what you mean no one calls them that"

> If she only had one guy maybe it's worth trying something with her, is she is overall nice and cute?
Nigger this was 4 years ago i'm finished school. I don't fucking know who else she's been with or where she is in life.

Maybe they were gay for each other without realizing it? it sounds funny to read but probably was annoying in life

They would cuddle all the time and kiss each other on the cheek/pet each other and talk about how pretty the other is the female meme lesbianism is real. Then they would talk mad shit about the other one to me. They would just rant and I would hardly say anything besides take some lukewarm centrist stance and not along because half the time I didn't have the context to know what the fuck they were talking about.