Movies only you think are 10/10

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i don't know about 10/10 but I brought my nephew to that in the theater and it fucked him up for months

>burning train scene

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I agree with both of these

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With this OP, this thread could be "ITT movies where all dialogue is replaced by the sounds of seals barking and nothing changes."

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No one ever talks about this. Also,
>The Salvation
>Layer Cake
>Cop Land
>Thank You For Smoking
All 10/10s in my book.

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Fucking hell those things are intimidating
Especially on first viewing when you don't know that nature kills them

>Olga Kurylenko
Watching this asap

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I forgot to add, 12 Monkeys. Criminally overlooked.

Is it true she used to go to parties nude? I read somewhere years ago that she would show up at Hollywood parties in just heels.

Yea Forums loves in bruges but for my money seven psychopaths is martin mcdonagh's best movie. it's really good

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Truly an amazing film that gets forgotten way too much. Possibly Pitt's best performance.

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I really like Halloween movies and Alba was insanely hot

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based eastern euro hooker

best date night movie

the artist for the poster really wanted you to know that Jessica Alba has tits

There's tons of nudes of her, and her IG is pretty lewd. Gf got really mad when she saw I was following her lol.
I agree. It did really well in the box office, but I think it's been overshadowed by the Matrix. Great performance from Willis as well, I enjoyed seeing him play an unhinged and emotional character. He's always typecast as the stoic action hero, but 12 Monkeys showed he is capable of much more.

Wait, I saw something about this like 10 years ago. I thought it was bullshit.

I remember watching the trailer for this the year it came out nonstop and getting really excited. Saw it opening night with my buddy and we both loved it. We still quote it to this day.
>I believe in science

Based, I don't understand why this movie is unpopular.

I went on vacation to my cousin's house right after I saw this. They lived under a flight path at the time. Those were some sleepless nights.

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Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
I freaking love that movie and autistically watch it about once every two months. Seems like I'm the only one.


Stranger than Fiction

>cuts out the scene where the army and airforce down a single walker

Best one-liners in a movie ever

it could have been 10/10, but Dakota Fanning's character made it 6/10 and near unbearable at times

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They wasted the best child actress of the time by having her be the typical screeching child. Massive waste of talent.

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I bought this for my autistic son when it came out in DVD. He didn't like it.

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No way to know for sure but it was mentioned a lot back in the day. Haven't kept up with her to be honest though.

This is an amazing film. Doesn't take itself seriously, but has moments that are genuinely great.

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I hate the basement part but atleast it was being partially true to the book having thatv

Unfortunately the book has always been adapted to modern times, but they did at least try to be as accurate as possible given the modern setting. Hope it can be done right set to its proper time.

But bunker scene has that worm eye and aliens fucking around in there. Also that scene were we some some guy get stabbed in the face and blood sucked out of him.

Hitchickers guide to the Galaxy

underrated at least, it's a solid adaptation

I really wish they had kept going with these. To me at least, they had the feel of the books.

pls no bully

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Great but much maligned film. Should have had Emily nude the whole film though.

The theme alone makes the entire movie.

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They actually had to make them waaay overpowered compared to the tripods in the book because advances in weapons technology means that even a poverty ridden third world dictatorship would still absolutely body Wells' original Martian invasion