The "strong woman" propaganda in media sometimes breaks the immersion for me.
The "strong woman" propaganda in media sometimes breaks the immersion for me
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I miss women
have sex
I don't want to have sex I want to watch Yea Forums.
I'm not usually bothered by stuff like this but this episode directly lead to me dropping the show. It wasn't on purpose but this scene made me roll my eyes so hard I decided to watch something else and come back to finish it later and I still haven't. That was months ago.
>She's not alone
Fucking cringe. Watching Avengers right now, and it just pulls you straight out of the movie.
I swear if they could just axe the 2 on the left..... Especially the far left. And bring back Season 1 Polly
>Polly is the "strong woman" character
>fucks up repeatedly, gets Tommeh's head caved in for narcing to a priest
WHAT did the Peaky Blinders writing staff mean by this?
The season 1 climax was two gangs lining up 15 feet apart to shoot each other
>not using the street as a chokepoint
>not making any barricades
>not keeping the lewis gun at a high vantage point
>tommy fires a single round and kills the bad guy and somehow noone else squeezes their trigger in response
fuck this show
Exactly where I dropped the show.
All that build up for nothing
Same here, and I was surprised that my mother and my little sister felt the same way. Normally they don't mind that shit.
have sex
Have sex
I'm pretty sure suffragettes were a thing back then so I don't see why.
This was so ridiculous
Don't be weak. Think critically. Not all films or shows with leading women are trash. Recently, I've enjoyed Annihilation and Big Little Lies (mostly season 1). Also there's Alien (my fav movie of all time.) But I do hate shitty films, whether the leading character is male or female. It's about how you tell the story.
Stop consuming media.
Problem solved.
Same. The fucking smirk makes me cringe every time.
How is the OP propaganda though when it actually happened? Women were second class citizens in 1920's England till they won there right to vote, they still weren't allowed into Parliament till nearly the 30's.
It would have been better for everyone if they never get the right to vote.
That is your opinion.
Achieve professional success.
Why would someone go on the internet and just make shit up.