Sometimes there's a man

Attached: el duderino.jpg (600x338, 176K)


I wouldn't say a hero. Because what's a hero?



Well yeah I'd even dare to day theres ALWAYS a man. Humanity would go extinct if men didn't exist, there would only be one gender. What an inane thing to say

in the woods

i feel like the personalities of everyone on Yea Forums can be boiled down to either being a Dude, a Walter or a Donny

Attached: d.png (680x369, 337K)

I kinda hate that everyone else loves this movie and I just...hate it. The cast and Coens are great independent of this, but this shit is just so fucking boring. It just meanders along aimlessly. Guess I got pleb filtered, man.

Attached: The_Dude.jpg (300x300, 28K)

you've had to be a long term stoner at some point to appreciate it fully

reddit: the film

user: the faggot

Tranny: the post


I don't know, I like it precisely because how pointless it is. The overall nonchalance just sells it.

I love how shit the intro monologue is.


are there any other stoner movies where weed itself isn't a focus but rather the experience of being a stoner?

Which do you think you are, user?

Good question

75% dude 25% donny

Everyone thinks they are the dude but are really donnie. Except a few self aware ass holes who know they are walter.

Makes sense. Since the three are based on Freud's model of the psyche.

Walter is the Id. Donny is the Superego, and The Dude is the Ego

The good the bad and the ugly

cope: the reply

When I was a stoner I loved all of Sofia Coppalas eatly movies, especially Virgin Suicides. And American Beauty. None of them are stoner movies per say, but they have that meandering stoner vibe.

Inherent Vice, mayhaps

I wish I was the Dude but I'm Donny