R8 h8 mastrb8

r8 h8 mastrb8

Attached: davidlean.jpg (728x868, 104K)

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They're all good. It's the people who hypervenerate them to look sophisticated or substitute their lack of character it's what's pathetic.

Middle > Top > Bottom. Though all three are absolute masterpieces. I don't think I've ever met anyone (male) who didn't agree with that order. Though I have met some females who liked Zhivago and hated the other two to the point of not even finishing them.

Agree, albeit Kwai is more relaxed viewing. Easier to put that on at anytime when relaxing and enjoying yourself, especially when the stealth mission into the jungle begins.

*blocks your path*

Attached: 740full-ryan's-daughter----------------------------------(1970)-screenshot.jpg (715x318, 18K)

underrated though the first half is shit

Attached: MV5BMDIxMGJkOTUtNGI0ZS00MDcyLWJjOWMtZGU5MTU5MGUzM2M1L2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc1NTYyMjg@._V1 (936x1422, 1.15M)

Bridge punches harder emotionally for me.
Masterpieces all of them, nonetheless.

movie names?

The Bridge on the River Kwai
Laurence of Arabia
Doctor Zhivago

Didn't this trigger the paddies because they were portraye as less than perfect and the English guy a good and erudite man that colonised the Irish girl's potato patch? Hah, get fucked you bog trotting potato wogs.

I mean Lawrence

Jesus Christ, user. You should at least be able to infer what the middle one is. It's a classic, not obscure arthouse. I'm a zoomfag too so you got no excuse.

>a wild Irishman appears
David wtf?

Attached: ryans.jpg (700x322, 108K)


>mfw pretentious faggots can actually watch these old garbage movies
>piss poor sound
>theater acting
>even if MUH cinematography can be quite nice it's still fake lame sets that look like shit
You are fags, watch real movies.
>inb4 y-yeah, well y-you like capeshit
No, and fucking cope.

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>loses its soul after the restoration

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>Some of the most acclaimed and highest grossing films of all time for 50+ years
>Only pretentious people like it
Poor zoomer

We get it dude, you are a capeshit hating zoomer

Adam, you need to stop fucking dogs

>taking the bait
You are worse than him.

how can I watch the one on the left?

>most acclaimed and highest grossing films
>the opinion of kike-pedos matter
Have just one original thought in your life, please. It will do you good.
Didn't I say inb4, thought I was clear.
Just goes to show what pretentious faggots watch these movies.
>Do you actually have any thoughts of your own?
>h-haha, Citizen Kane is the best, you must like Avengers Enders Game

Attached: kenan.gif (240x266, 3.86M)

>lot liking shit acing in bad movies from 50 years ago
>muh bait
The fucking state of this site.


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I realise this is a daft question, but how do people watch masterpieces like these?

DVD? bluray? criterion? how big a tv do I need?

I've heard a lot of people say that the new editions of old classics ruin the colours etc.

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

Won't give you a (You), but good job with your bait.

I torrent and watch them on my laptop

Zhivago is godtier on scale greater than even Laurence and Kwai.
>t. male

>I've heard a lot of people say that the new editions of old classics ruin the colours etc.
Depends. People like James Cameron has in the past gone over his older films like Alien and The Abyss and added a blue tint to the whole thing for no good reason other that it looks more "contemporary"
I dont know, he had a thing for the color blue for a while. Blue filter, blue water, blue space indians.

Then you have certain remaster like most recent 4K remaster of The Good The Bad And The Ugly that just fucks with the color temperature, boost reds and yellows (to make it look more deserty I guess)

With films like Lawrence of Arabia, it's more a matter of people having gotten used to the faded colors (usually blue) of copies of the master which has been used for VHS and DVD releases and they use that as a standard for some reason.

People like their old films to look old, they dont want them to look like they did on the day they were released, they want them to look like they've been on a shelf in storage for 45 years.
I think that's what it comes down to.

As far as I've seen, the Lean remasters stay pretty faithfull.

>tfw discovered yesterday that Lean wrote and planned to direct a two-part mega epic on the Mutiny on the Bounty but the project got pulled
>he called it the best script he ever wrote
>probably would've been his magnum opus and the last thing he made instead of APtI

>People like James Cameron has in the past gone over his older films like Alien
That would be "Aliens" , before some ripley fans rip me a new one

I saw a 'redux' 70mm print of LoA recently and the colours were absolutely wonderful. When I see that washed-out look that so many people regard as 'authentic' it just reminds me of shitty VHS re-releases.

aren't these just ripoff's of soviet films?


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Literally no difference

there's nothing wrong with the sets in david lean's films your argument consists of calling people pretentious and then pulling shit out of your ass to justify it

I've only watched Lawrence of Arabia, I really enjoyed it, but i'm thinking of watch either or the other two tonight, which do you recommend.

>be David Lean
>build one of the biggest. most complex sets ever for Zhivago
>dude lame fake sets lmao

The SAS act in Kwai really, really, drags the film down. A lot.
I think Lawrence of Arabia is essentially perfect and by far the best film he made. I think pic related is underappreciated.

Attached: a-passage-to-india-cinema-quad-movie-poster-(2).jpg (700x531, 413K)

>Using the argument that only pretentious people like these movies
>Counteract by saying that there some of the highest grossing and praised movies
>Like... have an original thought m8

you can read Bolt & Lean's script for Nostromo here


Attached: nostromo_david_lean_artwork.png (888x559, 934K)

A lean night.

Zhivago was the worst

The narration was lame and skipped over what could have been good scenes. They even changed the ending to be less dramatic. Pasha in the books regrets ever working with the communists and killing so many people before comitting suicide in front of Zhivago.

I hate piss filters so much

This is a tough call for me, I love both. I don't see Zhivago as the third in a ranking, I love that movie and yes it makes me cry sometimes. It's such a beautiful movie. It's a beautiful epic of love and war, with some really awesome setpieces (the ice mansion, the beginning credits and the funeral, the train, the fields massacre of child soldiers...)
Lawrence of Arabia is another epic tale. Those images of assaults to trains, or the assault on that coast town captured by the turks are just awesome. Of the three, It's lawrence the one I have had the chance of seeing at the theater on a cool restoration, respecting the intermission part.
Kwai is just nice and comfy, like all prison movies
Soundtrack wise it's Zhivago>Lawrence>Kwai though

Nice article, thanks. I have read this script last year and it was interesting but something didn't work. I think it would be a good film but the script didn't resonate with me that much.

Cant really compare them.
A bit of a WW2 propaganda flick with typical British colonial overtones and Japanese charicatures. Great performances, but in all honesty its a bit of a dated, cheesy warflick with very primitive themes of "duty" vs "whats right" etc. I like it, but its nowhere near the calibre of the other 2 films.

Probably one of the most beautiful films ever made. Great score, great visuals, amazing locations... Given that its not hard to find interesting stories and adecdotes about a real life character, the film was bound to have an eccentric, yet relatable protagonist. O'Toole is just the cherry on top. Great film and a timeless classic with some very honest themes, not shying away from portraying the British colonial empire in all its classist splendor.

Based on a book, not much else to add really. The book itself is a masterpiece. The film did well to capture the bleak and horrible nature of pre-Lenin Russia and tried to be neutral post-revolution. Lara is the most beautiful woman ever put on screen. Sharif a bit of a miscast, but he was pretty big back then. The score is probably top 10 movie scores of all time and some scenes are incredibly memorable like in OP's pic.

I would rate them as follows:
>1. LoA
>2. Dr.Zh
>3. BotrK