Well that was fucking terrible. What was he thinking?

Well that was fucking terrible. What was he thinking?

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pleb filtered

>insulted the memory of bruce lee
prosecute tarantino in this moment!

What? Not enough 'splosions and quips for ya?

>One of the best movies of the decade
>fucking terrible

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I'm not around zoomers much but I can already tell we wouldn't get along.

Triggered hippy detected.

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It was sublime and movie of the year for me.

Works great as an idiot filter as well.

>Well that was fucking terrible. What was he thinking?
it really was fucking terrible
it was more like a collection of kinda funny short stories than it was a contiguous movie
even in that sense, it didn't have nearly the production quality of ballad of buster scruggs, it didn't have the the weight or substance of any previous Tarantino movie

it was just... kinda funny. That's it.

all these buttblasted morons saying "i-its just too smart for u!!!!" because it had some anti-PC humor need to watch better movies

You literally didn't get it

It was kino

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alright. What did I miss?

Go back to your capeshit, zoomer.

There's so much love put into it but its easily his worst movie.

My dick in your asshole

no way was this in the movie
he can't be that obvious

Tarantino feels old and he's afraid of dead. Actually that could be a great fuel for art but unfortunately Tarantino went full boomer nostalgia and wish-fulfillment and I'm not talking about saving Sharon Tate. Quentin didn't give a shit about Sharon Tate

>There's so much love put into it but its easily his worst movie.

This is exactly my opinion
I didn't hate it. It's clear that a lot of effort and polish went into it and I loved the 70s hollywood aesthetic. But it's just not his best work desu.


There were at least three different barefoot actresses in the film with that shot lasting for pretty much that whole scene.

The best scene was unironically leo talking to that little girl by themselves.


Like I said, pure kino

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What the FUCK was his problem?

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Thinking bout dem feet

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Also pic related

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My mom took my wife, my sister, and me to go see it. I liked it.

The scene where he's talking to the other actor on the set of Lancer had the same purpose. And it had more subtlety, and better pacing.

The little girl scene is fine but both of those, especially so close together, is unnecessary. Honestly feels like a lot of fat could've been trimmed.

Holy fuck that is hilarious. The absolute state of footfags

That and the final scene where Luke Perry comes in and Rick has a gun to the girls head. "The best acting" scene. I was actually engaged with that.


Reminded me so much of Leo in Django Unchained, where he's rubbing blood on Kerry Washington's face. So bad ass. I just want a whole movie of him dominating and abusing women and yelling. Like no plot or story, just him yelling and abusing for like 2 hours. And then the movie just sort of ends.

How long until tarantino gets schneidered?