I fucked Furio

I fucked Furio.

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She didn't. Which i for one, think is very based.

Furio would have been Furio-in-the-ground, if you get my meaning here.

This, Tony did not deserve her.
>I had feelings for Furio.

Furio could have scored better, this storyline was retarded

It seemed like that had a genuine romantic connection and i think Furio could tell she was a loyle women. In this day and age, what more could you ask for.

She had a great ass and was always very hungry in her kissing scenes.

It's different with men. Men who don't have mistresses are looked down upon in Italian culture. Women though are expected to be faithful.

>Italian culture
Theres a difference between Italian culture and mob culture you stupid fuck

you think mob culture didn't retain a lot of those principles?

Can i just get some macaroni with gravy?

Oh shut the fuck up you're probably some God damned American teenager.

stupida facking american

you sure?

the whore chose the white beta twink at AJ school for the fucking


>t. 1/12 italian amerimutt

She must to loyle to her husband.

Fuck you David Chase I wanted a sex scene with Milfi

there was one in the parking lot stairs

I fuck furiously

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I fucked Ted

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just watch Goodfellas with a snub nosed .22 and when she sticks it in her panties shove yours up your ass while pulling the trigger furiously and masturbating furiously

you will have the best nut
Obviously take out the bullets

Camella milf ass in the kitchen scenes are the best scenes

There was those two hot dream scenes where Tony nails her on her desk and when Milfi rides Tony. Hnng!

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And that scene with her bare ass after Wegler nailed her.

Or leave one in to make it extra exciting

Same. The dream in her office was pretty cool though

Yes. I'm sure.

All kidding aside, that gun in the panties shot was pretty hot. Karen definitely had a gun fetish.

She admits it turned her on after Hendry pistol-whipped that guy, she straddles him in almost a sexual manner when holding him at gunpoint, then later she hides the gun - stored in their 'sexy' drawer - in her panties.

>wank the biscuit meets russian roulette

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Why do fags ruin literally everything.

god i hate when shows try to paint some ugly old lady as being beautiful. i love the show but every small moment that involved carmella's looks i just cant get into it

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also for no Tony brutally torturing and killing the rapist scene

I don't fucking have any more smoke because my dude moved to another state

send help, I seriously fucking need it because I'm disabled and have minimal pleasures in my sedentary life


Italian women are based.

It's a different kind of betrayal brainlet. Tony was physically with other women, but he wasn't emotionally with or attracted to them.
Carmella was not physically with Furio, but she was completely in love with him.

Both are betrayals.


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