Rate the batsuit aesthetics

rate the batsuit aesthetics
Bale = Keaton > Kilmer > power gap > Affleck = Clooney
does anyone actually like the Affleck suit?
am I the only one who thinks he looks like a slobby cosplayer? Why the small ears? Batman? more like Batcuck

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Returns > TDK/TDKR > Begins > 89 > Batfleck > Clooney > Kilmer

holy fucking plebs robin.
batflecks is far better than any of the other batsuits its so fucking far its not even a question

This, what the fuck is wrong with the rest of you?

>does anyone actually like the Affleck suit?
To no one's surprise, OP is a flaming faggot once again. Here's the real Batsuit power ranking:
BvS Affleck > JL Affleck > Begins Bale > Keaton > TDK/TDKR Bale >>>> Kilmer >>>>>>>> Clooney

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BvS Affleck is kino suit but of course a reddit refugee like yourself can't see this.


>Batfleck suit that low
>Shitty tacticool Bale suit that high

Batman beyond wheeennn ????

Attached: batmans-3.jpg (3765x900, 624K)

based pattinson's suit is gonna be the best

no batnipples = no good


>WTF leaves out the most iconic suit.

West >>>> all the rest

Attached: BestBatsuit.jpg (990x600, 67K)

Based and redpilled

Exactly this.

Why does the suit have a rigid neck usually? I've never seen batman get his throat slashed at or need any protection. Why not just have a helmet and armour, with cloth covering the neck?

Fat bat on his chest


Best suit ITT. Its realistic (it has night vision goggles) and its looks cool - and actor doesnt need to wear silly eyeliner.

Attached: Night Owl.jpg (1280x593, 95K)

This, it is an actually functional suit that lets him turn his head properly and doesn't make him move like he has a stick up his ass.

They ruined the suit in JL, but the only improvement that could possibly be done to the BvS suit would be a yellow belt. Otherwise it's perfect.

those adam west batmans are peak capekino. you just can't argue that. they're so comfy.

This. And Bale's is unequivocally the absolute worst. All the rest are in between somewhere.

Keaton's is the most iconic while still looking tough!!!FACT!!!

If they had made the entire mask one piece, the same color all around and got rid of those stupid fucking lines on the face West's costume would have been GOAT!!!FACT!!!

Affleck's Batman suit is puffy and overproduced. I like the Begins suit when its kept in good lighting.

Begins > TDK > Returns > Forever > West > 89 > Affleck > B&R.

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