>let me in i identify as a woman
Let me in i identify as a woman
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine if that was all you had to do.
>STILL can't refute the meme so has to resort to a wall of sarcasm in an attempt to discredit it despite saying absolutely nothing of substance
Because they can't discredit it without discrediting all their bullshit.
>you're just lying because you have ulterior motives
Okay, then trannies are also just making it up. This isn't even a hard sell given that guys like Jon Yaniv is clearly just making it up for the sexual thrill.
>well attack helicopters are a man-made thing, you can't identify as that
Isn't gender a "social construct" that people just make up? Then you can't identify as a woman because it's not "natural." If it is a natural thing, then it's a natural thing based on the genitalia you're born with and not your "feelings" so you still can't identify as a female if you were born with a dick and not a vag.
>well psychologists say you can't be an attack helicopter
And years ago, they said that trannies were just crazy. I think you're on the wrong side of history herp derp.
>you're crazy, this is all a dumb joke
Trannies are crazy and a dumb joke.
That's the perfect example of a good meme vs a liberal meme. Good memes are short and to the point. Liberal memes are shitty because they're a wall of text that tries to cram as many jokes as they possibly can into one image, probably because they hope at least one of their "jokes" will be funny.
reminder that Zane is bald irl and that he wears wigs in movies
The joke is that it's overly long you fucking idiot retard
Not in this movie.
>i-it's supposed to be shit
>it's bad on purpose! that's the joke!
Well, we both agree that it's bad.
It is though
I think the progressive types would abandon that way of thinking if they ever faced a situation like this.
They kill everything they've been pushing so far then
The helicopter meme was never funny
It cuts through the bullshit, which is the point.
what did he mean by this?
This is why you can't meme. Because you're not actually funny. You don't have a sense of humor.
it's a hair piece. look at his hairline.
This kek. /pol/ are such retards who absolutely lack any form of self awereness, its really sad.
he knows
He's based.
Women and children first isnt a strict policy it was a voluntary cuatom of the time
>Lock up the the third class deck
How would a “women and children first” situation with trannies even realistically work? The only reason why women are included in that equation at all is so they can potentially have more babies.
still can't get your balls waxed Yaniv?