Western civilization summed up in one single webm
Western civilization summed up in one single webm
I don't get it... they are teaching recycling?
no retard this is why we aren't living in space yet
Put them back in Africa. Problem solved.
This webm enrages me to no end. I wish I had a story behind besides my own headcannon of niggers gonna nig.
This is what Hong Kong is right now, the niggers represent the """protesters""" destroying the city while the regular folks and the police (the white guy) cleaning up their mess.
Is he trying to get machete'd or does he this that at some point they'll go "wait, oh he's right guys!"?
kys chink
smoothest segway of them all, chink bot
Tiananmen square massacre
I think they are cleaners on strike and wont allow people to use the bin.
sorry, Chang, nothin' personnel but...
It was part of some campus protest, and a white guy was picking up some trash. Then the sheboons saw that a white guy was doing something positive, so they had to stop it. There's an article detailing the insanity:
>But here’s the rub, at least for me, and why watching that clip now makes me uncomfortable. You can’t escape the fact that although he has said, and certainly believes, that he was trying to “set a good example”, Eckhard Binding was actually weaponising something as simple as litter as a passive-aggressive act of provocation (please bear with me here, and read till the end if you’re now feeling angry).
>Here was a group of people engaged in a protest, and feeling confident, rightly or wrongly, of the merits of their cause. And here, in the middle of it all, along comes a white guy who starts cleaning up their statement of dissatisfaction (which is what the litter meant to them) right in front of them.
>I imagine that when he picked up his first bit of litter and tossed it in the bin, the EFF women just tossed it out instinctively as a rejection of what he was trying to do, which may have come across as trying to seem like the superior person … the “better man”.
>And then he did it again.
>Well, they couldn’t back down now, surely. So they tossed it out again. And he picked it up, again. And they tossed it out, again. And so the pantomime played itself out rather absurdly, with neither “side” willing to back down. I’m not sure how it all ended, and I really don’t care.
That video and that article defending it are perfect examples why we will never have peace in this country and why diversity is not a strength
Hahahaha cuckold pigskins being submissive as usual
the smug, passive aggressive attitude radiating from those niggers makes me want to smash their ugly heads in
>helping out society by volunteering to do stuff for free
Its a white thing, you wouldn't understand
Kek, saved under 'white privilege'.
In our country we did the opposite, we tied the cleanliness of the minority areas to their gibs. Problem solved in half a year.
Political student protestors in South Africa being niggers basically. The same people who are burning white farms and shit
clean it up, whitoid
You mean thenprotesters that are putting up British and US flags and leftshits that screech that someone doesn't like their paradise of equality and socialist justice?
Athletic prowess hasn't helped you out of the mud huts, we did Jamal.
big yikes
Whites empathy will be their downfall
Those are Brits, aren't they? Because they can't fight for shit.
Problem, Bernie?
This actually does serve to illustrate well why the socialist/big government establishment loves niggers and degenerate misfits of all races. Because they create problems, which means that government bodies have an excuse to grab tax dollars in order to 'fix' those problems. It gives government a reason to justify its own existence: cleaning up the mess caused by niggers.
This situation will only get worse.
What country is that? I want to move there.