Open fracture. Can't self medicate this time like he did before

>open fracture. Can't self medicate this time like he did before
>wounds needs serious medical attention
>car is wasted
>he just left from a crime scene minutes ago

He's fucked at the end isn't he? No way he could have got away with it this time.

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>kill someone/steals their car
>drives to some special black market surgeon service for assassins/cartel/criminals/drug lords


>gets to payphone
>calls up special medical service for assassins/cartel/criminals/drug lords
>they pick him up

Hope the assassin HMO has a physician in network near him.

you can break your arm and be fine, just ask a canadian

Does he have medical insurance with the black market?

Still, he's a ruthless and competent psychopath. The ending leaves it open whether or not he survives but he still has a chance when it leaves off. Kind of a comforting message that even some character that seems like an evil invincible badass can be BTFO by a lighting strike or car crash.

>>kill someone/steals their car

He needed the help of a kid to tie him an arm sling.
He wouldn't do shit to anybody at that point

The karma police got his ass at the end

>decides the destiny of his victims by their luck at flippin the coin
>gets BTFO by his own bad luck

Fug didn't even realize that one. Breddy geeno

That could take hours before he gets a medic.

I'm no doctor but that kind of wound seems like it would need inmediate medical attention before it get infected.

If a film doesn't show it at the end, then it didn't happen.

In the book he survives and returns the money to its owner, it's implied there's a job waiting for him when his arm heals.

In the movie the important thing is not what'll happen to him, but that the car crash happened at all and fucked him up. So much for an agent of fate of whatever.

You can still treat an infected wound

>He's fucked at the end isn't he? No way he could have got away with it this time.
He's a metaphor for evil

or just not paying attention while driving

Sort of strange how little reaction he has to being severely injured in the car crash including a bone coming out of him, but he was clearly in horrendous pain with his gunshot wound earlier.

He didn't showed that much emotion when he was healing his shot wounds neither


It looked like it was hurting pretty bad.

It wasn't his fault, the other car came out of nowhere. And the other driver was going way too fast

he was in shock

I don't get it but I kek'd anyway

it's the 70's he'll just make up a bullshit name and go to the ER somewhere

But we can agree he goes back and kills the kids, right?

>hoping he kills the kids for no reason

>He's a metaphor for evil
My God, what a hack McCarthy is.
>dude le unstoppable evil lmao

He can kick really hard

Why did he killed her

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In the book, the kids also tell the police about him. I think it just leaves it open ended as a "what if" type thing.

principles. he promised leuwellin he would

No. It's No country for old men. He turned 35 that day and aged out of 80s America.

Canadians often have to wait obscene lengths of time to see a doctor for broken limbs because of hospital overcrowding. Many treat these issues on their own during this delay.

>This is what burgers actually believe

Lmao, I read Fox News chyron once too.

but that don’t make no sense

>drive to mexico
>get treated there

That's what she said.
It's almost like he's a crazy murderer or something.......

Your shit's terminal cancer at this point.

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I broke my toe and had to wait for 30 mins, i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Is this really a thing in america? They just make up random lies to cope with their shit healthcare system?

>tells guy if he surrenders now, he won't kill his wife
>he refuses

If he didn't kill her, nobody would take his offers seriously. Its why the Mongols, Cromwell, Dany, etc. burned everything to the ground after taking a city that refused to surrender

Yes, and boomer tards eat it up because "muh free market"

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>assassin hmo

He has millions from the satchel, user.

I emergency surgery from a strangulated hernia with no insurance. No medicare then. Only cost me 50 bucks because most hospitals have programs for that shit.

Both situations are demonized to prove a point.

Not only that, American hospitals have long waits often as well, I've been in ER waiting rooms for hours before

life expectancy is lower in the USA because of nonwhites

Only co-pay stuff goes as low as 50 dollars. Cheapest no insurance cost for emergency room services is 150 dollars. But it usually costs up to 3k.
a five day stay in a U.S hospital usually costs around 10k. Most americans have barely 500 dollars to spend on emergencies. Your system sucks dick, and you are being ripped off hardcore.
The american healthcare system is not being "demonized" wake the fuck up.

Who wins?

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The program you used is funded by overcharging people who do have insurance.

Literally nigger-tier to take advantage of it

this. If the USA was entirely white universal healthcare would work here too

walks into a Walmart and gets shot up by an incel

>Fox News does my thinking for me.

