Which is more kino? Movies set in New York or movies set in Los Angeles?

Which is more kino? Movies set in New York or movies set in Los Angeles?

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LA obviously

New York, most definitely.


movies set in Paris, Texas

San Francisco

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That's pretty much the same as LA, tho.


LA for sure.


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Just off the top of my head LA has produced the most kino
>The Big Lebowski

New York
>Taxi Driver

New York is overplayed. I get sick of that urban beat every time someone visits Brooklyn. Also New Yorkers accents are fucking annoying.

yikes, newfag

Movies set in Utah

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Goodfellas? Annie Hall? Escape from New York? The list goes on...

1970s/1920s New York has a great atmosphere for movie making. 1940s, 1960s and 1990s LA are just as good. 1930s for Chicago and 1980s for DC. Outside of those specific time periods I don't feel like they add anything special beyond being the appropriate setting for your film.

The decay if 1970s New York makes a great compliment for any depressing story. Crime was at an all time high and the city itself was just dirty and nasty as fuck.

they're all filmed in vancouver regardless

80s LA otherwise NY


Good Time was the last good New York movie


every mafia movie that doesn't take place in Chicago or Vegas
Escape from NY
King Kong
Wall st movies
The Warriors
Dubs man and
Breakin 2 Electric boogaloo

All those are overrated movies user


One Upon a Time in America. Title basically conflates NYC with America itself.

pleb filtered

Los Angeles for buddy cop, action movies.
NY for destroying-all movies.


NYC is more iconic visually. LA looks fairly generic in most areas

we all know its NY, cmon. LA is almost always just an endless backdrop of suburban homes and palm trees. It lends itself well to mystery and cop dramas because of how enormous and decentralised it is, but NY has a story to tell and has centuries of history that LA absolutely doesn't.

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based and wimpilled

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Based and cocaine in pillform

LA looks like a hellscape

The objectively best movie of all time is set in Los Angeles, so Los Angeles.

Pretty much this

depends if the movie wants to be dark and ugly, otherwise LA

Citizen Kane?

new york, easily. it's actually beyond me how even westcoast mongrels could deny this

facts. aside from a bunch of roads and Venice beach, can anyone name an LA landmark? bel air doesn't count its fucking boring

>not American
Opinion discarded

Hollywood sign, Walk of Fame, Santa Monica Pier, Mulholland Drive

Spiderman could never be a hero in LA.
He needs the new york buildings to move around
New york wins.

Plus movies like men in black would look like shit in LA. And LA is full of gangs and spics. LA is trashy.
New york is fancier as a location

The Hollywood sign?
Hollywood blvd?
That tunnel downtown that everything is filmed in (I used to walk through it on my way to work everyday)

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I wish there were more films set in San Francisco. Looks pretty comfy to live there, if you have the money.

Both cities look like hellholes, but LA seems worse. Like you can get murdered at any time, and nobody will give a fuck.
Even in a colorful musical romance like La La Land it looked soulless.
I wanted to visit SF because it looked nice and comfy in movies from the 50's, 60's, 70's. But not anymore.
I don't think I'll ever go to the US.

You base your judgement of cities on fictional movies that you’ve watched?

I just watched this last night. Such a beautiful movie. Masterful use of color.

im austrian-american, born in brooklyn but grew up in vienna

literally almost all roads. thanks for proving my point. and Hollywood sign is trash, way smaller than you'd think, Santa Monica pier is ok at best, walk of fame is cancer and Mulholland drive is literally nothing

Neither. The "culture" of these degenerate hellholes is so fucking tired. Make a movie about somewhere new.


there is plenty of diversity in scripts involving the LA area.

NY is just dude hells kitchen gangsters lmao.

Victorville, clearly

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Boston is even worse

absolute kino

I'd say 90s LA, 80s NY is kino

home alone 2

LA is very uncomfy for non-americans.

so a sign and some roads. cool. great city.

Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, Once Upon A Time In America, Mean Streets are all the same script? fuck off you absolute mongrel

nobody here likes LA either, especially people who live there


no he means the ending scene in paul blart mall cop 2

What happened during the 70's?

NYC is chock full of spics too.

LA is an aggressively ugly shit hole. NY is way more kino.

>new york in the past

>present day LA

Neither both settings are overused and Flick tier.

Holy fuck kill yourself reddit

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80’s Miami


My man. Pittsburgh is an underrated film city.

forreal lol "hur dur name a movie as good as fucking HEAT set in New York" I hope you can still wipe the drool off your keyboard after typing that

>present day LA
Imagine having this garbage opinion kek

Blade Runner takes place in LA, sorry NY fags

nothing about the world of Blade Runner bears any connection with the city of Los Angeles aside from the name.

Are you pretending any of those movies are better than mediocre