3 days left

>3 days left
>zero hype on the internet
It's dead on arrival

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i prefer to judge things on their quality but that's just me

Mindhunter isn't good though. Its literally netflix just copying HBO for the millionth time.

>David Fincher or Andrew Dominik direct at least half of the s2 runtime
my body is ready

It's boring. Basically one episode stretched over one season.

interviews and unpacking the interviews were the only good parts. btw what was the point of the BTK scenes?


Who is it for? People interested in serial killers and true crime already know all of this stuff. Repeatedly spewing out cornball lines like "Serial killer? That will never catch on!" and turning real life serial killers into super genius hollywood villains is boring. Why watch someone trying to mimic the Ed Kemper interview when you can watch the real Ed Kemper being interviewed?

>mfw seethers ITT

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that’s every netflix show (excluding house of cards orange is the new black and stranger things)

>its another episode of white man bad

Netflix® Originals

the entire cast is white tho

doesn't contradict my point

>its another episode of serial killer bad

>btw what was the point of the BTK scenes?
It's a continual storyline.

I'm excited and that's all that matters.

Same. I don't have Netflix though so hopefully it pops up elsewhere quickly enough.

>son of sam
>the atlanta child murders

what else is known that s2 will feature?

main character looks like a faggot. Dropped.

Well he acts like a faggot and is written like a 2D tv trope.

All of your favorite serial killers!


But the white people are also good

The main serial killer this season is a black guy.

What's going on?
Is the 2nd season coming out?
if so I don't really care to be honest.

I can't watch it because the harsh colors of RED's camera sensors paired with the aggrivated Bokeh of the Leica lenses he used to film it give me a headache.

t. autist

The first season was a few hours of interview and investigation kino surrounded by mindnumblingly dull drama about the young guy and his tedious girlfriend. If the show had been just the two guys and the psychiatrist doing their thing, it would have been one of the most watched shows of all time.

The series was not good enough to hold my interest for 1.5 years with no new content. Even hits like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrans only had us wait a year (usually).


This. And the girl who plays the girlfriend is also a very shitty actress.
I'll watch season 2 anyway.

When you discover the origin of the real crime term "Trace Evidence" and how it used to be called "Small Clues" I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Fincher has become too obsessed with process, investigation and psychology he forgets to make things interesting. Panic Room was his last entertaining movie

So much time has passed since the first season that I don't even remember what happened

>Interview serial killers
>Solve some murders
That's all that matters.

>son of sam
Will they mention the Process Church of the Final Judgement/Best Friends Animal Society or are they going to cuck out?

Also I forgot to mention that the Camera's sensor is too big for the image circle of some of the wider lenses (fucking RED) and you can see some serious abbberation and distortion on the edges of some shots that weren't cropped. The DP claims that all shots were taken from the center of the sensor when shooting at 6K but I don't believe him as I can see when they pushed it to the edge on some scenes. He should have waited a year or two and shot it on the LF ARRI with those Signature Primes they released with it. Now that's a fucking camera.

Gf isn't in this season so it looks to be unfiltered kino

correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't this show make the case that racial profiling is a GOOD thing?

Even absent the gf the main character is a poorly written bore.

But bro without those scenes we couldn't recognize that he is an undervalued genius who is distant from his own personal life but so intimate with the criminally insane. When I watched the show I just kept saying under my breath "This is based....this is deep".

>literal hype thread
op is a fage

Thanks for reminding me OP, works been crazy recently and forgot this was dropping. Seems to be the ultimate INCEL-filter on Yea Forums though? Gonna get real comfy this weekend

I felt the same way. What an original and insightful concept; the person tasked with catching the criminally insane might share their insanity! This show is just brimming with concepts never even considered before.

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