Why don't rural people vote?

Why don't rural people vote?

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>why aren't you voting?! you are a valuable part of our democracy!
>whoa- wait, not like that!

They do and we should prevent them from doing so in the next election. We should unironically have an IQ test for all voters before they attempt to vote. Any IQ

>user wants to stop blacks from voting

This, also repeal the women’s vote

Live in the ny metro area and I don't vote. Participating in a failed system to choose which boot to lick is the ultimate brainlet move.

Voting never matter. Reminder unless a president wins by literally 1 vote, your vote was meaningless and even then It doesn't matter because it would have been a draw anyway.

I was talking about Trump election.

The Janny is what he means

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Hit me right in the tendy bag.

>IQ requirements to vote
>majority of city minorities can no longer vote
This is a based idea

>below 100 iq cant vote
Pretty shure that corralates to

How the fuck is George W. Bush an angel when he invaded Afghanistan in 2001?

College educated whites voted for trump
Most niggers dropped out of high school and forgot to vote for Hilary

Only rural brainlets vote for Trump, of course there are city slickers and such but the majority are braindead farmers.

Those men are way smarter than you. You mean trailer trash.

The white % of the vote will increase radically. you're all right, user

Ok so far weve gone ONE thread without saying it. Lets keep it that way.


What? *****?

unironically your vote doesn't matter

not Yea Forums
and they don't vote because they don't want to travel 50 miles to the nearest ballot box

Quite literally, how dare anyone who can stomach voting for one of the two major parties even try to lecture me on my civic duty.

I bet you pay your taxes, follow the rules and never try to change anything. You're not a rebel when you don't vote. You're a fool.

I've never voted in my life and I never will

Middle American votes matter more.

It's been said already but tranny jannies are deleting the posts.

What was wrong with invading Afghanistan? They were sheltering Bin Laden and given refuge to Al Qaeda.

Invading Iraq, on the other hand, was a problem.

NYC voters literally voted for Cortez.

Wait until you find out that she got more votes than Trump.

>the other way to count the votes which has never been the way that matters shows that hillary won

More city slicker votes maybe.

>impose IQ tests for voting
>wear masks at protests to enable violence
>Democrat party machines will save us
user, do you know any American history at all, or do you just aim for killing spelling bees and the MCAT?

Shame she didn't get more states.

Hillary lost me with her gummybear planting policy.

Its funny I know some idiots that have argued against voter ID, but argue for voter IQ.

>Hurt durr middle name scary like foreign scary man

Conservatives are straight retarded, every one of you.

>Disqualifies 90% of inner city blacks, at least 60% of women and dramatically increases the white male vote

Fucking based

That's not what I said at all. The post I replied to implied that more people voted for Trump. It didn't mention anything about geographic location or the electoral college. The idea they expressed was that if more people had voted for her, then Hillary would have won.

But hey! Good job trying to deflect!

That goes for you, too.

You ready to drink your own piss bro? Read her green plan.

>what is the electoral college?
reminder the blue team won the popular vote

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Can I drink someone else's piss ? Preferably a cute girl ?

>"College educated whites voted for trump"
>The post I replied to implied that more people voted for trump
Hmmm. Maybe you're retarded?

>The idea they expressed was that if more people had voted for her, then Hillary would have won.
This is true she lost by a narrow margin in most states so if a few more had gone out it could have turned the tide in the all important swing states.


The IQ argument would inevitably lead to a higher Republican turnout. I never understood where this idea that "all artists are liberal" or "only dumb people are racist" come from. The majority of our revered artists, thinkers and philosophers have notably been pretty fucking racist. Plenty of intelligent individuals make the intelligent deduction that they don't want to serve outside groups' interests.

so we become more red pilled as states, no more blacks or foreigners and a majority of women voting.
Based angry liberal not only thinks he would do something good for his base but doesn't even accomplish that.

because of chuck
luckily sneed saved us

This user is right
Bet you even if you studied for as long as you wanted you would not be able to man up and know how to work the land.
There is a reason why farms are family owned for generations.
Also why there is shortage of food going on in south africa right now

Conservatives generally have lower iq

Violence and intimidation are what lead to change, not fucking voting lol. Until you're ready to behead your local senator, shut the fuck up. This is why Muslims won. They didn't tolerate smarmy French faggots drawing Muhammed so they blew them up. Now everybody kisses Islam's ass and calls it a religion of peace. Not because they believe it. Because Muslims didn't give a flying fuck what percentage of people said they should be able to express themselves without retaliation.

Sneed 2020

that's her last name.
You try to call a whole group of others retarded, yet you're a retarded bugman.

>Farmers literally have their jobs handed down to them through no merit or effort of their own
>That must mean they're sooper smart

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Intelligent people don't vote.

1) The anticipated reward is not commensurate with the amount of time and effort required for the task.

2) Anyone with any sense can see that politics is popular entertainment, and the true elites who run the country via the banks and unelected bureaucracy don't give a damn who you vote for.

