>flawlessly destroys your favorite movie
Flawlessly destroys your favorite movie
>flawlessly rapes your favorite dog
>Flawlessly destroys your dogs anus
he fucks dogs
>talks shit about Citizen Kane, Kurosawa and Lynch
>gets exposed as a brainlet, no taste hack
He advocated fucking dogs
He fucks all the dogs m8.
>sneed automatically derails simpsons threads
>dog meme automatically derails YMS threads
what's next?
What do you want to talk about YMS? He is an idiot who claims that Citizen Kane started narrative structures and that people only pretend to enjoy Kurosawa. He also got lynched. He is not a film critic, he knows nothing about films and film history. He is an ignorant retard who thinks he is better than other people just because he watches new arthouse stuff. His favourite directors are Haneke, McQueen and Inarritu for fucks sake.
I can’t take him seriously after finding out that he’s a furry.
>watching YMS
>”well this movie is bad, I mean it’s before CGI was a thing so how can it be good?”
>taking intensive notes, this guys IQ is so vast I’m barely keeping up
>”uhhh this is unrealistic”
>yes... yes how dare they try and experiment or try and make the film enjoyable... you’re on fire adam!
>as I observe his perfect form, someone managing to look like a skeleton while being fat, looking like a botched tranny and a rapist truck driver simultaneously, I see this as a physical metaphor for the duality in film
>”hold on guys”
>hear whimpering in the background of an animal, and a cage open
>oh no
>loud whining and yelping as I hear adams pinner stretch his dogs asshole apart
>dog is rasping for breath, desperately crying
>I realise I’ve written all this down as analysis notes and have to discard the paper
>”okay guys as I was saying the holy mountain is the best film ever made, next to zootopia”
>turn off the video
Inarritu is a good director
stop raping dogs you evil fuck
No, he is not. Haneke and McQueen are both better. Inarritu is a gimmicky hack.
(dogs cheeks)3 ~c==3
Didn't he end up fucking a pedophile dogfucker?
Did anyone listen to the latest episode of Sardonicast?
He praised Death Proof for having an original and unique narrative structure saying:
>It's very unique - especially in how it's structured - name another movie where the main character gets killed off and is replaced by another cast for the second half of the movie
At first I just thought that he just forgot about Psycho for a second, but I went onto his Letterboxd profile and found out that he had NEVER even watched Psycho, not only that but Vertigo is the only Hitchcock film that he's ever watched in his life.
Did he know the second part was tacked on?
I don't think so
Wow, what a sophisticated canine connoisseur.
Death Proof is quite bad desu.
>Cuckey Jones
What are some kinos where the main protag dies halfway?
Are you surprised? This is a man that thought Citizen Kane invented plot structures for movies
Like how Ralph did a video praising Ran shortly afterwards. Blew Adam the fuck out without starting online drama.
We shouldn´t even be having YMS threads, or any e-celeb threads at all.
psycho, as just mentioned
Most human beings have what is known as “instinct”. This funny little thing allows us to understand that certain things are good and bad. Now it doesn’t qualify everything, and not every instinct is good, but it benefits us in terms of survival. This is a part of a broader category known as epigenetics.
Most people know on an instinctual level that eating rotten food is bad. Now you can say there are actual scientific reasons why eating rotten food is bad, but even a child who doesn’t understand will know not to eat a rotting piece of food because it smells bad.
So when our instincts tell us that fucking dogs and cats is bad, your rhetoric means little to us because we know deep down that you must be missing a part of the human instinct that informs your behavior. Disease, danger, damage to your sexual organs, we all understand these risks on an innate level. If you don’t then you are clearly missing something inside of you.
I’m sorry you were raped by your stepdad or whatever. Or your mom rented out your boyhole to the local pedophile ring. But don’t take it out on us. Thanks.
Sneed's just a small joke in a single Simpsons episode, a tv series that has ran for like 30 years with hundreds of episode. Adam's just one man that makes him viewers, character, etc. intertwined with his film and review stuff, and it's pretty hard to separate the two considering how disgusting he is as a man. Plus it's funnier to meme about Adam because we know for a fact that faggot does, or used, use Yea Forums and gets genuinely pissed off when called out and insulted. He stormed the comments section of a video with like 500 views exposing his stupid views about David Lynch to bitch out the uploader. He's an egotistical prick.
I've never seen Psycho and even I knew that.
