Who will play the Hong Kong protesters in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play the Hong Kong protesters in the inevitable biopic?

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Black people

Letitia Wright

Fucking pepe can be used for everything the ultimate meme

quick rundown on why they are protesting?

They are basically a first world nation being oppressed by third world street shitters

You ever tried living in a communist country?
Like an actual one, not one just with the barely preogressive Obamacare.

New law means they can be be disappeared into mainland China if Beijing thinks they're dissidents.

>tfw no qt frogposting half blind chink gf to protest with

>HK was a British colony, Britain handed it over to China in 97
>part of the agreement was that HK retains its autonomy for 50 years
>china has slowly been eroding that autonomy
>HK government officials must be approved by beijing, there are no public elections
>So no points for guessing whose agenda the HK government supports
>a bill that would allow extradition to china was introduced in parliament
>HK citizens know this means China would be able to take dissidents to the mainland for torture/erasure
>Massive protests, up to 2M people protesting (which is a quarter of the entire country)
>Leader Carrie Lam announces the bill is """dead""" but does not officially withdraw it or do anything with physical consequence
>Protests evolve into general pro democracy anti-china demands
>get ignored for 2 months
>police get more aggressive, immediately defaulting to pepper spray and non-lethal bullets
>this week protestors have been doing sit-ins at the airport, causing mass cancellations for multiple days in a row
>china is starting to threaten them by having their military on standby at the border and releasing ominous threatening propaganda videos implying they could be killed

chapo chud redditors seething

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>>china is starting to threaten them by having their military on standby at the border and releasing ominous threatening propaganda videos implying they could be killed
This will happen anyway. They will slowly disappear never to be seen again.

pepe is and always was of the people

China is barely communist and Hong Kong doesn't have to abide to China's economic system until 2047 anyways

Idris? Is that you?

Barely communist is still communist. It’s worse actually

china is a capitalist country, boomer retard, it's also a totalitarian dictatorship, neither necessarily have anything to do with eachother as it didn't when it was communist

No matter how many of them get killed no Western power will help them.

The extradition law is only for serious crimes, crimes that get you more than 7 years in prison, like murder. It all started when a Hong Kong man killed his gf in Taiwan, stuffed her in a suitcase then escaped to HK. HK and Taiwan don't have an extradition treaty.

Furthermore, the extradition would have to be approved by both the court in HK and China, and the crime has to be a crime in both HK and China. So no, this would not mean that political dissidents would be extradited.

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The point is that Hong Kong still has a different economic system than the mainland.
They're protesting because the mainland is slowly decreasing Hong Kong's autonomy

r/communism is damage controlling full time for Chiner and Chapocucks can't decide where they stand.

Lol, and now China fucks them up and no one can stop them

>Hong Kong doesn't have to abide to China's economic system until 2047
You say that like Hong Kong has a choice in the matter. Their government is already limited to candidates who are pre-approved by China, and China is actively working to transition Hong Kong to be fully absorbed into their dictatorship before the 50 years have passed. They're protesting because they're not blind to that.

I blame the brits for this. They should've just given Hong Kong independence instead of handing them over to China.

Hong Kong's courts are pro-beijing, as is the government. If China wanted to extradite a dissident, they would do as they're told. Even without the extradition laws China has a history of erasing people who have produced anti-china material.

t. Zhang Wei Fang

I blame us for this too. We should be putting our military on standby off the coast of Hong Kong in case China invades.
Instead all I'm hearing about is muh EU.

Is there anything more pathetic than chinese people who defend their totalitarian government lmao

The West in general has been weak on this and let them take advantage for far too long. At least China does a good job pissing everyone off that even Dems and libs finally acknowledge that they need to be contained despite criticizing Drumpf for addressing an issue that should've been addressed way earlier.

>Caring about reddit
please go back there

We don't know how China will be like in 30 years. I don't know if it can continue on a hard line authoritarian path without some backlash, whether domestic or international, eventually.
Hong Kong was legally held as a 99 yesr lease starting in 1898. Also Britain was one of the first countries to recognize the PRC over Taiwan as the official representative of China in the UN.

>leftshits and commie sympathizers spamming /pol/ and thedonald incessantly with screencaps including since 2015
You faggots really hate being consistent

Go back no randy reddit

>t. chapo chud

Hong Kong is universally recognized as part of China. No politician would support that.

Supporting Taiwan against China is a different story however.

