The Boys

Muh dick

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The Deep when meeting Starlight like

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By the end I felt sorry for the deep. He's just a confused idiot trying to get by while everyone treats him as a joke. His genuine love for sea creatures is sweet though.

Quit fucking posting this pic it’s not funny

this is one of those uncommon shows where the previews actually make it look much much worse than it is. i saw the commercials like 100x before ever watching it and thought it looked like a fucking retarded comedy/sarcastic take on superheros. i gave it a shot after the rlm video and it's actually pretty good anti-corporate kino. a little ironic it's being put out by fucking amazon of all people

>that ending

so what's the moral? that women are all whores?

That the best is loose and no longer under control of its creator

It's pretty sad that The Boys is the best representation we've had yet of what Superman is capable of when he is evil. That scene of him slaughtering those terrorist was excellent because it showed what just how devastating his powers are to the human body.

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Butcher is a cuck and homelander is the bull

It is crucial you understand that this show is made by and for male homosexuals. You now understand why in the age of Me Too we get lots of screen time for handsome white men and a handful of one-off jokes for forgettable female characters.

I don't think I would ever hate superheroes as much as I hate the 7

Imagine being this insecure and projecting your homosexuality onto everything

yeah they did a good job with the gore/brutality in this show. the runner dude obliterating that girl and nearly every scene with the laser eyes was fucking kino

What did my nigga black noir did wrong?

I hate a train based on race but the other ones are based especially the deep

>muh christianity is bad

>the literal joke character gets me too'd

i feel like there is something redpilled here


Only American version is objectively cancer

>I throw sparkles


I think it also did a decent job showing that there are good christians that aren't bible-beating nutjobs like Ezekiel and the youth pastor, and of course Homelander. Starlight was like "god is great but christianity sucks ass" and that's a sentiment many christians have today.

user, women ARE all whores

Dude, I hope season 2 shows more of this. And from the way the show ended, I think it will. I reckon we may see some serious carnage from him. They do an excellent job showing just what it would be like.

>"oh no homos infest all media now, what happened guise?"

It's your own damn fault for not entering those fields. Meanwhile what, are you a lifer at Walmart or Home Depot? Taco Bell? You were probably one of those "lol who needs college lololol" memers

ditto - I didn't want to even give it a shot until the RLM video.
>yeah yeah I suck Rich Evans cock yadda yadda

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i thought in the comic his wife literally dies in child birth right in front of him and he has to kill the superbaby himself. does the show just completely go off in a different direction form the comics?

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>t. fellow white person

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That's his mommy, not his gf

most of the fags on this board have been turned on to "niche" stuff like The Ghost because of RLM whether they'll admit it or not, nothing wrong with being turned onto something mainstream by them


A-Train stuff was all over the place, the dude is irredeemable yet I'm seriously supposed to feel bad that the 'good guys' forced him to kill his own girlfriend he actually liked?

I don't think the DCU has ever, in all their 'what if Supes was evil' things made me think 'oh no wonder people are terrified if Superman went rogue' as well as that scene of Homelander killing all those guys. And yeah, because of the gore, but the image of his eyes glowing inthe dark like some kind of demon was actually kino.

I hope this chick is on S2.

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Shoulda clarified I liked noir. Him and shimmer were the only ones I liked.

>Hughie goes from an ugly controlling mutt to a qt rich superpowered gf that still saved his ass after he betrayed her
A-train honestly did him a favor

You are seeing latitude that wouldn't normally be possible, but because of who is doing it. If straight white men made a media product trashing metoo like this it would not get the same distribution.

Do you have an explanation for why a show about bad superheroes has one (1) thirty second throwaway blip of femdom?
I do. Queers aren't into femdom.

The scene of them abandoning the plane was so fucked up. I wish they showed how more of how Maeve has been killed inside because of the superhero life though

More is not better

Musicals, movies, fashion, and most of publishing is solidly gay, and has been for a while. Your scripted damage control spam would make sense if I insisted that astrophysics was the new Studio 54.

We barely got anything though, just her crying to her ex and telling Starlight to not be like her.

Yeah, why is that? Why don't we see more of her? Is there a specific reason or did it just work out that way?

Would have rather more of that then some weird scenes of us trying to make feel sorry for Deep after they introduced him blackmailing Starlight into sucking his dick. I laughed my ass off at the Dolphin though.

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Her eyes glowing when she orgasms is really cute.

A-Train could've been a good commentary on how pro-athletes are treated but there was no reason for him to kill his gf. im sure he will be redeemed in s2 and we'll find out that homelander forced him to do it.

>god is great but christianity sucks ass
That's the only kind of Christianity Hollywood will allow and promote because it surrenders to the values and beliefs that they want you to follow. "Yeah, it's okay for you to be Christian, but don't talk about it in public. Don't try to convert anyone either. It's okay to have premarital sex and get abortions, and you don't have to go to church either. It's okay to SAY you're Christian, but don't actually act like one. Otherwise, you look just all these evil assholes we present on TV all the time."

It's the same message they always preach. It's okay to be a Christian so long as you don't actually follow Christian beliefs. Starlight's little speech was cringe-incarnate because it's this same message, just blatantly spoken.

He joked about the time he made Robin explode by running into her with smeone, and clearly doesn't give a shit about her or the trauma he inflicted on Hughie. They'll have to pull something special out of their ass to make him redeemed.

Actor for Homelander is rightly getting a lot of praise for his performance, but the actor for A-Train deserves more credit, he acts like a whedon written superhero but as an actual fucking dickhead.

