The Rapes

Hold on.

Was this rape?

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Doesn't look like consent to me.

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>superheros but they're actually bad

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>tells her to stop
>tells her it hurts
>she tells him to stfu and take it and keeps going

Yeah I'd call it rapey

txt book rape
but he is a rapist so she gets away with it

But doesn't he have super powers? Why doesn't he just toss her off of him?

>doesn't escalate his negative response and instead lies back and enjoys it
>could have overpowered her if needed
But if you reversed the roles nobody would hear the end of it for years.


>have superpowers
>be fit and strong
>be a man
>lets some thot overpower him for no reason since he's clearly not enjoying it
what the genuine fuck did they mean by this

Men can't be raped.

He's a pussy.

His superpowers are the ability to talk to fish and breathe underwater. How exactly would any of those help in that situation?

deep is based. starlight is a voluntary whore who acts like she has the weight of the fucking world forced on her shoulders for choosing to suck a dick to further her hero career.

he literally told a woman with superpowers that seem a lot more powerful to suck his dick or gtfo of the team

what the fuck

No, they all have super strength.

The Deep is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

Started reading the comic book starlight actually blows A-train, noir, and homelander in it.

That's before vaught bullied him.

Maybe he can tell fish to call for help.

powerful. independent. queen.

Where do they state or show that once retard?

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they show The Deep chucking guys around one handed

The art is shit.

doesn't he have superpowers? even if he isn't super strong, just throw her off?

They showed in the second episode that all of that shit was fake and produced in a studio. He never actually fought crime. Did you even watch the show tard?

Wow this looks disgusting

not everything was better in the past, it turns out. the comic for this series is shit.

>that art
>that writing
comics books are such garbage

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>female-on-male rape scene
I mean, rape is always a cheap and dirty way to add character depth, conflict, and "shock" factor, but at least this dynamic is getting some representation for a change.
>it's taken seriously
Oh? This could actually be interesting, instead of playing it for laughs at how "weak" the guy is.
>it's portrayed just as negatively and disgusting as male-on-female rape
Now hold on, we just might have something real here...!
>"rape" is portrayed strictly as the painful/unwanted penetration of an orifice
Aaand we're back to square one. Apparently, if you're a guy, you still have to get fucked up the ass or in the mouth by a dildo or some other guy's dick for it to count as rape. If your dick went into an orifice or became erect at any point, sorry buddy, that can only mean you liked it and your dick consented for you. Men are NEVER under the influence of poor decision-making skills and lower blood flow to the brain during sexual arousal, and women NEVER manipulate people into giving them what they want in such a way that they can plausibly deny all involvement.

he literally grabbed a guy and threw him one handed, did you watch the show? of course it was all setup, thats the point they find criminal activity that will play well, get their supes on it and then film the results for publicity, doesn't mean he didn't legit throw those guys around

Don't insult Garth Ennis the ol' canucklehead.

This is just a poor man's Watchmen with crap artwork, isn't it?

>talk to fish
Just tell her pussy to clench up.

no you either don't understand watchmen or don't understand this, either way no you are way off

Unironically actual rape as legally defined i.e. penetration by fingers, objects, or genitals of orifices is distinct from assault specifically because it literally short-circuits most people's minds and is so disorienting and unfamiliar that you can lose ability to fight back. This is the actual biological basis of rape as an individual category of offense against a human being. V assault + battery = physical pain, sensation everyone is familiar with to some degree. Violent penetration of sexual orifice = pain of some degree + sensation and activation of certain parts of the brain most people have never felt in their life and will never feel again.

This scene actually (accidentally) depicts that well in that he pushes her off and fights back when she is just talking and fucking around with the "gills" but freezes and head lolls to the side when she jams her hand in. If you talk to actual victims of violent penetrative rape many of them will say that they either don't remember or didn't feel any pain at the time, just disorientation, confusion, and paralysis.

It's honestly pretty different to Watchmen. Really, the only questions they ask in common are "what if superheroes were real" and "how would this affect world history." The presentation is completely different, as are many of the conclusions Ennis and Moore draw from this.


It will be much better than HBO Watchmen

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Huh, thats not rape.... its prostitution.

