This show sucks cock

this show sucks cock

Yea Forums sure knows how to recommend garbage. not surprised this pile of trash got canned

Attached: The_Deuce.png (250x141, 25K)

never got around to checking it out. it's not as good as The Wire or Treme?

not even fucking close

horrible writing. horrible storyline. even the nudity is very repulsive and disgusting

HBO seems to think sex scenes and brooklyn accents are enough to make a good series

I'm sorry, but you're a fucking semen slurping fuckboi if you think shows like Deuce, Californication, Hung, etc should not exist. Famous actresses acting like whores and getting naked for our amusement is straight kino.

Go back to your fucking lame ass Chernobyl and The Boys generals that protect the female form.

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boring aimless shit. essentially muh new orleans, muh katrina for however long it was one

I liked Hung though.

Stop assuming I don't like all those other shows just because I think The Deuce is trash.

I like Treme because I have a real sentimental connection with New Orleans and their unique music scene

I used to play the saxophone over there and I have so many great memories of fucking hot chicks after performances.

I blew the gold horn and then someone blew my meaty horn hehehe

It didn't get canned, it's getting a third season.

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I also really liked Treme, even more than The Wire, but I grew up about an hour from Nola and visited frequently so it could just be my fondness for the city as well

and the third season will be the final season


I'm just saying you don't have to watch these shows (I don't), but you still have to respect they exist.

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good, why is stretching out a series for 5+ years considered a good thing?

Its a really bad show, but it definitely sjows maggie with her hands on 2 cocks.

The scene where she talks Lori through her first porn shoot is the hottest scene ever shot for television.

Attached: lori in the deuce.png (1366x768, 1.26M)

i don't understand how you find the women on that show attractive. they all look so trashy and filthy

It insists upon itself.

well it was 70s porn

Emily Meade is hot.

Attached: emily in the deuce.png (1366x768, 1.09M)

the most sickening thing about the 70s were the jerkoff booths they had.

imagine being so desperate you go jerk off in a booth that's puddled with other mens' cum

This show was never recommended by Yea Forums

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I like the show btw

looks inbred


First, zoomers shouldn't talk about things they don't understand. That's the major flaw with this site is all you fucking 20 yr old virgins pretending you know how the world works.

Second, if you're a boomer here from the 70s, kys. Besides, cum booths still existed into the early 2000s when I last saw one at a strip club.

Sometimes, yes.

Well hello beautiful!...