Any good movies about a cunt getting all the credit?

Any good movies about a cunt getting all the credit?

Attached: comment_CIUZricnqeII2lBPCu9ibyoqinceIEnA.jpg (500x356, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>woman doing something with her life
>incels triggered
like clockwork

>>woman doing something with her life
>>incels triggered
>like clockwork

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based STEM girl showing us the universe

The point was she had nothing to do with the discovery but render it.
She didn't write the algorithm as CNN reported, just used a forked compilation code, and they propped her up to go speak about STRONK STEM WEMEN.
Women are useless coders, its the only unilateral thing I say in this idiotic gender discussion we've been having since exactly 2003.

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Shut the fuck up, cuck.

>actual woman in stem
>mainstream media ruin it by portraying her as the mastermind behind the whole project
>people react
>media reports on how incels hate women in stem
>overshadows the entire project
>would have been fine if the media was just honest in the first place

>barely do anything
>get credit for it
>anons find out and point it out by checking git commits
>males who actually did all the work still white knight for her and argue with anons
clown world

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i wonder if she shaves her ass

Her son's mother's boyfriend plucks it

>>mainstream media ruin it by portraying her as the mastermind behind the whole project
She actually took credit at first though for all of it.

>doing something
what, photoshopping a fake picture? anyone could do that

Attached: black.jpg (633x896, 122K)


what are the colored squares supposed to be highlighting that proves the bottom image is fake?

Everyone of worty knows satellites themselves are only capable of black and white images so they have to add color based on data from the satellite plus some artistic liberties.

Quit being a bore

repeated clouds

Attached: flcg.png (812x620, 337K)

>satellites are only black and white
i work in satellite imaging and this is hilariously untrue. look up pansharpening dummy

>Smartest girl in the world
>Married to an Asian guy

What does that tell you ???

Attached: asian husband.jpg (1043x724, 290K)

Okay, no more explanation is needed. We already know they're nothing but hacks.

She looks beautiful in that wedding dress

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is she Jewish? It reminds me of Jonas Salk. He took credit for what a giant team working over several years did. People say how magnanimous he was for not patenting the polio vaccine. The real reason he didn't patent it was because the other members of the team, that did 90% of the work, would have challenged him legally.

Attached: ella.jpg (900x600, 52K)

Deep space images are literally only black and white. Based on light intensity they surmise it's element composition and add colors to the image based on the known color it shows.

>that nose

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women are so freakin brave and strong. can we get some applause emoji in the chat?

sorry i mis-read your post


If its so easy why are you out here flipping burgurs for your betters and shitposting on some fringe internet forum while she's out there working for NASA and earning fucking millions? Now that the whole oppression thing is gone its slowly coming to light that women might be far more capable than there male counterparts and that males are fit only yo haul luggage and basically perform grunt work while women are more suited to highly technical white collar jobs, and I know that burns you inside but I guess you just have to deal with it bucko.

>fringe internet forum
Nigger, Yea Forums is as mainstream as reddit. Millions of people use this site daily. You aren't in a secret clubhouse anymore.

That was a complete bait post. Are you a fucking retard? I don't even think they guy you replied to expected you to take him seriously.

ironically he's actually making some cogent points

Some mid tier subreddits alone have more users than the whole of traffic on Yea Forums. Yeah people have heard of this shithole but most avoid it like the plague cause sane people dont really care about interacting with incels and spiteful trolls. I'm personally here just for the screenshots to get me some of that sweet karma

Everybody knows that Asian men make the best

1. Boyfriends
2. Husbands
3. Fathers
4. Lovers

She is a smart girl for going Asian.

Don't you ever tell me to not reply to bait posts again, I love replying to bait you son of a bitch.

No he isn't. Women don't get hired unless there's a literal quota for them. They're the useless retard that gets picked last for sports, it only happens because the hiring process forces it.

It tells me that dumb women are the best