Which should I watch? JAP or US

Which should I watch? JAP or US

Attached: Ring_samara_slider.jpg (670x360, 108K)

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jap, not even a question

this is the one US remake of a jap horror classic where it IS a question cause US ring is almost as good as the original

US version off The Ring is one of the best horror remakes of all time.

The payoff of the Japanese version is fucking static on a TV.
Not kidding.
US Ring (Only the first) is legitimately good.

honestly, as bad as it was as a movie, the sequel made me genuinely panic and no other horror movie has done that
like I felt actually unsafe watching that flick

>cause US ring is almost as good as the original
lmao no

why panic?

>It's called 'the ring'
>because before you die, you see circles everywhere, like coffee stains and whatever
>oh yeah that must be it

>US ring is almost as good as the original
even if that was the case
if it was almost as good as the original

... why wouldn't you just watch the original?

The original is a shit jap flick. I'm not suprised there are OBSESSED haters of the remake, who's simple minds only think JAPAN GOOD ORIGINAL ALWAYS GOOD. NO EXCEPTION. But it's a fucking snorefest, I clocked out when the movie basically turned into a detective mystery for near an hour, and suddenly we're supposed to sympathize with this ghost. Maybe because it always gets grouped with Ju-On(which in infinitely better than this shit) people just assume It's better, but it isn't.

If you like cringe watch the Jap version

The Grudge remake is better than the original.
The Ring remake is worse.

Just watch the jap version of dark water lmao.
Way better than either of those two.

yea except flip that
I don't know, I don't remember the movie that well, I just remember feeling like the characters were helpless and completely doomed and got unexpectedly immersed in their situation I guess

Jap one is unnerving.

As a patriotic US citizen, the answer is obvious to you.



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Read this instead: nhentai.net/g/177913/