I hope they don't redeem that fucking spook, I hate how he just doesn't give two shits. only affects him if it burdens his life.

There's no redeeming him. They did a good job showing he's an asshole, but still has feelings and stuff. Him having a life and a personality doesn't erase the fact that he's a terrible person that deserves whatever comes his way.

They definitely made him a lot more relatable and sympathetic than his comic book version, who is completely irredeemable, but I don't think he should be redeemed. He doesn't deserve it. He's a selfish person who only cares when the people close to him are affected and doesn't care when he causes harm to strangers. He joked about killing Hughie's girlfriend, was going to murder Hughie's dad who had nothing to do with anything, and tried to murder The Female before he even knew anything about her.

What is Yea Forums's obsession with the 'anti-christian' bit of the show? The point of that scene was clearly how the Superhero's and the Vought company use it to further their own image and hypocrisy.

Lucky for Hughie she didn't have Ice powers I guess.

All of that could’ve been handwaved as him being actively drug addicted at the time. We know he’s capable of compassion with his gf, it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility for him, and he still had a close relationship with his brother, so he had some family on his side.

He must’ve known something about The Female because she was kept in the facility were he was getting Compound V. Him threading Hugie’s dad was terrible but he was experiencing some kind of withdrawal.

If he is redeemed, it’ll have to come with death. Maybe he can die protecting Hughie or turning on the remainder of the Seven.

It was dumb and unnecessary. Felt like it was from 15 years ago.

I will say this, Butcher is probably a worse person than A-Train. Show Butcher at least.

based and redpilled

Because it portrays as unreasonable and immoral to hold a bunch of mainline and doctrinal beliefs.

Like who the fuck goes to a Christian revival to proclaim their embarrassing pantheism?

What was Butcher's job. Did I miss it or did he never state it? I know he was in some special military force at one point right?

He did say he was FBI, his antihero training came from the CIA lady

yeah, the show is angry and snide about christians who literally just hold their hands up, smile, and probably support progressivism and faggotry.
Hopefully, more hatred towards progressive and nice Christians like this in popular media, will create more radical ones, who aren't afraid of executing sodomists.

I agree with you. I actually thought Butcher was completely unlikable, not even in a “fun antihero” way.

>the actor for A-Train deserves more credit
agreed, it's a more nuanced role. homelander guy was great but the arrogant maniac thing isn't as hard to play as something like A-train where you have the arrogance shit but also confusion, feeling like you're in over your head, not wanting to become a has-been, doing shit that you deeply regret, etc.

Why do we need a whole episode dedicated to "X group bad"? It just felt really preachy and out of place in an otherwise pretty good show.

Additionally, and worst of all, it simply doesn't make sense in the context of the show. If The Seven are the face of Vought, there's no way in hell they would be at events promoting Christianity and anti-homosexuality. It would be like having Henry Cavill and Robert Downey Jr. at an event like that while in costume. It's ridiculous. Having heroes like Oh Father and Ezekiel is definitely likely since they'd want to tap that market, but all that "fly straight" shit just feels likes something a rebellious 13-year old who thinks everyone is out to get him would come up with.

>Show Butcher at least.

i'm only slightly familiar with the comics, but show butcher is like a neutered disney version compared to comics butcher

Yeah why didnt they kill him when they broke his leg though?

Comic Butcher is as bad as Vought. He literally wants to kill every single man, woman, and child that has ever had any contact with Compound V ever. He's an evil psycho.

Honestly, all of the actors have shown great chops, and it's probably because the showrunners are smartly using them only when necessary. Too many shows linger on periphery characters for too long. The Deep hardly has any screen time, but what you get of him is paramount to his development and thus all the more impactful. There's no wasted space in the entire show. It's really well done all around.

Well, because as the heart attack scene shows, just because the supes are cunts doesnt mean he hi can just let people die. What I don't get is why he flipped his shit and killed Translucent though.mself

It's based on a Garth Ennis comic dude. If anything the religion bashing stuff is toned down.

Religion is fucking retarded and none of you fags have any response to that except *tips fedora* which is just christfags' way of saying incel.

Stillwell does warn Homelander to appear moderate at the festival, but he went off book.

>Yea Forums
It's not Yea Forums. It's crossboarders from a certain other board.

Figure bloodthirsty asian bitch woulda done him.

Was Karl Urbans accent off or is it just me

It was very off, went back and forth between cockney and his natural accent.

What’s everyones consensus on The Deep’s storyline in season 2? I haven’t read the comics, but to me, shaving his head makes it seem like he’s on the path to really losing it and becoming more Homelander-like.

I think the point is that he is a child emotionally and mentally. You're supposed to feel bad that he is so stupid he couldn't forgive his girlfriend for doing the same shit he was, and couldn't see past the fact that she was blackmailed.

It wasn't even realy christianity bashing. The whole setup and speeches were basically exactly the same as one of those new scam churches that Justin Bieber was a part of. It was criticizing those types of churches rather than christianity itself.

Even so, it's literally one fucking part of one episode.

I still don't get what's her super power is, aside from shruging off a high caliber to the chest

>What’s everyones consensus on The Deep’s storyline in season 2? I haven’t read the comics, but to me
it's a joke.

if you took it seriously you're a joke.

Hughie is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

I feel like him shaving his head is symbolizing him separating himself from The Seven. My hope is that he'll end up with Super Duper, and maybe merge storylines with them. I think he'd be a good fit with them, and I'd like to see them working together to do some actual superhero work.