America only intervenes if it's profitable. Human rights for Chinese slave labour = bad for business.

Just because you go on r/drama does not make you any less of a faggot redditor go back there

>Just because you go on r/drama
>caring about reddit
please go back there

kek chapocel confirmed

>Didn't catch your name.
> ... Call me Frog.
>"Frog?" Like Frog Plissken? Heard you were dead.

redditor confirmed please return

>the chapocel is having a mental breakdown over people rejecting communism for the millionth time

when the good guy turns out to be a villain

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Don't use Yea Forums memes you simp

It's an autonomous region which is under attack from China.

you leftshits are the worst group of subhumans on earth, you literally did exactly the same shit that you're whining about, and again this is an inherent tactic with you faggots

And you just can't help it, have sex.

wtf i love chinks now

please go back to r eddit and be with your kind

What does kwab stand for ?

Why are hong kong boomers, who have mostly lived under british rule, the ones who support china the most?

he has been a pro mainland for a long time, ever since Hong Kong kino died and he had to move on to china.

Would you like to explain this? By your own standard you have to go back

Reminds me of all those pro european actors in britain

Damn, this finna make euroeddits seethe

What? I don't use reddit I know of r/drama because faggots have linked things before

Finna make me nigger

white people left
now savages are on their own fucking shit up

> relativist calling people redditors

Chinese being Jews as usual

You fucking brainlet. Jesus leftshitters are awful. I wonder if you're genuinely this dense or know what you're doing when you do it. Very hard to tell these days.


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Read a book redditor

I told you they was finna seethe!

Why do you hate whites?

>British colonization was BAD!
>WTF why did Britain give Hongkong back

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I don't care for that debate but it's a difference between giving a cunt their independence and handing them over to an authoritarian state.

I'm not a leftist you redditor

Has anyone ever seen the videos of tanks running people over at Tianemmen Square? Imagine squishing a tube of red toothpaste out

2 lies in 1
which amusingly confirms your status as leftist redditor, doubly so since leftists cannot help but project


ah yes, a redd/int/or

back to re ddit now buddy

Hey you know what, I like you, I too call them redd/int/. Maybe you even got that term from me.

the have western colonized value so colonization was good and they don't want to lose it

this is the only problem

Just like China is moving in the military, even though they're not... but they COULD!

Just like China is about to massacre the protestors, even though they're not... but they COULD!

Stop eating propaganda. Isn't it funny how 3 years ago China was being praised an "emerging market"? Hollywood was putting Chinese people into movies to make them appeal to the Chinese rising middle class. But now, that there's a trade war between China and US, China is suddenly this evil, oriental empire that is sterilising 56yo women (lol) and pepper spraying protestors. Even though in the West protestors get beaten on the reg for protesting things like climate change or cops murdering young black kids for wearing hoodies.


Can’t be because I came up with it.

Go back to r/drama batty reddit boy

>yfw you shit up the thread by calling people redditors

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this is trumps fault


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>China was being praised
Who cares about what the lugenpresse says, NPC? I don’t need Rupert Murdoch to tell me Chinks are subhuman.

Jackie turned into a "patriot" after he was offered a place in the commie parliament

Only redditors think calling people redditors is bad, redditor.

lol I can't even see your silly ching chong letters

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-14 (0) tv - Who will play the Hong Kong protesters in the inev - Television Film (391x88, 6K)

China can't produce kino. All of their movies are completely shit and boomers are literally retarded scum.

we got a redditor folks!

A shame because he made all his best films while the Hong Kong movie industry was under British control, now he just can't capture that same kino factor.

Say no more basedfriend, I got you covered

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Just checked the archive and there has been some very rare usage going back to 2013, first being a Mexican. Either way it's actually good to know that there are others aware of the fact that /int/ is super reddit.

China has literal concentration camps running right now to recondition religious people. They have a history of silencing dissidents, even outright murdering them. It's not a matter of "could", they do.
Defending the chinese government is pathetic


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>China is suddenly this evil, oriental empire
The year 1997 has arrived. A herd of fuckin' ugly reds. are rushing from the mainland.

Crime rate skyrockeded! Hongkong is ruined! Therefore, the Hongkong government called Bruce Lee's relative "Chin" for the massacre of the reds. Chin is a killer machine. Wipe out all 1.2 billion of the red communists!

However, in mainland China there was a secret project in progress! A project to transform the deceased Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon!