What's this guy's deal in recent years?
Why is he acting super depressed and nihilistic?
What's this guy's deal in recent years?
Why is he acting super depressed and nihilistic?
He killed his girlfriend or something. He's been nuts since the 90s though, he was just better at hiding it
usually people who play big characters all the time lose their actual identity and they go all crazy.
Same thing happened to Peter Sellers
>He killed his girlfriend or something.
I'm not familiar with this. Can you give me the known details?
He allegedly lied to her about not having STDs, was a major abusive dickhead, and it was alleged he gave her the drugs to kill herself.
Do a google search for this. He is a legit maniac piece of shit.
He's legitemately insane. If he wasn't famous he would be in a mental ward by now.
>tfw you find out one of your favourite actors is a nutjob anti vaxxer
He joined a cult called landmark worldwide. Listen to his interviews, it's right out of their playbook.
How long until he Robin Williams'd?
His whole hyper funnyman shtick that he was always typecasted as wasn't acting. All that over the top Ace Ventura/Mask hyperactivity? Watch it knowing he's blasted off his mind on coke. Like Chris Farley, he can't just stop doing coke, he wouldn't have the same personality that people found entertaining. And you don't live that long on stim abuse without fucking your brain up in a massive way.
How insane is he? What kind of crazy stuff?
I read that she was the crazy one who was flipping out when he broke up with her and she offed herself with drugs.
"Allegedly", but also, not really. It sounds more like her scumbag ex boyfriend and her mother saw dollar signs, so they schemed to sue Carrey. Obviously, nothing came from it because it was all bullshit.
A few years. But I think he'd kill a few people before he does it. Not just quietly in a room like Williams.
I don't really get caught up on stuff like that. Sure it sucks for their kids but what can you do.
It's all an act for his ex girlfriend dying. If he were to get in legal trouble for that as well as some skeletons coming out of the closet, he could claim insanity in the courts.
I think he legitimately has bipolar disorder. He always seemed to have high and lows, but it got real bad after splitting with Jenna McCarthy. Now he's on some pseudo-philosophical kick, probably influenced by delusions.
He'll be fine...
killed his girlfriend (maybe others), ran a cocaine smuggling ring, regularly beat his assistant, tried to jump off a bridge in 92’
le ebin tortured genius has always been an easy escape for narcissists, he was great long ago when he was insecure, but at some point he got praised too much and became sloppy with his work
This is ridiculous lol
he is a piece of shit, but all the ex-gf stuff seems to be just her family trying to milk him out of some money and it seems she was just as crazy as him, not just some poor innocent girl corrupted by hollywood elite man
Bipolar disorder.
He has this weird philosophy about geometric shapes and nothing actually existed. He talks about it in an interview and it's been too long ago for me to remember. I don't think he's the only guy that's into it though. He's probably just depressed and reads too much mystic/conspiracy shit.
Just a note that the whole herpes story was completely made up. The ex girlfriend just said it to ruin his reputation m. He took a STD test and was clean to prove it in court.
it’s true. his best friend was a berlin assassin
Just look for an old news article with his txt messages to his now dead gf its a goldmine
Something I remember is his gf txting him a bunch of "you dont love me" blah blah girly crap and Jim responds:
>long pause...
>have you thought about my cock today?
>nothing to live for
>hasnt acted in a movie in decades
>wife an heroed
>does drugs alone in his house and paints
He's a neet that's why he's acting like us almost.
Sounds based to me
>gf tries to bury you in guilt
>completely ignore whatever she says and ask her about your dick
Based ball throw man
petter sellers lived through the war, the goon show and his sense of humor only gets made by people who have seen how ridiculous people and life really are. jim carrey is a big spoilt hollywood baby, he couldn't make something like the goon show if his life depended on it.
>>hasnt acted in a movie in decades
imagine having to direct that retard, the only reason to do it is if you want to sell it as a tortured genius playing a role or some bullshit like that but in the current environment why do that when you can just copy some comic book instead and nobody cares about washed up stars anymore
If you watch the MAN ON THE MOON documentary on netflix about his movie
You see how insane ans wacko he is behind the camera.
Even our guy danny devito was rolling his eyes and thinking he was a douche at his "method acting" 20 years ago.
That documentary shows you the real jim carrey. The crazy bipolar jim.
t. Jim Carrey
Don't be ridiculous. Jim Carrey is a millionaire actor. Why would he ever waste his time on a website like this? Besides, he doesn't need to defend myself when the evidence speaks volumes.
Everyone wants him to play the funny guy, nobody asks Jim how he's really doing and he doesn't seem a people person because of that. He enjoys art a lot, so he seems quite introvert.
He made a mistake in hooking up with a girl much younger, with no experience in life and who never had a lot of money nor worked for it. So to her he was the best she could get, she would never top this ever in her life cause Jim gave her a lot of money. Their relationship was very toxic, he was basically dating a child who couldn't behave like an adult specially not now that he put her from rags to riches. There was drugs involved, nasty sex, some std's etc. At some point it turned toxic enough that they started to fight and Jim broke it off. She, realizing everything would be gone, went completely psycho, stalked him and said she would kill herself which she eventually did. Jim paid for her funeral and has never been the same since and yet everyone wants him to be THAT funny guy of the 90s.
fuck off jim the world doesn't revolve around you.