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Chace Crawford is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

It was basic "if it feels good it can't be bad" liberal dogma, which is antithetical to christianity which preaches the opposite even as it fails to live up to it. It's anti-christian no matter how you twist or turn it.

You didn’t make Hughie x Starlight fan art? Bro, that’s kinda cringe

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A lot has changed.
Reading the comics wont spoil the show.

It just feels too dated compared to everything else in the show. It gives the same old arguments about "muh premarital sex" and "muh being mean to gays" that every single anti-church tv show has given since the 90s.

frenchie looks fucking EXACTLY like a shorter, darker, Ryan Gosling. It's uncanny.

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>It gives the same old arguments about "muh premarital sex" and "muh being mean to gays"

If it was a running theme of the show, sure. But it wasn't. It doesn't even come up again after that, or even before it, bar the scene with Ezekiel in the bar.

i agree with the other user, it was just a joke like the rest of his character. the whole "shave your head when you've hit rock bottom" thing is a well known trope, him immediately hating it since it ruins his pretty-boy look is just supposed to undercut the gesture, nothing more

Am I the only one who grew to hate Hughie? He's the archetypical gamma male lead that is a self insert for the writer to a T. Pathetic, spineless goofy “nice guy” who gets to be part of a gang of edgy anti-heroes even though he should have been dumped as a liability long ago, and has a badass female that is inexplicably attracted to him based on his “sweet” personality. Not to mention they've been hinting that he may possess some sort of latent superpowers that he's is unaware, another hallmark of the characters I hate in sci-fi and fantasy. Comic Hughie was a much better likable every man, who was immediately useful to The Boys and looked up to Butcher as a big brother. Show Hughie lacked irony and felt like he was actually written by Whedon.

>the scene with Ezekiel in the bar.

The bit where the minature superhero running jumps into that woman's pussy was amazing

Not a paid shill at all

I agree. Dude was the same type of "character only normies think is a loser but still has friends and a gf" as like Scott Pilgrim. But I just fucking the the trope of the
>whiney, reluctant "hero"
in general. Like your going on an adventure dude be excited asshole.

breh you must not live in the south, that kind of shit is still very much alive and well in evangelical circles. probably the only way they could make it even more "modern" would be selling MAGA hats or don't tread on me flags

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She can project and control light from herself with such power that it has density, and she has minor control over other sources of light in her local vicinity.

I wish they explained the powers more. Throughout the show I never really had a clear idea what the durability of certain heroes were. I never felt like A-Train had superhuman durability because of his leg but then in episode 1 he ran into the girl going thousands of miles per hour but didnt get injured.

Also Queen Maeve tanked getting hit by that huge armored truck extremely easily, bullets bounced right off of her without leaving any marks. But evil superman seemed to think that if she stayed on the plane she would die.

Also I think she was bean bagged, not actually shot right? Or am I misremembering?

i thought he was ok in his "little brother" role with the boys, but holy fuck he and starlight had 0 onscreen chemistry. all of those close up shots of him on their dates were terrible and he comes off as so fake and wooden even in the "real" moments of their relationship

But don't he and his boys also take Compund V?

Translucent was so cringe, glad he died early on.

I don’t think “going evil” would actually work out with him, since he’s the universes chew toy, but I can see him trying to “get back at them” for cutting him out of the Seven.

captain of the varsity slut team

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>Am I the only one who grew to hate Hughie?
Probably not. I skipped through most the scenes with him unless they had something other than his personal bullshit going on. Found him a really loathsome character for all the reasons you list and more. He kinda reminded me of all the worst aspects of Edward Norton's character in Fight Club, but played without the self-loathing that such a pathetic, broken character necessitates in order to be taken seriously.

How was Butcher able to hurt Translucent if his skin is hard as diamond?

Pretty much all supers have some form of super-durability. I think she was bean bagged (and notice that butcher didn't aim for the head anyway, he wasn't trying to kill her) but it wouldn't have mattered a ton if he tried shooting her.

Indeed, they do.

But why show him forcing Starlight to suck him off in his first scene? Even now that scene feels so out of place.

>I skipped through most the scenes with him unless they had something other than his personal bullshit going on.

Hey, just wanted to let you know, you're insanely stupid.


I like that he wasn't comically evil, he was just unhinged, and instead of wanting to take over the world or something he just occasionally feels like murdering people near him

What bothered me the most about Hughie was being unable to pin his age. The actor is 27, but his girlfriend mentioned taking classes, is he a college kid? He was still living with his dad. He was existing in weird man-boy child limbo.

Also, I can’t buy him and Starlight as a couple when the timeline of Robin’s death isn’t confirmed. If my beloved girlfriend was horrifically killed infront of me, I’d like to think I wouldn’t fall for someone else so soon, especially when Robin’s death is the inciting incident of the show. I can’t continue to be mad at A-Train for killing her if the show is so determined to forget her.

Well if she stayed on the Plane she might have drowned. And she broke her arm by catching a bus, so she isn't super durable when it comes to high-impact trauma.

About as practitcal as talking to fish

Cast him.

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>Also Queen Maeve tanked getting hit by that huge armored truck extremely easily, bullets bounced right off of her without leaving any marks. But evil superman seemed to think that if she stayed on the plane she would die.

yeah that line really through me off too, until homelander said that i never really got the sense she was actually in any real danger

they definitely make it seem like the drug must give you super healing/durability by default plus whatever extra powers. even starlight gets shot or whatever by butcher and even though she seems beat up by it, even hughie does really seem concerned about her being seriously hurt

They are filming season 2 in Toronto near my house. I'm going to check it out.

