What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Its Always Sunny.jpg (1000x563, 380K)

I'm on season 7. When should i stop?

You never should have started

Like every other writing team they ran out of ideas

This show was weirdly truthfull about certain sections of Philadelphia.

Women writers

Mac was relentlessly handsome before he became relentlessly fat. ;_;

fame destroys all comedy

They decided to be an "important" show rather than a funny one.

Reddit: The Show

No diversity

It got pozzed

Literally nothing

It's the usual underage /pol/-Yea Forums bollocks, contrarily hating things that are getting more popular because it's becoming more popular or because of a perceived SJW boogeyman

It's like the whole episode with Mindy Kaling was to show that the show DOESN'T work without the core cast and you couldn't replace Dennis, but the whole board for months was chimping out because there was a brown person and entirely failed to miss the point of the episode. They trolled you badly and you're assmad because you thought it was a show for you, rather than taking the piss out of everyone.

the "set yourself on fire live on your podcast" type of important?

Check the ratings for the last season. It's not getting more popular, barely anyone watched it.

>because there was a brown person
No, it was because Mindy Kaling is absolutely abyssmal in everything she is in and everyone who isn't a faggot or an ugly roasties hates just looking at her hideous leathery face. It has nothing to do with race of colour. You could have put Aisha Tyler or Regina Hall in it would have been way better. Mindy Kaling is a terrible actress and even a worse comedian.

Like Dee, it hit the wall

It's Always Reddit In Philadelphia

>implying she was ever attractive

>episode that ends with a black kid getting shot
>Yea Forums suddenly hates it even though IASIP has always been a show that made fun of both sides

>It's like the whole episode with Mindy Kaling was to show that the show DOESN'T work without the core cast and you couldn't replace Dennis
He was literally trying to leave the show for another one you sperg, it failed so he came back and acted like he would never leave

>What went wrong?
Dennis not being much present in the last season, besides that there is literally nothing wrong.

The only show consistent in its quality for over a decade

Yeah, the whole Mac being a faggot and dancing for his father was such high quality. Truly the pinnacle of the series

because its low key mocking irish and italians

Mac was gay since the beginning and the dance was lit

>Mac was gay since the beginning
No he wasn't. He was a wannabe tough guy who didn't understand that he came off as gay, that was the joke. Making him gay actually ruined the joke, that's why he's no longer funny.

>fucks a tranny since S1
Sorry buddy but is definitely gay. I'll agree that making him blatantly a fag instead of closeted / unrealized ruined the joke though.

he fucks a tranny in the first fucking season (and also in the first pilot), retard

>I'll agree that making him blatantly a fag instead of closeted
Well he was closeted fag for 12 seasons, you have to give something new to the character and well the audience

Literally nothing.

Brainlets just get bored of watching the same show and instead of understanding their own flaws they try to find flaws in anything else other than themselves.

2 seasons ago

Fair enough, but at least make it funny. e.g. Have him go to a pray-the-gay-away camp or something to simultaneously make fun of everyone instead of making some liberal faggot statement that came of as boring and insipid. Nobody cares Mac was fully out, the issue what how it was done and how it became full-on ideological pandering instead of just part of the character and writing.

>the dance was lit
Found the faggot

This, Mindy is a shoehorned brown just like how NAV was shoehorned into the rap game lol.

Dude me and the others in this thread don't know who you are, no need to be insecure even when you are "anonymous"

Dude I'm gargantuan faggot and still think that episode was extremely lame and out of place... seriously you huns need to btfo and realize that some things are just bad and criticism aren't about being gay

It was pretty faggy, in a completely non-homosexual way.
I thought it was alright though, in a gay sort of way.
Best regards, a bloke who likes to toke dick

How the fuck is that gay? The tranny looks like a woman, she just happen to have a penis. He was attracted to her despite the penis, not because of it.

>gay meaning homosexual
>homo, meaning same

If you have a Y chromosome, and have sex with someone who also has a Y chromosome, you are gay by definition. No amount of hormones or surgery will change your biological sex.

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yeah but being gay is an attraction to the same sex, not the act itself. if the tranny has the characteristics of the opposite sex (it is played by a female actress), and thats what hes attracted to then how is he gay?

other than going on for 20 years, not much. why do burger networks think it's good idea to drag shit out forever?


Because it has a male reproductive organ. No amount of mental gymnastics will make you right. Having sex with a tranny as a man means you're no longer heterosexual. Period.

if what you are saying were true, you would also have to say that a man who lusts after men every day isnt gay just because hes never sucked a cock

first 8 seasons are pure kino. Then it's a lottery. Great episodes are mixed with meh or borderline unwatchable craps.

Sometime around season 7 or 8 all the new writers were fans of the show, so it turned into a pile of self-referential wank.

>No he wasn't

this is the most cringy Yea Forums meme ever. Mac's gayism is heavily hinted literally since s01e01 throughout later seasons.

Would be acceptable up until he saw a cock - then it’s gay

i just recently finished season 2 and i can see the quality decreasing already. i got a feeling that i will be done with this soon. those manchildren character have annoying voices and it's getting filled with more crigne than actual comedy.

>Mac going gay, killing the joke of his character
>Charlie getting with the waitress, killing the joke of his character
>Frank with Homer Simpson/Peter Griffin/Randy Marsh syndrome

no, he was always a barely closeted faggot.

Nah they got old