Adding Jim wasn't very stable to begin with also, like almost every Hollywood star he's on coke and whatever his money can buy.
Watch some of his interviews from the 90s. He's always been that way.
>some std's etc
he got cleared about the std stuff, so she must have gotten them somewhere else
>oh hes he mistreated a vagina!!!
Fuck off back to tumblreddit
you're a fucking idiot, fuck your stupid whore mother for having you.
drown yourself
it's what your father should have done
hoes mad bois
Tick tock roastie. You only have a couple of years, before your eggs dry up
Have babies
He's convinced a blue hedgehog is out to get him so he's built an army of robots to fight it.
Why do foids promote infanticide?
>muh MONEY
Nope, Jim Carrey has proven himself to be an unstable mess, and with the Epstein shit it's obvious that celebrities get away with a lot of shit behind closed doors.
getting old has those effects, don't get old anons
Jim Carrey is an STD riddled faggot that killed his girlfriend
Yeah she was crazy too, but what do you expect? like attracts like.
>cleared on the STD stuff
Just like Epstein was cleared on the pedo stuff years ago.
drown me bbe, drown me in your fluids oooohhhhh yeeeeeaaaaaaa bbbeeeeeeee
He sold his soul and now he regrets it.
Everything Jim says makes complete sense to me. But then again I went insane a few years back. I believe in vaccines tho, because I am not stupid.
Because Jim Carrey was a personality. Now he's show his true side. A faggot maniac.
She killed herself because she was a selfish little skank. Unless he literally fed her the drugs or injected her or whatever then shut the fuck up.
He would have been better off if he died in like 1998. He would have gone out a legend and left everyone guessing how great he could have been if he had more time. Instead he’s just gone down every single year since, now he’s just some deranged freak
The problem with american vaccines os that they are adding shit that makes you sick
Just like american food has shit to make you sick....
Other countries dont have the autism, diabetes or obesity sickness that america does.
Vaccines in general are wonderful but our gov is definitely adding bad shit to it and to food
Diabetes and obesity comes from eating like a fucking idiot. Other countries have autism too.
he wasn't cleared, he was basically pardoned and got a low plea bargain
Are you a femoid by any chance? Only they can beleve anti vaxx stuff. Literally just read up on how vaccines work. You can even look up their individual components. But I guess its easier to take aunt karen's word on it.
Somebody stopped him
It isnt just eating like an idiot
Even our vegetables taste different. They literally taste different.
My grandma used to make this delivious soup in italy. Has made it for 50 years.
She visited us in USA, we got the exact ingredients ( but american) made the exact soup
Tasted like shit. No one liked it. She felt sad. No, shes not senile, she didnt overcook it. No. I know what you are gonna say.
She made it a few months later in italy wjen i visited and it was as delicious as ever.
The tomatoes in italy tasted different. The chicken felt different.
Everything was much more rich in flavor,even raw vegetables were very different
America does something to the food. They damage it somehow. Monsanto gucks with the food.
You have to be retarded to deny it.
The person who smiles the brightest...
Trump derangement syndrome
Pretty much this. Jim was always nuts, but the PR around him managed to hide that fact for decades.
He was passed up for the role in Son of the mask
Im not a roastie but i see the effects of american living compared to other places.
America tends to make people sicker than most cities.
It is not just lifedtyle. It isnt eating habits.
Our water is polluted. Our foods are different
What about the opioid crisis? What about the big pharma making everyone sick?
As for the ingredients in vaccines, do you honestly believe the jews would tell you if they fucked with the vaccines?
Im not anti-vac. I would just vaccinate my kids in canada or mexico if i could or something
I would definitely not wanna vaccinate my kids in america
Its called transgenics in vegetables and hormones in meat.
Tomatoes are huge and without taste. Chickens are huge but not zesty.
Buy organic
He hangs around cultist Jordan Flesher in Los Angeles.
Would like to see a new drama movie starring Jim. Redemption arc etc
>celebrity shooter
>possibly celebtiry targets
The only way to outmeme the Kebab Remover.
>But then again I went insane a few years back.
Sounds Preto chill
Heavy lies the crown upon the king of the rumba beat
title? I found one called jim & andy, but doesn't look like it fits your description
Well yeah, GMOs are different from homegrown stuff and veggies you might find at a local farmer's market. They're also sprayed with all kinds of shit to meet certain standards. Americans tend not to buy tomatoes that aren't red enough, for example, even though certain breeds don't actually reach the desired level of redness, so they get sprayed with chemicals that change their coloring.
It's easy to believe Jim Carrey wouldn't kill his girlfriend, but that public perception is exactly why he could likely get away with it. I'm not saying he did it but if someday it comes out that he did, I wouldn't be surprised.
Had a bad DMT trip
Do you people think becoming rich and famously just automatically turns people into pedophile rapists?
dude everybody a suspect like whooa the government mannn
Criminally underrated
because he's super depressed and nihilistic
You're retarded and I unironically hope bad things happen to you today for being such a shit sucking retard.
jim carrey started watching sam hyde and started to imitate his act, 24/7.
Even Jerry The King Lawler thought he was too much and his entire job is making crowds mad at him.
what's that?
should be Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond, but may have been removed from the internet by the elite
He probably became aware of his imminent death in the next 20-30 years and cant handle it
He's took advice from Patton Oswalt.
Carrey buying and taking acid at this point in his life is just hilarious