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Oh no, I’m with you, either The Deep is a monster guilty of multiple sexual assaults (as Stillwell implies) or he’s a joke who can’t do anything right, who everybody hates, and doesn’t even have useful powers. The show wants to have its cake and eat it too.

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he's strong

based Homelander. god bless him and god bless America

She can also fly in the comics too right? They had to make it so she was unable to save the Plane herself or the scene wouldn't work really.

The point is that megachurches and scams that exist to pervert faith into some fast food version that you pay hundreds of dollars to experience are bullshit
Real faith comes from within, and from consultation with holy texts and the Church, not from some faggot in a white suit with a jesus tattoo who gives easy, flowery speeches and re-baptizes you like a heathen

>I don't like pizza rolls

Who the fuck doesn't like pizza rolls

I think it should be assumed that he's going back to college. He worked an awful job at an electronic store and he lived at home; when we are first introduced he's at a point where he is trying to become a better person by going back to school and maybe moving in with his girlfriend.

I mean, giving density to pure energy is a pretty insane power. A blast from her should be killing most people

The wife literally cucks him with Homelander and then leaves him. Thats his entire reason to go after the supes


Queen Maeve survived getting hit by a tank but broke her arm when she was young and it didn’t heal right. Doesn’t add up.

Step aside.

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>i'm an embodiment of corporations
Lost it. Author really thinks everyone is just a fucking retard?

Homelander is best boy

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>she's 25
I'm finishing college and working out now, trying to get fit. I'm gonna shoot my shot when I've built up more muscle

Groundbreaking revelation, you meme spouting mouth breather

It's a real tragedy that these merchants in the temple are smearing Christianity's reputation the worst, yet more Christians seem to be fretting over comparatively harmless fedora atheists.

He kinda looks like Vic Mignogna, the sides of his eye lids mostly

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It did seem weird that they would even have an anti-gay marriage booth considering the show takes place in 2019 and presumably gay marriage has already been legalized for several years, it's not like they're still trying to get people to write to their congressman about it

she got stronger as she got older

They're very preoccupied with taking shots at Christian sexual morality, both in the belief that sex should exist in a committed marriage only and the anti-LGBT stance. Its cringy and they have a political agenda. It would be better if Starlight just pointed out that she was being falsely portrayed as an icon when that isn't her real life.

That looks like a totally different person wtf

The Female broke his leg she's very strong, if huey had tried that it probably would've bounced off

>They're very preoccupied

One episode is pre-occupied?

True but they should have completely excised it. That era is over, in Ennis's time it was rebellious. Today its cringey.

A-Train should have been played by Anthony Mackie, his mix of bravado and pathetically insecure reminded me a lot of his character in Pain and Gain

just watch the show, she basically shoots lasers out of her hands

Yeah Hughie was fucking annoying. Butcher and the others were great and he was a huge drag.

Another pet peeve with the show is you can tell just how much influence the women writers have. The women are all sympathetic, and the men are betas, jokes, and sometimes literal cucks. The female characters all feel like they were written by femcels. Starlight's character arc plays like a lifetime movie complete with sexual harassment from a jerk and overbearing bitch boss that culminates in her taking control of her life and career by finding her sensitive soul mate. Maeve is cynical cool wine aunt incarnate but who can also kill anyone she pleases, so she fears no man or woman (except HL). Stillwell is lacking the daddy issues from the comic that makes the mommy-cest relationship with HL entirely one sided (until the last episode). Popclaw is the only one who feels like she had input from men, but she is still sympathetic to the end. The CIA lady did use to date Butcher, but she is not constantly taking is dick, and is more the standard strong independent boss lady. Mallory who formed the Boys is a woman now too.

who are you choosing to ignore all the main characters? you know THE BOYS, fucking idiot

except Homelander lamshades and makes fun of Starlight's muh sexual harrasment as do many other characters. Also both Stillwell and her ugly assistant are some of the biggest assholes to Starlight. I don't think the writers would include that stuff if they were the le SJW you think they are.

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Yes. Also it is in more than one episode, the whole Pray the Gay Away shit is in at least a couple episodes.

Homelander looks so fucking weird in promo images. It made me think he was being played by some early 20's and the show was going to be "Riverdale: Superhero edition"

Dilate pls. Thank you :)

Yes but Homelander is the villain. You're supposed to read his bants as being horrible and pig like, not as funny jokes with a hint of truth to them.

why do you think that? everywhere he's being talked about as the most entertaining character, everywhere, why do you assume the writers had one intention when literally everyone's reaction has been the opposite?

I'm not thatanon and this isn't linked to the feminism thing but does anyone think if Homelander is a product of how he was made and raised like in the show that it absolves him of his actions?

no it isn't

I don't think it absolves him of anything, but it is tragic, watch his scene with his creator again, he's on the verge of tears, its really well acted and is basically a perfect summation of his character

I did, when does she shoot it as lasers? I only remember sparks and lights going out. I thought it was something like electricity/emp
Was wondering why didn't she use her powers as defibrillator to restart A-Train's heart

Best adaptation you could hope for. Keeps out all the retarded stuff like villain of the week, resurrections, shock value sex, shit and focuses on the 7. The boys aren't all powered and that's what makes it so much more interesting- they're just terrorists.