With voter id you stop getting fraudulent votes like in california where all you do is show up and say your name.
So when a polling group does their homework and realizes who doesn't go in and is still registered they bus in people to go ahead and vote there.
With voter iq we would have hopefully decent polices rolling in or out but eventually class warfare may breakout

>Most niggers dropped out of high school and forgot to vote for Hilary

Forgot to use the rest of their post, did ya?

your an moron

>running a farm requires just sitting on your ass all day no thinking required

Politics is for children.

of course user, right after she's finished with her mandatory repatriations duty down at the minority glory holes, which Jamal and friends frequent.

well then let's see a picture of your garden then, or at least what you bring to the co opt table

Democracy is gay as fuck. It devolves into compromising grey sludge with the occasional random issue diluted into two possible outcomes with no nuance.
It is literally designed to make no one happy.

uhhhh guys?

Thats why America was set up to be a constitutional Republic. With the strongest arm being the Judicial and the weakest being our elected Ceasar.

The Democratic party is doing their damndest to turn it into true democracy while at the same time split everyone into tiny "identity politics" voting blocks.

Votes do not matter. You literally can get more done by handing an envelope of cash to your locaal politician every month.


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Still not implying what you're saying it's implying, kiddo.
Guess we can confirm you're a retard.

>The post I replied to implied that more people voted for Trump.
the post you replied to implied that an IQ test to vote would disqualify blacks disproportionately, you fucking moron
everyone else in the thread understood that except you

Rural people did vote.

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>reminder the blue team won the popular vote
Only in CA and NY.

This is the type of opinion you have when you don’t understand how voting in America works or what an electoral vote is.

My dentist voted for Trump and he’s a doctor

based and sneedpilled

easier to control when everyone is split up
Also with more people growing up without religion they still seek somewhere to be part of a tribe.
Saudi princes investing into companies stock, then push for diversity quota etc.
So companies make that their mantra, so they insist schools to make it mandatory for people to have those qualifications before hand.
More people buying in on it cause well they aren't that smart.
Eventually we have a big mix of people but 3rd worlders that end up being united have the most voting power will be muslims since they have something to be together on.
So then just play on people's emotions and gullibleness of the simple minded ones.

nigga are you retarded

>wins by 1 vote
>acksully the electoral college decided to go with the other candidate
Yeah I have better shit to do on a Tuesday

Hehehe. Good idea.

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You can literally mail in a vote for free

And people of higher intelligence tend throughout history to espouse what are perceived as conservative-leaning views. What point are you trying to make.

Based political realist.

Source or fuck off.

and republicans are the fascists haha

Who would Sneed vote for?

my car is german
my loafers are gucci
I am the american non sneeder


Imagine American politics without the incessant race bullshit poisoning every issue ever. Would purify everything significantly

I guess CA and NY are out then. Based


Fuck Afghanistan

California's IQ average is 95

>Imagine American politics without the incessant race bullshit
wait a few years until democrats get the upper hand, you havent seen anything yet

Oh look, he posted a shitty half assed social sciences “study”

The proof is in the pudding. There’s a reason why Democrats oppose any and all attempts to standardize, regulate, or otherwise restrict voting on an intellectual basis. They don’t even think their black voter horde can wipe their own ass much less get an ID or IQ test.

California has a lot of rednecks between the cities, it really brings the average down.

He's a far left shithead. The problem is that you shouldn't take what far leftists shithead say. They do not form their views from reason or logic. They act more like some little pissant who roots mindlessly for one team. He acts like a cult member, and conservatives, the right are just evil, and Hitler is just their 21st century secular version of Satan. Far leftism isn't a valid political ideology, its a mental disorder.

But the little dumbass is also a retard, because there is no study that shows right winger have a low IQ. None. No doubt, he's the type of guy who posts a source, but never actually reads the study.

The "racists have a low IQ" is a good one, because I've read that study, and looking at the data, that type of interpretation that the news media parrots is highly suspect. All I learn from that study, is that less intelligent people are more likely to not filter their speech, but intelligent people do. Its absurd, no doubt, you can make a study in the USSR using the same methods, and then conclude, that people who pubically voice their hatred of the USSR are all stupid, but the people who support the USSR are the smartest in the world. Because a smart person would totally say they hate the USSR and the state in front of others.

Also, the conservative have a low IQ? Dumb statement. So who is smarter then? The Jacobins or the Royalist? Remember, that according to this dipshit, conservatives, right wing and Hitler mean the same thing, but if that's true. Why did a good deal of communists and socialists joined the Italian fascists and National Socialist Germany movements? Why did National Socialists have higher then average IQ? How is National Socialism even conservatives, it may be highly stepped in conservatism tradition, but its intrinsically a radical and novel transformation of society. All I see from this very flawed study, is that people who adopt more fringe and radical political views tend to be smarter then those who don't

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Based Muslims, getting shit done

Rednecks is a pretty racist term if that's what you're calling poor, impoverished, illiterate central americans clinging to the American dream.

You racist.

>the upper hand

A less discussed dynamic is that while the share of minorities is growing in the US, white voters are increasingly becoming Republican, especially white men, who once had a sizable blue dog Dem contingent.

a single dollar is worth more than a single vote
as a person you are allowed one vote but more than one dollar

ergo voting is for poorfags who cant into lobbying

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Checked. Voting is pretty silly but if it makes you feel good you should do it. It's definitely not worth the effort if you goal is to swing an election.

I-it’s 47 days right?

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They do but in the presidential race the popular vote is literally worthless. Mathematically and as a matter of policy. This was demonstrated in the election we had just 3 years ago.

>It's definitely not worth the effort if you goal is to swing an election

On average, this is true

But it worked for me in 2016

yes user