I'm liking this copypasta
dunk in donuts successor:
dick in dogs
>Or your mom rented out your boyhole to the local pedophile ring
He's confessed to renting his asshole out himself to porn producers for some money IIRC.
You have to go back
>"And I'm giving this Labrador's anus a 6 out of 10. Maaaaybe a 7, I'll seeeee"
>*the dog begins whimpering in pain and fear*
>"Quiet! QUIET!"
>*Adam begins beating the poor dog whilst shilling Sardonicast*
>"Hmph! A-and one more thing!"
>*Adam kicks the dogs in the ribs and into a dark closet which he closes and locks. As the dog continues whimpering, Adam pants; his grotesquely fat face is red and sweaty*
Dropped his channel when he released his Mad Max: Fury Road quickie.
He complained that the trucks in the movie weren't loud enough, and being able to hear the characters over the cars was a bad thing, contrasting it with the club scene in The Social Network.
Seriously, what actual shit.
what score did he give it?
poodle anus
Jesus fucking Christ, Adam. Sure, the club detail in The Social Network was nice and clever of Fincher... for a based-on-a-true story realistic biopic thing. So fucking autistic to complain about that in a high octane surreal, absurd, borderline comic book thing like Mad Max. What a fucking worthless cunt.
I think like a 7 or 8, maybe. So not a bad score but the whole review sounded nothing but negative.
bloated red faced alcoholic dogfucker
>Complains about realism
>His favorite movie is The Holy Mountain
What is this condition called?
Anons with twitter, start tweeting him this shit right now. The thread, the pastas, all of it. I want to that egotistical cunt REEE.
Cognitive dissonance?
He already browses Yea Forums, he knows
do you think he still browses Yea Forums after all the dogfucking threads?
Yeah I post here all the time.
He totally got out of that relationship and is now collecting animals in a healthy and responsible manner.
When did he say this about Citizen Kane? Was it on Sardonicast?
Is it true that Adam ruined an entire generation of Dogs?
Everytime I see a fursuit I just think of how bad the inside probably smells and how unsanitary it is since they probably can't be cleaned conventionally. Absolute degeneracy
he looks so goddamn fat nowadays, who knew dog semen was so nutritious
you are an evil sick piece of shit, stop raping dogs
Because he literally fucks dogs
It's so weird that he actually looks a bit like a monkey
because he only likes epic french indie movies
>the cinematography was good/bad
>almost never elaborates on why
He and so many other "critics" go on about "muh cinematography" to make it look like they know what they're talking about and its fucking annoying
Humans are apes dude look at your hands
does he elaborate on anything?
he praises or derides the cinematography, lighting, editing, music etc but doesnt say what makes them good or bad
Cause criticism is fucking gay.
old movie bad
new movie good
>muh elaborate
Go watch Mauler then fag, this is a Adamchad thread
rapes dogs
Jesus Christ what a hack.
>It's so weird that he actually looks a bit like a monkey
Not really, all Mumkey/Simian/Tyler does is regurgitate whatever gets thrown at him. He was hearing that he looked like a monkey every day of middle school
Haneke is pretty tip top
>and your dog's asshole
This is the guy who couldn't even get through Eraserhead which is 90 minutes long mind you
He gave it a 6
I can't believe he couldn't be bothered spending two minutes fast forwarding the film back to the point he left off at - extremely pathetic.
what was his name again?
Mauler just nitpicks movie plots and characters. Nothing important
The thing I can't believe is that a film critic wouldn't watch a film in one sitting like it was intended
he was sleepy, ok?
Then why watch the movie?
like every other film
>apocalpyse now a 6 because of technical limitations
>that camera movement when willard is stripped down
who, the dog? that doesn't excuse what he did.
When his lizard dies, he'll kill himself
No, he got cucked by a 15 year old
>Objective criticism
Doesn't exist you brainlet
I Iove how he says he takes an objective approach to criticism, yet he gave Death Proof 9/10, there's no way Death Proof is objectively a 9/10
City of the Dead (1960) is also structured like that, but how the fuck did he not know that about Psycho? Did Ralph or Alex correct him?
no, even though Ralph has watched Psycho; however Ralph did mention Martyrs later on.
*rapes dogs and smokes meth in your path*
>Legit fucks dogs
What's his hot take on midsommar? I feel like he enjoys schlock bullshit like that and pretends it's deep and intricately crafted
no dogs getting fucked/10
That's obvious but has he done a video on it?
