Mein Furher
Mein Furher
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sneeder couldn't mobilize enough feed he wasn't able to carry out his chuck
I want to stay only baneposters, maskposters, and JUSTposters.
>That was an ORDER! Steiner's assault was an ORDER!
we agree that the only way forward is Islam
So what was Steiner's order?
Scrap together a few hundred kids, break the entire soviet line on all fronts, push back beyond Moscow and destroy all industrial capacity of the USSR in 6 hours to force the allies to negotiate?
I know Shitler was insane by 43 but how did subordinates rationalise his retardation?
The German counter attacks were working around Berlin by 45 to the east tho i fucking hate what ifs but really it was there only option also downfall is set in 45 the Nazis really didn't start to break till 44
t.history major
>Creeps, Noddles und Umpooto
It is actually hilarious and sad such a good film became such a meme thanks to edits
Hitler was high on meth when he gave that order
Everybody knows that you pathetic retard.
>downfall is set in 45 the Nazis really didn't start to break till 44
means they broke already by the time he gave that order. Fuck you are too stupid to understand your own post. Please for my sake never reply to me again.
>I know Shitler was insane by 43 but how did subordinates rationalise his retardation?
>history major involved a lot of reading and writing
>don't know the difference between there and their
>hitler was a cross dressing faggot who took enough drugs daily to take down an elephant
all of these garbage theories are so sad
Hitler was
>of african descent
>only blessed with one nut
>only had half a penis
>a drug addict
>a tranny
>a muslim
>writing with his left hand
>a manlet
In other words he was everything the lefts describes as a "oppressed minority"
>good guy later revealed to be evil is called "church" "hill"
>villains helper is called himmler
>heros defeat second villain with a deus ex super weapon
>70 year long plot twist
come on now, who wrote this ?
Maybe he listens to history books on tape
>Mein Führer, they do it for free
>I know Shitler was insane by 43 but how did subordinates rationalise his retardation?
Just look at Trump supporters trying to rationalise his every statement
makes sense seeing that white men oppressed him and killed him
>trump is literally hitler
>>a drug addict
>>a muslim
>>a manlet
These are correct though. Albeit pro Islam not muslim
orange man bad
orange man bad
it's just a movie. Hitler was well aware he was losing the war.
Maybe at that time he was aware that he was facing a protracted conflict with the USSR.
Not that he was losing the war.
jajaja siesta
>durrr he's comparing one cult of personality to another therefore he must be calling trump hitler
orange man bad
I agree, were you intending to greentext that or did you just want everyone to know your views on trump?
orange man bad
orange man baf
>I disagree with it so it must be a cult of personality
Literal NPC tier behaviour
I just don't believe an scene like in the movie ever happened. This clearly shows Hitler was calm and collected when discussing warfare with his generals.
Who are you quoting? Go on /ptg/ right now and post something trump has objectively done wrong and see how they try to rationalise it.
He was visiting an ally to assuage them. Throwing tantrums there would be massively counterproductive.
>cultists post carbon copy replies to any criticism of trump
>not a cult
orange man bad!
That was 42
>objectively done wrong
Real smoothbrain hours here.
>no wall
>hillary not locked up
>touched the wailing wall with a kippah on his head
But to name a few. Can't wait to hear your utter cope explanations for these.
>name sounds like "stalling"
>stalled the German advance
I don't see a problem, he sounds like a standard socialist.
Tangerine male wrong!
So a kid used this parody format to turn in a project about some book we were reading in english. I don't remember much but it was one of those cases where you could present it in basically whatever format you wanted. As he was playing it, he was basically snickering to himself and literally no one understood the reference or why he fucking used Hitler for his project. The teacher just goes "uhh.. huh pretty interesting. Was this from like a movie? Why we he talking about X?" and the guy starts stuttering his explanation about how its a famous clip and that he just changed the subtitles a bit.
No idea what grade that guy got, but that's what I assume most 4channelers were like in middle school
Ich habe Ihnen jede Woche meine Zehnägel unter's Müsli gemischt.
so he played all actors by himself?
He was high on meth in hos last days tho,
quite understandable if you ask me