ITT: recent movies that received mixed/poor reviews that will be rememberd as cult classics in the future

ITT: recent movies that received mixed/poor reviews that will be rememberd as cult classics in the future.

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If you can get past Dillions line reading, it's actually pretty kino, but the drab monologues he goes into should have been narrated by someone else.

The line reading is perfect. There's something off about it, like it's too rehearsed or condescending but it only adds to the distance we're supposed to feel from Jack while making it generally more unsettling


i thought Dillons reading was just fine

Were critics #triggered by all the violence against women? Or was it legit criticism?

i have never seen any other lars von trier movie and don't care to but this was a 9/10

Sorry, Las von Trier. I didn't like this movie of yours. It reminded me of the stuff that I used to like in my mid-teen years too much.

Another very good movie from based Lars.

I will not stop till Hardcore Henry is a cult action flick for the ages!

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Critics are generally too old to appreciate edgy and tasteless slasher films that tries to be sophisticated. But they were teenagers once. And they might have liked it at some point in their life.

The Neon Demon

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Under the Silver Lake
Assassination Nation
Valerian (even though it sucks)
Popstar (even though it’s mediocre)

I prefer only god forgives

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Favorite Lars movie?
For me, it's Breaking the Waves

>i have never seen any other lars von trier movie and don't care to
Why not? Dogville is pretty great

Von Trier?

For me, it's "Europa"

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LVT is such a fucking hack

This is a good answer, its basically the breakout film for Panos Cosmatos

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Not sure if this will become a cult classic but it was probably my fav movie of 2015. Too bad nobody saw it. Also the cast was really strong

>jake gyllenhaal
>josh brolin
>kiera knightly
>jason clarke
>emily watson

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It's an edgy movie that relies on shock value, it's not as egregious as A Serbian Film, but it really is a mediocre film from an artistic point of view.

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the killing parts weren't that interesting to me, the part where he goes to hell is kino tho

This. So much this.

I'll even go as far as to say A Serbian Film and Salo both at least kinda have a point. THTJB is just LVT going "lmao yeah I was bad to women in the past and I guess im going to hell??"

Without a doubt, this!

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This but unironically

there is nothing special about this whatsoever. more like forgotten in the future lmaooooo

>i have never seen any other lars von trier movie and don't care to
sad because this movie hits way harder if you've seen his previous movies. in fact, i don't think I would have liked it so much without the context of his career and his other films, since this is a lot of call backs to those.

You gotta go back

>THTJB is just LVT going "lmao yeah I was bad to women in the past and I guess im going to hell??"
imagine being this retarded. Jack isn't a stand in for Lars

this was a fun movie that I can't imagine being remade in the current climate.

Under the Silver Lake and Vox Lux

it captures the descent of society into nihilism and hedonism so perfectly

go back where? Silver Lake is a literal reddit flick.

It was basically Euphoria minus the SJW preaching

Good taste

What are you still doing here, faggot? I told you to leave

Is it glorifying it or is it a cautionary tale? I haven't seen it yet but I don't wanna see it if it's glamorizing it like some Tarantino film

Jack literally is


>von Trier replied that he was interested in painting a kind of self-portrait: “‘Most of the male characters in my films have been fucking idiots, but this guy is like me. [Of all the characters I’ve ever written], Jack is the one closest to myself. Except I don’t kill people.’”

I mean it kinda was remade, The Florida Project kinda evokes the same themes without the over the top nature

>taking anything Lars says at face value

Are you a fellow Khmer speaker?

Von Trier will only be truly appreciated posthumously

There's nothing cult about MCU

neither. it's like an objective analysis of a human's desire to engage in nihilism and hedonism. it simply presents it for what it is

Boring pretentious garbage and Andrew Garfield is one of the worst actors I've ever seen

More like Yawn Demon

You are brain dead.

>The Florida Project kinda evokes the same themes
wat. The Flordia Project is about childhood innocence, Korines trash isn't half as soulful

A glib facsimile

More like only god forgives I lift my fatass from this chair to not see this movie in my pc I just torrented and get as far away as I can with my turtle walk for a tedious 1,5 hours from it

honestly the closest to full Dante Kino I've ever seen

A Cure for Wellness

Under the Silver Lake

Kek hardcore henry a “classic”

>The Flordia Project is about childhood innocence
It's about more than that, you dunce

>is about childhood innocence
while I would say it tackles way more things... that's also what Spring Breakers goes after too? Not quite childhood innocence but the erasure of teenagehood as children are thrust into an adult world.

>current climate

The movie is like 3 years old.

Bruce Campbell?

any movie after 2010 that has bisexual lighting


>highly contrasting colors to emphasize high and low shadows, similar to a 'black and white' shot
>derivative of blue/orange
>dude its to signal that the character is bisexual
2016+ was a mistake

I don't understand what was happening at the end, was he going to hell figuratively or what?

No, they are triggered by LVT.

user. 2013 was six almost seven years ago

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Dogville is a masterpiece.

13 Hours

It already is.

time is a racist construct

The Void
I would also like to say A Dark Song but it's not just forgotten, it's literally unheard of outside small circles and even there it doesn't get much love.

/our guy/ Armond is 66 and he really like it, same with John Wick 3

Armond likes John Wick?

A Dark Song is great but The Void is shit

Cool. I've grown out of the cringy dark and evil goth phase. Just to be clear about what it reminded me of.