He's more of a dog that needs to be put down than a bad person that needs to be punished, imo.

t. was never in youth group
That shit was so dead-on that it gave me fucking flashbacks.

>The women are all sympathetic

are they? the only one objectively good are robin and starlight, and robin only gets that privilege because she's dead. maeve is an accomplice to how many murders, is a drunk who cannot be with the person she loves. stillwell is a manipulative shrewd business woman who is obsessed with her baby. popclaw is a z-list former celebrity and borderline porn-star turned drug addict who is killed. the female doesn't even have any dialogue, she's more of a plot device and weapon than a character.

and finally, butchers wife is a liar who cheated on her husband and let him believe she was dead for years.

watch her fight with a-train again, call it w/e you like laser/intense heat beam idk who fucking cares? she shoots destructive energy from her palms, thats why homelander told her keep her fucking hands down

villains are entertaining but that doesn't mean people agree with his viewpoint or think what he does is morally right.

sure, thats a good analogy
popclaw also murders a guy while on a drug binge, everyone seems to forget that

She reminds me milf version of some very popular porn star, but i can't remember her name. She work for big networks like brazzers

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She literally just projects beams of light and has minor control over other light sources. For some reason those beams of light are super powerful, the physics behind it don't really matter I guess. Strictly speaking she doesn't control electricity in-universe.

correct but
>your not suppose to read his bants as jokes
is incorrect, its like saying the dolphin rescue is only suppose to be tragic, not also fucking hilarious

yea me too, can't place it but I had the same thought

Yeah, her, The Deep, Starlight and a cut hero named Jack from Jupiter can fly, not just Homelander. They had to take that out because it would have clashed with Maeve's character in the show since she's more compassionate than her comic counterpart and would have saved those two girls. In the comics, she cracked under the pressure once the plane started freefalling and bulldozed her way through the passengers blocking her way to the exit, leaving a pile of blood and guts.

So, a it's frorce push then?

Just think of it as the Green Lantern's powers but not able to make custom shapes

no, watch the fucking show

The only female that is portrayed in a good light the whole time is Starlight, and even then she's called out for being naive and easily lets her feelings get the best of her. Maeve is shown to be broken, Stillwell is an asshole that cares more about money than anything else, they show a girl raping The Deep.

Maybe Raynor isn't shown in a bad light either but she is barely in the show. Just because there's a lot of women in power doesn't really mean anything, you're reading way too much into it.

Why didn't he just run through her in that scene instead of punching her in the gut?

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Is comic Maeve also gay?




He's trying to arrest her, not kill her. He's also hopped up on superhero crack.

Yea, I felt the same.

They honestly should have replaced The deep with Transluscent in that scene. Would have his death more meaningful too

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Raynor does kind of fuck over the Boys. She felt bad about it, sure, but still.

Anyone else disappointed that the show didn't go far enough? After they killed translucent I was hyped as fuck to see them take on more supes and I was hoping the finale would be the team taking on homelander together but that never ended up happening.

I hope it happens in season 2.

I think the pathetic shit that happens to The Deep isn't so much to make us feel bad, I think it's actually his comeuppance.

Because she's durable enough to tank two shots from a high caliber rifle and only be momentarily incapacitated. If he tried running through her he would have probably fucked himself up as well.

She's a Supe, she's durable, not squishy like humans

Hughie killing Translucent was really fucking stupid, but if he didn't the show would've been over in two episodes.

Yes it is. Its mentioned in that scene in episode 1 when Billy and Hughie are in that sex club and they see Ezekiel. Then its mentioned again in the Believe Expo episode. 2 episodes. 2 is a couple.

Alright. Why not run through Hughie instead?

Not really. Everyone is a product of their times and circumstances, but that doesn't absolve anyone of anything.

>we're not a shithole like Akron
As a northeast Ohioan born and raised The Deep's b-plot fucking killed me

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I'm not a comic reader, but I keep seeing that M.M/Mother's Milk has powers in the comics. In the show it didn't seem that way, are they saving that for season 2, or just giving him that name for no reason?

Because he doesn't want to kill him

nah, having it turn out that translucent was a 1/2 decent guy was better, also made more sense that it took so long for everyone to realize he was missing

Because Starlight was the biggest threat and he was still injured+suffering from Compound V withdrawal, which was affecting his abilities. If he focused on Hughie first then he might have gotten blinded by Starlight. After he knocked her out he was going to kill Hughie, but had a mental breakdown and a heart attack.

Its more like a forcefield than a singular push. Notice that A-Train had to dodge both walls of light; it can be inferred that if he touched one at any point in the field it would send him backwards.

What did I say that opposes him being entertaining? He's entertaining in a "what if Superman was completely fucked up lol" kind of way, but that's the exact thing - you're supposed to see him as completely fucked up.

I want more planning and schemes from the boys to kill supes, like they target say a-train and have a few eps dedicated to them trapping him and killing him, the whole idea of regular people trying to figure out how to kill supes is what I liked most about the show and I wish they had done more of it

But you can agree that the real monsters are the Vought company that made him?

Who was this?

They're definitely not SJW, at least not blatantly, which was a breath of fresh air, but there are the feminist undertones.

>Stillwell and her ugly assistant are some of the biggest assholes to Starlight
This is straight out of a Lifetime movie. The assistant is the most stock of corporate antagonists, her role is simply drama porn for women.

