Amanda Seyfried Turned Down Playing Gamora In GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

>"I turned down a superhero movie once and they haven’t called back since. And it was a big one. I don’t regret it because I didn’t want to be green for six months out of every year. They tell beautiful stories through superheroes, and my daughter’s now really obsessed with superheroes now, and part of me wishes I’d done it, but the other part of me is like ‘I had a life to live’ and I don’t think I would’ve been happy."

Was it the right choice?

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of course

>Was it the right choice?
yes, she'd be a terrible Gamora.
I mean, she's no Zoe for starters

That just means Zoe Saldana is more committed to her career.

She can play as Moondragon or Phyla-Vell in the sequels.

>turning down millions of dollars and the adoration of her daughter because she didn't want to work hard
go back to sucking justin long's dick lmao

Acting in general is a hard life, harder than people think. But a character with a lot of makeup is miserable during shooting.

>wake up at 2am
>in makeup until 7am
>shoot scenes until 7pm
>while shooting you have to be careful where you lay or sit because of all the makeup
>shower and try to sleep
>do it all the next day


Her daughter is going to grow up knowing her mother could have been Gamora. Every time they get into an argument over the daughters decisions, her kid is going to say "Oh, like that time you could have been Gamora!"

Multi-billion dollar franchise, guaranteed future jobs and residuals for the rest of your life and you turn it down just because you don't want to be painted green for a while. Fucking retard.

and then you get paid a million dollars or more
try working on an oil rig for a week

On my deathbed I know I too will look back on things with 0 regrets because eh, I had a life to live.

>eh, I had a life to live.
>posts on Yea Forums

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>another womanlet playing a part she doesn't fit at all
I wonder why?

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I would do that for 600,000 dollars. So that works out to a hundred grand a month. And I wouldn't cry about it.

They too get paid pretty good. Try working as a farmer.

Yeah because every little girl that passes me when i crossguard at schools is talking about how cool gamora is. Retard

Not Amanda too? Nuking Hollywood from orbit is the only sane option left.

>that just means Zoe is more committed to making Hollywood propaganda for the sake of the jews and basedboys so she can have an indoor hot-tub in her mansion

her pics sucking Justin Long dick will be a better thing to win an argument

>do it all the next day
>get typecast for the rest of your career
Still not worth crying about if it pays well.

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she should've taken it because it probably paid tons but the other actress was a better choice for the role

>Hollywood propaganda about a group of misfits having unrealistic space adventures

Yeah but you're a faggot without options. I could find a nigger in Africa who'd do your job for $5 a day with a 10 inch dildo up his ass but that doesn't prove that's all anyone should get for doing it and be happy about it

try being a nigger in africa being passed around a rebel camp getting filled up with aids loads before they slowly hack you to death with a machete. Working at an oil rig doesn't sound so bad now does it

>Acting in general is a hard life, harder than people think.

All the more reason to take a chance on a gigantic ongoing paycheck.

>Farmers make more from their YouTube channels now

It's not like I can stop Hollywood or their naive audiences. Call me a scumbag, but I'd have to take the check and hopefully a few more. Then I'd fade into obscurity and live an ordinary comfy life.

That’s not being a scumbag. That’s what every blockbuster career actor has been doing for decades. You’d be a fool to think RDJ Evans or any other name is doing it for a reason that trumps the slice of the pie they get.

That's what he said.

Two Billion Triple Zoe picked up the slack.

it would be hard to cover up why her dogs belly and groin were also covered in green paint

>'i passed up on the role of X. part of me is happy about it, part of me isnt"
bullshit, shes salty as fuck

I suppose some of the actors like the fame but it probably gets incredibly irritating after a while.