7/10, one notable aspect that he enjoyed was the accurate drug use, also he did like the slow-burn.
I wish I was surprised
besides dog fucking Yea Forums really hates him because he's the embodiment of Yea Forums contrarianism
Does he still autistically argue with anyone who dares say that fucking dogs is immoral?
he wishes he had a dog on his dick right now
>When his lizard dies, he'll kill himself
Mumkey is a retard for getting these animals. His audience might be willing to forgive him for the worlds worst rebound relationship. But hurting and possibly killing these animals and then trying to profit it off their misery is gonna be a little different of a reaction
When did he talk shit about Kurosawa or Lynch?
is what people usually post when they talk about the Kurosawa thing, but can anyone confirm that he actually said it?
I stopped watching him like 1 year ago. Where is he now?
I was thinking, you could also say that Dracula uses that structure too with Renfield being the protagonist
I've never seen a clip of the quote in that pic
They're definitely similar, of course Renfield doesn't die at the beginning, and sticks around til the end
Neither have I, and trying to look it up never brings up anything said by him
Asterios is too much of a nice guy, I love him but he doesn't know when to say no
Does anyone really watch review channels I mean like holy fuck make your own god damn opinion of a film
>nice guy
In what world?
Jesus Christ this is more embarrassing than all that dog raping business
my favorite movie was made before 2000 so he probably hasn't seen it
it exists, you brainlet
Why can't he stop being so stubborn and admit he was stupid for not watching movies made before arbitrary date? I did that in middle school, and he's in his fucking 20s. How the fuck can you call yourself a "film critic" when you've seen maybe ten(might be too high of an estimate) films made before 1950?
he unironically supports bestiality
The main reason why I dont watch film channels is because none of them have any good film knowledge
He said he was an advocate of it in a Reddit ama
Your mom derails a train cos she’s so fat.
If he was truly a contrarian, he wouldn't have The Holy Mountain as his favorite film. He also wouldn't have The Lion King in his top 10. He's just a pleb
Place beyond the pines
Attack on Titan
dick in dog
Haneke is cancer
Yea Forums is anti-dog fucking just fyi
No, it literally doesn't.
A lamp for example is objectively bad if it doesn't work, as it fails to do it's main purpose. A movie's purpose is to entertain, which is something that differs from person to person. If just one person likes a film, that already means it can never be objectively bad, because someone is entertained by it and therefore the movie fulfilled it's purpose.
I'm seriously worried that I have to tell you this, this should be regular common sense
Google it you fucking retard. It's the first thing that pops up.
>associated with the cringiest youtube atheist alive
Yikes! Shitty taste confirmed. Into the trash he goes.
RLM was always better anyway.
Ripley was Alien's only protag, though. And she only became that near the end, the rest had no real protag.
Dallas looked like the protag. until he died though
Holy shit will you stop shilling this faggot already?
I can't look at Yea Forums once without at least a thread with this stupid ass face on it
Take your meds fuck
>dog meme
its fact, he fucks dogs
go away adam
>YMS: Your Mutt Sucks(and fucks)
no fucking way holy shit. when did he say this cause thats fucking hilarious
How do people know this? Can you link to him saying/posting something the confirms this?
>ITT Pedophiles mocking other people's terrible fetishes
Ralph is based
the only reason yms stays up is because we're milking him like the lolcow he is now stop raping dogs Adam
can't even meme that his name is "forgettable youtuber #125539"
that's actually embarrassing
I think he has a Google alert on his name because he's always showing up in comment sections and sperging out. He used to hang out with the Amazing Atheist so it doesn't surprise me. Those people are fucking weird and they have some major sexual issues.
he flipped out in a previous thread because i compared liking his reviews to a child believing in santa. lol.
im sure some people just pretend to be him
>t. animal rapist
>I think he has a Google
they all have
>actually got mad at Kevin Hart for not wanting to play gay roles
>went on a tirade about how Kevin Hart was secretly gay
The memes about this guy are true, all of them. He truly is a vile individual.