>Show called The Boys
>Women are the ones actually in charge of everything
Really makes you think.

yes thats called foreshadowing, setup something up, pay it off later

Just because that shit is accurate to some portrayals doesn't mean it isn't an agenda. Also the doctrines of Christianity are directly opposed, not just Christianity as a social phenomenon. I would have been much more alright with it if it just criticized Christianity as a social phenomenon because yes its fucking retarded, but preaching some humanist doctrine and pretending like its insightful is eye-rolling.

you said your not suppose to laugh or enjoy his bantz, thats blatantly wrong

All of the Supes shown so far have some form of enhanced durability. I doubt he could run through her like he did with Robin.

Kimiko is awesome and definitely not just a plot-device. Her silence is part of her character.

I actually enjoyed Hughie as a character. However this is mostly because I really fucking hated the 7 and any character that was antag with them was alright with me.

leave peggy alone, she has one role and she always plays it well

The Queen herself.

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Read the whole sentence. They are jokes obviously but they're not the Bill Burr or George Carlin type jokes where you're supposed to think "wow that's outrageous, but he kinda has a point!"

Fuck modern Christianity.

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I'm christian but that evangelical revival shit is real and it is cringy af, also I believe its evil they are scam artists and are blaspheming every time they get on stage, hypocritical fucks

I was thinking her but you saying 25 fucked my head.She's gorgeous but 25???

Except Mesmer.

she tanks 3 50cal rounds at close range, i'd say she's pretty tough

What was Nambian Prince's powers?

Best joke in the shoe tbqh, got a good laugh out of it. Popupar media rarely shows how shitty much of Ohio actually is because it's a very large population state in the midwest, while making fun of places in North Carolina and Georgia is generally fair game.

Found it, she looks kinda like Jenna Haze.

He blends in at night

who do you think that? he had many good points, he's also a psychopath, the two are not always mutually exclusive like in this show

Someone else said that. She's actually 33 apparently.

Mother's Milk is called that because he is the most pure hearted member of the boys, as pureas milk
straight from your mum's breast even, they all take Compound V in the comic so they are all sort of supes.

disappears when you turn of the lights

Technological progress and flying pyramids

Whatever it's called, point is you were wrong


Read my post again moron

What the fuck, she's cute as fuck in that picture but looks like absolute shit in the show.

Oh yeah, true. Guess that's one of the reasons he's so unimportant to the other heroes despite having an incredibly valuable ability.

no the point is your exaggerating to an obscene degree

Starlight's actress is 25

>post yfw this scene from the comic happens


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read it yourself retard
>You're supposed to read his bants as being horrible and pig like, not as funny jokes

Yeah for sure, I agree. I was fine with all those critiques. But when she gets preachy about "premarital sex isn't immoral, its human!" damn I nearly ground my teeth down I cringed so hard

You and I might think that he has good points but what I'm saying is the show doesn't want you to think that. The show wants you to think "what a monster! Believe women!"

Quote the entire sentence you dumb sophist

yea, its not like I agreed with everything she said but I agreed more then the shit that came before, also notice she will do stuff like actually quote the bible
>love your neighbor, do good to them that...etc
the actual pastor shuts her down, cause thats not what they are trying to promote right then

Saying it is in at least a couple episodes when that is the literal truth is exaggerating? Telling the actual facts of the situation is exaggeration now? Should I tell retarded lies like you?

If you’re the kind of Christian that pays hundreds of dollars to visit the equivalent of cults you aren’t a Christian.

no it isn't, again with the "women" shit? what the fuck are you talking about? what woman are we suppose to be agreeing with? you agree with butcher and huey and MM and frenchie

I think it's the hair. that forehead thing is an absolute mess

Well she's avoiding the question and using those quotes misleadingly. She's the classic dumb leftist Christian who is basically a pharisee and quotes random pieces of the Bible and invites misinterpretation of them in order to try and obscure its message as a whole. She was trying to imply that "loving your neighbor" means not proselytizing to them, which is a modern humanist doctrine, not a Biblical doctrine.

stop making retarded blanket statements moron


He wasn't able to hurt him though


Quit losing debates lmao

true but she could've said something like
>be an example of gods love show don't tell
belive me I have done the whole "missionary" thing and you get a lot more results by being kind friendly and helpful, maybe invite them to church, you don't browbeat them which is what the pastor seemed to be implying she do.

I don't think it gives 2 shits about women tbqh. Every character except Starlight is portrayed in a bad light at some point, and even she acts like a whiny little puppy way in over her head.all the women in power get screwed over and/or make big mistakes.

Homelander projects toxic masculinity because he's just a version of shitty superman, so of course the shit he says as a MAN looks bad. Maeve looks really bad for females too; she constantly bows to pressure from the controlling man in her life and is an alcoholic who can't connect with people. She's totally forsaken all of her ideals but she's supposed to be the Wonder Woman female icon equivalent.

No you aren't supposed to feel bad unless you do. Listen user you are a fucking brainlet and should stick to shows for young children where every character is "supposed" to make you think a certain think. A-Train is written as his own character with personality flaws not a 1 dimensional prop. That's why this series is good the characters are all nuanced and you could feel any different way about any of them.

Remember when this place was an openly degenerate state where being christian was looked down upon?

this, I don't get this whole "your suppose to like this one, your suppose to hate this other one, why is deep so confusing its like they wanted us to sympathize with him, i'm so confused" fucks sake don't watch things like this if you can't get that people are complex

never happened, 2011 was the fedora wave and even then their were plenty like me calling them out, remember Lucas the Magnificent Faggot? of course you don't you weren't here

No because this site has never just been one group of people its all kinds of faggots with brainlet opinions arguing.

