So the Cuckflix meme is real

So the Cuckflix meme is real...

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Netflix should be banned in Europe. All this USA fetish for niggers is truly disturbing.

Don't talk shit about Rudy Ray moore

looks like keks

Don't say the n-word.


Pic related

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That is from the second Dolemite movie The Human Tornado

Do you think this thread exists to spread information and context?

Holy shit, I saw a guy who looked just like this earlier today. Life imitates memes.

Damn this movie looks good, all my favorite niggas are in it

Ironically think that looks kinda good

I kinda liked it, this isnt even the worse shit on netflix. At least this is grounded in reality.

Is there a single netflix original that has not featured a bmwf pairing in recent memory?

It's the entire west, europoor. White genocide is worldwide.

Why are black people so fucking obsessed?


Zoomers everyone. perpetually outraged


You can laugh but it effects you too.

Yeah, but the difference is some USAniggers seems to be able to function in a western (USA) type of society. Here in Europe we're getting the best of the best of Africaniggers (the middle-class ones able to pay 3000-5000 € ticket to human traffickers) and they're dumb as a brick. They definitely cannot do anything other than 1) beg for money outside food stores 2) turn into criminals 3) be on welfare.
Its a tragedy and USA 24/7 propaganda, trying to normalize niggers, did not help at all.

>complain when blacks steal white characters
>complain when blacks make characters based on black people
Bravo Yea Forums

It's literally based on a scene from the movie he is shooting in that scene you retarded fucking zoomer. Have sex with a landmine and dilate with a shotgun.

out of all the degenerate filth on netflix this is what triggers you op?

literally kys

Eh, apart from the blaxploitation angle which is fun, if looks like a formulaic "rags to riches" plot.

>complain when blacks make characters based on black people

Yeah, all those blacks named Weinberg and Goldstein.

>USAniggers seems to be able to function in a western (USA) type of society.
Where did you get that idea? Hollywood? They've made no progress and have even regressed. Africans don't belong outside of their containment continent.

>"It's not propaganda if it's meta propaganda."
Go away jew.

> it’s okay because it’s le ironic
cuck enablers lol

>dude what's blacksploitation


>I don't know what irony means
dumb zoomer

Damn, how dare those niggers and minorities take our white women?

>B-b-but where is my qt asian/latino gf?

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Yeah because media in Germany, France, Scandinavia and the UK aren’t psychotically obsessed with brown people too...

Honestly, I'm dating a black girl and I still find the idea of a black guy dating a white girl sickening.
It's just not the same.

zoomercels are the worst posters on this board

>doubles down on his retardation and negrophilia

Make characters that don’t involve fucking white women or whining about white men, now there’s a challenge!

Sorry but you may actually be retarded user.
Blacksploitation isn't just a meme, it's how niggers got tricked into paying for pandering being orchestrated by whites and jews funding the whole thing.
They'd show niggers getting laid, beating up white people, having money, etc.
And it still exists to this day, even if it's more nuanced now.
Black Panther being the obvious example.

At least you have black men like Thomas Sowell and Morgan Freeman, we have Idris “waaaa da UK won’t make me da top male star!” Elba and it gets worse from there.

>brown people
Pick one

>it's how niggers got tricked into paying for pandering
And whites got tricked into liking them

Yes, they will be a majority in your shit hole country of U.S lmaoooo

most are so embarrassed to be black that they’d do anything to be white even if it means mating with a white woman and lightening their children’s skin so they are less black

black people are strange, I have to problem with them you just have to understand them a bit.

It's simply a numbers game. We have 41 million niggers in this godforsaken land. You have 2 million.

>most of black people want to be white

I've never met a black person who act like this. I guess you just don't meet black people a lot.

Even this movie ended with....yep Brie hooking up with a black dude.

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Dark is a German tv series on Netflix

Fuggg i didn't thought about this.

it never even began for whitecels

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exactly this but I think the ticket costs a lot more


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seethe harder, incels. white men are a thing of the past. went to a local high school football recently, and was shocked at how high interracial dating (specifically bmwf) is amongst the zoomer generation. kek at the amount of singe white guys i saw sitting with their mom.

Try harder, bestiality is a small % of population fetish.