Because of the delicate situation he's in. Deep is a douchebag, but he's not a complete idiot. He knows he's on thin ice with his employers. He knows he's just been in one scandal. He knows that his starpower is already in jeopardy. He knows that if he doesn't just let this happen, this crazy bitch could and absolutely would ruin him. Hell, she might do it anyway just because she'd get off on it, but going along is the best option he has.

She put her hand in his gills, maybe that's a place he's vulnerable like invisoman in his butthole.

There's something amusing about seeing normies dig up The Boys over a decade later and being surprised by it in any capacity. It's typical Garth Ennis fare made on a shoestring budget, with Ennis having to worry about when his publisher (which wasn't either of the big two, it wasn't even Image or Dark Horse) was gonna boot the project for taking it too far. It's literal schlock, yet people are treating it like it's Watchmen.

>This scene actually (accidentally) depicts that well
I don't think that was an accident mate.

I think having a foreign object inserted in an organ like lungs can make anyone vulnerable.



>Dark Horse

Aren't they going bankrupt?


He means Translucent. The invisible dude.


Better than your weebshit romcom.

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This. It would be like some woman sitting on Magneto and suddenly, confidently, ramming her narrow finger straight into the back of his nostril, wiggling it around and constantly trying to work it in deeper. Sure, Magneto could just whip a nearby table at her and knock her clean across the room, be he'll fuck himself over even worse if he whips it too hard and kills her, so he's got to concentrate for that, and when something is trying to push its way deep into an orifice that never has solid things that big pushed inside it (even in typical unnatural scenarios like anal sex), it's really fucking hard to get any part of your mind concentrating on anything other than "HUNNGGNHH NNNNGH WHAT THE FUNGGGHHNHHGGHGHHH"

It's like I've said before, the most unlikely and inconsequential attack could end up killing the most powerful warrior. If your only super power was making people sneeze on-command, you could wipe out (heh) half of any universe's famous rogues gallery with nothing more than a loaded gun in your hand.

This is one of the most SJW show i've ever watched.
I can't even imagine the uproar if this scene was about a man forcing a girl.

Doesn’t matter. Rape doesn’t necessitate that the raper is more physically powerful.

What am i looking for here?

Yes. I was surprised, a show actually doing a scene where a man is raped.

I want to be her panties, and I'm not ashamed to say it.

How, though? They're no worse than normal humans.

lmao those gills are fucking disgusting

They're doing a helluva lot more with the premise than Ennis ever did.

Homelander is serial killer material, you're right about the rest though


Rape is legally defined with the penis, so no, it wasn't rape. Women cannot rape.

Is it just Deep in the series? In the comic it was the whole gang.

it's just him

They do all seem to have super strength and several other seeming super abilities per person. The girl that was race mixing with atrain was lifting a ton, and had arm spikes. The asian girl the basement does regen and has strength, the valkyrie lesbian has super strength and is seemingly bulletproof and can take a hit, etc. etc. starlight even blinds people and makes problems with electronics as well as seeming to be no chump in a fight while telling her "bf" that she can out bench him.

the rapes sansa

>starlight even blinds people and makes problems with electronics as well as seeming to be no chump in a fight while telling her "bf" that she can out bench him
she also takes two rounds from Butcher's .50 cal rifle with bruises at the worst

it was beautiful

nice that they really up the race mixing in the comic, it's my fav. ya know

It wasn't fake to my understanding. They just had a crew follow the supes around and filmed the result.

So Amazon cucked out. What a lame adaptation.

are atrain, noir and homeland all huwhite in that version? no racemixing?

>it was the whole gang.

they all got raped in the comic?

Maybe you should actually watch the show because its the comic but good instead.

It's better this way. It's less edgy and less cheesy but it ends up being a better story.

I didn't mind the show, but damn this artwork is horrible. She looks like Don Knotts doing drag.

this is the correct answer

In really starting to hate these posts

This. Honestly he should be avoiding hookups for a few months at least.

Get some balls and talk like a real men, crybaby. Loser got what he deserved if you ask me.

>talk like a real men

Why don't ESLs ever put in the effort to learn English? He's also a serial rapist.

They are all white in the comic



The Deep is black,retard.

Ha, I get it. Because he goes deep into white women.

it wasn't fake and in a studio, you speedwatcher. the film crew followed the supes around and filmed the times where stopping crime made them look best.

so just like the comic?

Umm yes it dose, rape is power+sex

he's not a rapist, he's an extortionist. she accepted his offer