>the Irish cutie's last words broke his composure and distracted him and caused the crash
>she wasnt cute enough to talk him out of it but she costed him an arm and he can never be an assassin again
>he spent the rest of his short life cursing the Irish cutie

Because this time he is playing tough to himself because he knows he crashed because of what the widow said. He decides to appear tough and deny it to himself.

He was an archetype for evil. Evil always prevails.

>the Irish cutie
She's scottish.

Not to mention all the shitskin doctors. No white person left

>terrify people you work with and have a reputation for murdering them
>visit them in a weakened state

probably better to go with

considering Anton is alive and well...

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Just came here to say how good this fucking movie was. I might rewatch it on Netflix tomorrow/today just for the hell of it. Fuck finishing there will be blood.

>bring food because wait period is more than 24 hours at the EMERGENCY room
>wait 4 years before they x-rayed my throat
>my firend lost his leg because "no, the sudden pain in your knee is from you not stretching" whops, turns out tumor in leg, now he has one leg
>friends mom had constant pain in her lungs, "nah, you have a cold", 3 months later " well if we knew earlier the cancer wouldn't be so deadly, now you have 6 months tops"
>my grandfather needed an MRI, no whops sorry we need to bump you because a football player was injured, and even though you've payed taxes your entire life, and this is a socialist system, the rich people go first, two weeks later my grandfather is dead
>my wife couldn't get anitbiotics for an ear infection because "no, we've already prescribed it to too many"
>people literally flee to America to get better surgery, no matter the cost because at least they will fucking live, or save someone they love
But please you commie scum, go on about how fucking amazing """"""""""free"""""""""" healthcare is.

Why did he kill the inbred redneck cutie at the end?

I hope they shot him, he deserves it.
A real piece of shit

How do you think universal medicare works? The people who pay the least in use it the most.

he smoked a fat joint and felt fine afterwards

You don't know what you are talking about. Keep reading libtard posts about how things work.

he didn't want any future trump voters or he was going to get deported.

Big cope. Sounds like your healthcare aint communist ENOUGH

>f-fuckin c-commies

Ditto. It grabs you right away and you can't look away.

Is it explain in the book what are Anton's motivations?

he burned all ties with the people who would provide that kind of service

you are retarded and need to pay attention to movies

best assassin coming through

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>"I guess there really is No Country for Old Men."
Spoiled the entire film for me.

>killed by a taxi driver

100 posts none tell the movie....

you're dumb as hell it works in mixed countries if it's not filled with mindless zombies bred to fight for Greater Israel.

why do you think those people are the only ones with black market doctors?

He never had sex

only because >GOD intervened

His mom found his cum sock.

The Pest (1997)

His only hope is the payphone. With a break like that he will go into shock soon.

>not finishing a movie once you've started it
That's fucking disgusting

>Is it explain

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Meant to quote

This, a woman just snapped her arm in half at the end of my street, bone poking out under the elbow but she's going home by next Saturday

>hobbles down the street
>goes up to house
>opens the door (people in the USA keep their doors unlocked most of the day)
>walks in the house and says he's been in an accident and needs to use the phone
>calls his contact who comes by and takes him to a cartel surgeon
If need be he'll distract whoever is home and then kill them with a sharp object to the neck.

He's hurt bad, but he still had a chance.

I'm a conservative with a family who has a multitude of health problems we aren't going to doctors to fix because we don't have insurance and this guy () is making some sense while you're throwing out ad homs like "libtard." You sound like either a shill or a 13year old who's only got his facts from Sean Hannity.

If he gets immediate treatment and follow up rehab he would be able to return to his "work".

Common reaction to car accidents. EMTs report people standing around missing limbs, then calmly walking over and picking them up.

>reveals his position by shouting
>taunts max ensuring max will fire
>stands perfectly still in front of him
>fires three times just to smash the windows
>doesn't attempt to duck or reload quickly

>lets himself be killed because he knows his life is forfeit after failing to meet the original contract, and he sees his chance at redemption in making max a hero who saves the day and gets the girl.

>he had already made this decision during the coyote scene earlier and was preparing max for this eventual outcome from that point on

how stupid are you user? it was a movie about vincent becoming human through an ultimate sacrifice, he gave up the only thing that mattered to him, his own life in order to push max to live his own.

dude he planned for max to kill him in the office building but max missed at point blank range, so he had to chase them to make sure it actually happened. the reason vincent is so frantic at the end trying to find them and using all his skills to track them down is because he needs to die in the final showdown or his entire life has no meaning.