He really does seem like a miserable individual. Atheism, not even once.
big adam dick in tight little dog(male) cunt
>Oddly enough I found out I as a furry before I ever came to terms with being gay. I've also discovered that the 'furry' part of my sexuality takes priority over gender preference. Like if I had a choice between an attractive human male and a female black panther human hybrid, I'd take the panther chick no questions asked. I came to terms with my preference for males when I realized I only wound up keeping the female pics with other dicks in them... then I realized I was only really looking at the dicks after a while. I was 13 when I found out about my furfaggotry. Not sure what age I came to terms with my male preference, but I didn't wind up working up the courage to be public about it with other people until I was 15.
dogs HATE him
>he's the embodiment of Yea Forums contrarianism
No, that's Armond
>I stopped watching him like 1 year ago. Where is he now?
A hell of his own making. If you have the time or the inclination kiwifarms.net
lost youtube*
broke up with sheep
got together with fan
burnt a lot of bridges
living alone with a cat
speedrunning the lolcow playbook
*has a new one now "simian jimmy"
his non English films are good. birdman is some serious wankery. it has no substantive underlying story and is only held together by the acting and cinematography. i wouldn't say he's a bad director though
is The Revenant good?
daily reminder than YMS (yourmoviesucksdotorg) is a dog rapist
Something about a man fucking a dog.
Art is and always will be entirely subjective. You can go by stupid ass 'objective' criteria but in the end it will all come down to
And even if you go more in detail, it will only be YOUR impression of it.
>all those things I list and that are objectively qualifiable
Why is it bad to fuck dogs?
Why is it bad to fuck your sister (with a condom)?
I want you guys to remember that video where he talks about how fucking your dog is OK as long as the dog gets pleasure from it. Now, replace the word "dog" with the word "kid".
Yeah, the guys is a total fucking scumbag.
The dog won't grow up to regret it.
came here for this.
Why is it so bad to fuck a three year old kid even though they said yes. All degenerates should be killed.
You can't compare dogs with kids, because kids will one day be adults.
It is more fair to compare it with mentally ill people, and would anyone ban people from having sex with retards?
Oh, so now categories matter?
>fucking animals = eating animals
>fucking kids =/= fucking dogs?
way to show your hypocrisy to everyone, m8
it would be fucking kids = eating kids, don't know where your leap of logic comes from
I fail to see any logic between your statement. How are they connected in anyway?
>categories matter, but only when I say they do
Fucking a dog will not have the same mental damage to the dog as fucking a kid would cause the kid.
eating the dog will not have the same mental damage to the dog as fucking the dog.
Says who? The dogfucker? Yeah totally believable.
Yeah, because you killed it.
The dog simply doesn't have the mental capacity to be as damaged.
>The dog simply doesn't have the mental capacity to be as damaged.
So you are saying vegans are full of shit?
T. Dogfucker
I have no idea what vegans say, but probably.
are you even aware of the debate we are having, here?
I thought it was whether it is ok to fuck dogs. And something about eating them being worse.
It was a Sardonicast episode if I remember last time I saw it here.
Adam's stance on dogs is that it is hypocritical to be against fucking dogs when you are eating meat. If you want to debate the concept itself instead, answer this
I would definitely say that being ok with eating animals but not fucking them is hypocritical. I would rather be fucked than killed.
I also don't see any problems with fucking your sister, with or without condom.
no further questions.
Most human beings have what is known as “instinct”. This funny little thing allows us to understand that certain things are good and bad. Now it doesn’t qualify everything, and not every instinct is good, but it benefits us in terms of survival. This is a part of a broader category known as epigenetics.
Most people know on an instinctual level that eating rotten food is bad. Now you can say there are actual scientific reasons why eating rotten food is bad, but even a child who doesn’t understand will know not to eat a rotting piece of food because it smells bad.
So when our instincts tell us that fucking dogs and cats is bad, your rhetoric means little to us because we know deep down that you must be missing a part of the human instinct that informs your behavior. Disease, danger, damage to your sexual organs, we all understand these risks on an innate level. If you don’t then you are clearly missing something inside of you.
I’m sorry you were raped by your stepdad or whatever. Or your mom rented out your boyhole to the local pedophile ring. But don’t take it out on us. Thanks.
I am not adam and I had a perfectly normal childhood.
But nothing in your post said why it should be seen morally bad. I have no idea of what the risk of fucking a dog would be, but those would ultimately be personal. Why should anyone else care if someone damaged their sexual organs.
I also doubt humans have an inherent instinct that fucking dogs would lead to disease danger or damage. At best the instinct would be there to make humans fuck other humans instead for the sake of procreation.