Yeah she never got a chance to finish the sentence because the cult group leading the thing didn't want her to break the narrative. It's prettu clear that the people behind the scenes of believe expo are corrupt.

Considering how god-centric Annie's life was I reckon she was probably going to say something along the lines of "proselytize through good deeds, brow-beating often turns many non-believers away" but the cult sells hyper-christianity to these people to make money.

It's the same thing it always was: a cesspool of contrarians. Give it a few years and the pendulum will swing back

it'll be a bitch and a half.

ShowButcher doesn't seem near smart or well connected enough to pull anything like that off, though

Patrician taste.

Watchmen did the superhero deconstruction thing much better in much less time.

>"Queen" Maeve

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One of them was written by a writer, the other one by an assblasted edgy manchild.Think of this show as a ''fuck superheroes and companies'' take


She apparently took alot of dick

you can tell he hates his job more than anyone else
>disgusted look on his face when he hears the camera crew to put the garbage back on the beach
>tries to shift the company away from it's environmental damaging practice but gets shooed off
fuck the guy for using his title to take advantage of someone. But he's probably the only guy in the 7 who still had a soul

But the superheroes are actually pretty complex characters and not even meant to be totally unlikable

she's a drunk and on a constant diet of call boy dick

she's been through a ton of shit

alan did it better in miracleman, not watchmen, MM was about what happens when a superman exists in real life, and a superman who is a complete pyschopath

That superheroes are FUCKING TERRIFYING, but only because people are, innately, existentially terrifying.

Homelander is a bad guy, Butcher is a bad guy, because Butcher wanted revenge, now we know there are (at least) two Homelanders out there, and now the world is going to go to shit, because the only thing that could keep Homelander in place is now destroyed, and Butcher, in his selfish aim for revenge, made everything worse.
Nobody wins.

Just a dude with mommy issues, who happens to be a superhuman murder machine.

He didn't go in to that intending to force a blowjob on her.
He is retarded and thought she wanted it and when she didn't he got ashamed and panicked. He had to regain the power position in the situation or he would be cucked by the new person when he was already bottom wrung. Only way to get her to not to go tell everyone what a pathetic cuck he was.

So, what, this is how she dies or something? Why show that?

so what kind of reveal do you think they're going to do for Black Noir?
or are they going to subvert the expectation and just kind of keep him in the background occasionally?

He's an asshole who only cares about fish because everybody else thinks he's a freak (his gills) and being the only person who can talk to aquatic life makes him super special. It's his own unique club that nobody else can join, and he cares very deeply for the animals because they dont treat him like shit.

Honestly, poor guy. He's hateable and likable at the same time.

But that sounds awfully specific to that one theme. I think Dr Manhattan alone justifies Watchmen's existence personally.

>ywn have a qt super heroine waifu to princess carry you away from danger

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they were gross, not been that grossed out in ages actually. I don't get why he didn't just knock the girl who was poking them out though, he's way stronger than she is.

>either The Deep is a monster guilty of multiple sexual assaults (as Stillwell implies) or he’s a joke who can’t do anything right, who everybody hates, and doesn’t even have useful powers.

There's no reason you can't do both.

Aquaman, is such a fucking joke in the comic world, that even his expy ends up being a fucking loser.

think you're giving the young lad the short stick before he can show his nature. Homelander is a asshole because he's a product who was never given basic human teaching. We have done test on monkeys to prove that babys without interaction from a parent become ungodly violent

its not, you have to read it, for instance the first time MM trys to save a kid thats been thrown by evil KM he breaks the kids arm, its the best he could do but people react like "wtf why did he break my kids arm that fucking monster" where as KM on the other hand is a legit pyschopath since similar to HL he's grown up with godlike powers and thinks of everyone as ants. The MM series is The Boys long before The Boys existed, and of course its Moore so much much better

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except he didnt know he thought she was raped and murdered. Now he just knows he was lied too. He didnt go after Supes because of the cucking he went after them because of the belief she was raped and murdered

Probably because he knows that he's in Ohio because people think he's a sexual predator, if he doesn't go along woth what that girl wants she can just go running to the media and his position will be even more fucked.

The Deep is a pretty sympathetic character by the end of the show tbqh.

i really enjoy his role as a background character
i find it highly unlikely that they do the comic book storyline, so i kinda want them to just keep his current status

Did Homelander make the terrorists or did mommy do it? I didn't quite understand that part

>Everyone else thinks hes a freak

A movie were a woman fucked a fishman won best picture. If anything women would be lining up the block to fuck him consensually, not fishgill rape him

Jesus these threads need to start with a basic rundown of
>questions that have already been answered 300 times
ok so The Deep is getting MeToo'd the company has basically abandoned him, he is in deep shit, and then this happens, now he knocks the girl off throws her out w/e, you tell me what happens next? what does that girl do next?

But, user she literally let another nigga but in her mouth.

it was a recurring thing

Homelander actually did nothing wrong and Billy is a cuck

Season 3 or 4 ending right here.


Homelander did it, he outright states it. Thats why he had A-train running V to those chinamen

That's instantly the first thing that came to my mind when i finished it

She cries once about that and there's little to any trauma at all after that. That would break me if it as me.

I actually have quite enjoyed all the scenes he's been in, from him fighting Kimiko to him staring that dude off the piano bench and then playing better than him.
Even his head tilt in the meeting where they confront Starlight was funny.