>Hey guys, what is the definite objective outcome of this open ending?

>life expectancy is directly related to heathcare quality
>what is violent deaths, drugs, obesity, deaseases, accidents and suicide??

why can't zoomer leftists into simple statistics?

>>opens the door (people in the USA keep their doors unlocked most of the day)
What's even the point of pointing this out if he's just going to ask for permission to use the phone? Also, I'm pretty sure he blew his connection with the cartel

>life expectancy is lower in the USA than CHILE because of nonwhites

>good, cheap healthcare doesn't have any effect on drug addiction, obesity and diseases
>nobody ever committed suicide because their medical bills got too expensive
Literally no correlation, get a brain moran

uk, france, sweden, italy, greece and israel are still higher than the usa though

If you walk into any ER with a bone sticking out of your arm, you will be triaged immediately. The only people who wait for hours in an emergency room with bloody rags over wounds are people in movies.
But Chigurgh would never go to a hospital, they'd try to identify him. They don't have to report bones sticking out of your arm, like gunshots, but the cops are going to be looking for the driver of the car in the wreck, and you know the kids talked.
We're talking about a guy who blew up a car to get medical supplies after getting shot at close range with a shotgun - he'll do the same thing in a small town, and reset the bone himself, and stitch it up.

No. McCarthy doesn't spoonfeed his readers.

He doesn't want to draw any more attention than he has to. Knocking on the door makes a scene.

fucking screamed

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waiting time is proportional to how specialized the operation/treatment/whatever is not the ER. For example it takes like 6+ months to get an MRI scheduled but when I was in the ER I only had to wait an hour or whatever until my bloodwork came back before they pumped an IV into me.

Burger envious of the canadian health system

He lived in a society

Chigurgh is a force of nature, that's why it's fitting he gets hit like that. Because a soccer mom running a stop sign is a force of nature of her own. Chigurgh's victims are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and he gets hit for the same reason.

>people aren't obese because of their choices, it's the doctors fault

Don't worry user, I'm sure Dr Now will authorize your surgery.

Kek and you brag about that
I've got my thumb dislocated wasnt even broken
Went to emergency got a red ticket waited 3 minutes, got it fixed x ray and bandaged in 20 minutes all for 5 euros

He kills a guy in a bar just to see if he can get away with it, he has none

He just really hates thievery

Yeah in his 30s. Malvo was in his 50s or what ever.

>he doesn't keep his promises
You're no man.

So is he just supposed to knock on the door of every doctor and veterinarian in the area until someone accepts the bribe of a bloodied man with a bag of cash who is clearly on the run?

But them why did he give her the option of flipping the coin? I think that's where he fucked up. Even though she refused to call it, he opened himself up to the possibility that he would have to break his word, if she called it correctly.
That's my interpretation of the crash. He got fucked up because he allowed chance to decide things that were already set by his own rules.

There are so many factors that affect life expectancy. This chart is essentially equating healthcare quality to life expectancy and that is bullshit.

I don't think he has any contacts. He is on his own. He killed the guy that hired him to get the money didn't he?

I dunno about the Canadian healthcare system but the Swedish one is balls, a broken leg takes fucking hours if it’s not dangerous. On the flip side the best healthcare service I’ve ever had was when I was envenomed by a snake. It took 10 minutes from entering the hospital to have received my shots and shit. And the entire staff came around asking me questions because snakebites are so rare. So if you’re wondering wtf is taking so long it’s probably because they’re busy doing nothing

If she called it wrong it wouldn't have been his fault she died.
Even if he had already determined he would do it.
He isn't giving her the option to live, he is giving himself the option to be unaccountable by his own rules;
and it would be far more valuable to him that she *could* be killed by fate than to break his own rules.
It's the chance, it's everything the coin flip embodies.

The real question is did he kill Moss' wife or not.

>drive a county or two over
>hurr some illegal hit me
>give false name
It’s the 70s/80s you could get away with bullshit like that. Now prob not.


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it was sneed its always sneed....

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Coen Brother's Blood Meridian fucking when

after that horrible tv movie for netshit, hopefully never. give it to mel gibson or scorsese as his last project.

Yeah, you're no doctor