Do you even know how gravity works? Explain it now, three seconds

Do you even know how gravity works? Explain it now, three seconds.

Attached: zack.png (641x348, 351K)

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Everything with mass has massless particles called gravitons and these particles cause a pull. The total mass of the earth has a bigger pull than the things on it as it has a larger mass so we gravitate towards the earth.

I miss /kotn/

Like magnets but with weight instead of magnetism

Magic Earth science that Isaac Shakespeare invented

That "gravitons" explanation sounds like midichlorian bullshit to me

that's crazy... have you ever tried DMT?

Gravity is only a theory


Big shit pulls other shit towards it on the basis of its bigness

Attached: kotn names.png (900x547, 846K)
Was it kino?

Attached: curtis.png (457x488, 206K)

Im glad he did. We lost so many good people floating into space

It was always interesting seeing these genuine nerds be mixed with the more modern, trendy "nerds" in this show. Not sure where to classify Virgil, though.

Fuck, is this what boomer Yea Forums used to watch? Thank God for Sneed.

The idea of a massless particle sounds bullshit to me as well user.

No intoxicants are haram.

>DMT is haram
hope you don't have dreams then or Allah is gonna be pissed

Based and sunnapilled

Spare us your sophistry kafir


>No intoxicants are haram.
based muslim retard and his shitty punctuation

> make a post just to show how much you’re seething

2 things fall at the same time.

A planet/star is like a bowling ball sitting on a stretched out blanket
Mass causes curvature in spacetime itself, the more mass the bigger the depressing or well it makes in the blanket

It’s magic

Where you too busy buggering a boy to use correct punctuation, Mohammad?

It’s like elastic

that was epic for the win

The Earth also gravitates towards us, the effect is just so insignificant that its negligible.

earth is flat so things that go up fall back down ti the plane

Gravity are waves like ocean keeping the black man down

Based retard

look into it

Well it works like this, imagine you got a piece of paper. You fold it, and stick a pen through it.

I hated the show when it came out but now I wish there was more shit like it on TV so i can watch montages

>still thinking relative

I can't fucking find that specific clip, it's infuriating