HL did, with A-Trains help, Maeve probably knows as well, he tells sitwell he did it, how did you miss that?

Well by the way that girl responded to seeing them it's clear that he's very self-conscious about them. I think you can infer that his interpersonal relationships with other humans is stunted because of that, AND the fact that he can talk to fish and to them he's super special and his gills aren't weird.

>Butcher killed Sora by cracking his skull open on a sink

In a public bathroom but whatever, details

Not in the show

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Sure. She didn't say that though. Also the point is to imply that the classic preaching thing is not "loving your neighbor" is literally using a piece of the Bible incorrectly to make an anti-Biblical statement. Its incredibly dishonest, downright vile, and dare I say it, pilpul.

It's a shame we'll never get more Osmentkino

sitwell imply s it was

So basically replace Malchemical with a semi-reformed Deep

why was trans half a good guy? There is no redeeming scenes for him.

I lost my shit when he drank from the straw through the mask.

Fedoras were always mocked to some degree, but yes their time has completely passed now and being a fedora is looked down upon. Rightfully so to be honest.

is there any titties in this show?

He didn't do anything wrong other than creeping on people in the bathroom. He had a son he actually cared about.

she didn't say that because the pastor cut her off, now maybe she was going to say something completely different but when you start with the verse
>love your neighbor
in the context of witnessing to them, that usually what your going for

Protestantism is bad*

Dude, he's a better actor than I thought he'd be, usually VA don't translate to the screen so good, or vice versa.

Yeah this. The Deep isn't stupid, he basically allows the rape because he knows if he doesn't he'll be in even wirse shit.

By the end of the season we see him giving up his old identity because nothing in his life is going right. It's actually a pretty cool character moment, he isn't really solving anything because he's still ultimately a selfish, insecure person, but he has some agency.


When Starlight said he had a kid that he devotes a lot of time to.

>Didn't go in intending

Yes he did. They even mention his other lawsuits, and the other girls. He knew what he was doing.


it's gonna be pass from me then. enjoy your capeshit

Yes but there's more penises

>girl is opening up to me
>better just whip my dick out and start jerking to get hard!
nigga, i know this place has a warped idea how other people interact with each other. But whipping your dick out in the first 10 seconds of a woman talking to you isn't one of them chief

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you're doing great, keep it up

you know thats I See Dead People right? he was an actor long before any VA work

To be fair, Kingdom Hearts is really his only VA job. He mostly does minor TV shit these days.

We learn later that he had a son that he spent all of his extra time with. He also legitimately gave Hughie a chance to turn back and didn't turn on him after Hughie seemed to decide to not kill him. Only thing Translucent did was observe people. He didn't really do much wrong.

it is for world famous celebrities

Its implied he was going to tell Homelander who they were and have Homelander kill them though. Translucent didn't try to kill Huey because he thought getting out of dodge and trying to find help to get the bomb out was a better idea than antagonizing the guy with the trigger.

>didnt do much wrong

He followed Hughie in the first place and was about to kill at first. He was acting as the Seven's clean up/assassin. He didn't immediately attack Hughie in the holding area because his ego told him he knew hughie inside and out - it wasn't kindness he had but hubris.

The real question is what made Hughie snap and change his mind?

She’s 33.

is that right?

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He was morally grey. He obviously knew how fucked shit was behind the scenes. He isn't a good guy, but he ain't a bad guy. Going to the bathrooms, and peeping on people is gross too.

He was completely justified in following him and beating the shit out of him though. He just watched a guy act sketchy as fuck and plant something in the conference room.

Also if he fucks up Hughie can accidentally push the button; better to get help first, then have homelander find and kill them.

Even if Translucent was willing to keep his promise Homelander probably would have interrogated him on who was responsible for abducting him.

We're not for sure on that. He might have kept his promise and only told Homelander about Butcher and Frenchie. Also, the best way to make sure Hughie doesn't kill him in that scenario is just to quickly kill him when he got close to him, but Translucent doesn't do that.
He didn't seem to be trying to kill Huey. He was beating the shit out of him for information because he thought he was a spy.
Because he had been pushed around his whole life and didn't want to be spineless. He was rebelling against the "keep your hands clean" poster in a sense because the poster reminded him of the fact that he was bitch-made.

>Only thing Translucent did was observe people. He didn't really do much wrong.
What about attacking Hughie the first time they met

Yeah but mainly in the first episode. I swear that the first episode had a fair bit of nudity and then after that it's pretty infrequent.

>Its implied he was going to tell Homelander who they were and have Homelander kill them though
Why would that be wrong?

>follow a weird guy after he plants shit at your workplace
>get in a fight with him
>they kidnap you and stick explosives up your ass
>you are in the wrong for wanting to escape and kill them

No one is saying he did the right thing, the Deep is an autistic retard at best.

Superheros are supposed to engage in off the books killings? The guy obviously handles dirty work beyond just tailing people planting chips, he's not one dimensional but just not 'good'.

He thought that Hughie was a spy. Which he pretty much was.

In universe supes kill people all the time its not a big deal. Maeve and Homelander kill a bunch of mooks in the first five minutes with everyone cheering.

Its not retarded big two morality

Yeah and then he could've pointed out Butcher and Frenchie and not said anything about Hughie.
Obviously he's not a hero. Just saying he didn't necessarily deserve to be murdered.

I was actually shocked when Homelander gives that dude a shower made from the guts and blood of the guy above him.