Marvel Studios is looking for Asian and Asian-American actors to play "the ruler of an ancient, distant kingdom" in Phase 4.

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Cast that Bruce Lee guy from the Tarantino movie

not too close to aquaman shit?

Cool, but noway he's getting his own movie

I don't think any asian actors have the charisma to pull that off. Being bugmen and all that.

Namor allways looked racially ambiguous anyways.

Jack Kirby's Namor clearly has chink eyes.

Well, this is awkward.

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Ehhh. He does look kind of asian.

>Black Panther vs Namor rumors are real
Who will win folks? The black Kang or the asian kiing?
Doesn’t matter! Race war incoming!!

This is for Shang Chi.

I wonder what he'll look like

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Namor looks pretty Asian. Least he didnt get blacked.
Might not even be Namor though.

Yeah, probably some flashback about the movie's Mcguffin.

and nobody will sympathize with him but other asians, like Glenn from Walking Dead.

Women find the v taper attractive though.

hey tubby, that shape is called a human torso

He's not getting his own movie. This is old news, a a few weeks ago there were some news saying Black Panther 2 will feature Namor as the main antagonist.

They saw all the chink money Aquaman made

I didn't realize Sam Raimi wrote comic books.

>few weeks ago there were some news saying Black Panther 2 will feature Namor as the main antagonist.

That's fake.

Namor is so fucking gay

Everything in the MCU going forward is invalid because all problems can be solved with time travel and infinity stones.

Pretty sure they'll handle this somehow. The snaps they did probably caused something.
Also no one else right now could survive a snap. Russos said Captain Marvel wouldn't live after using the gauntlet, Hulk only has 1 more hand unless he learns how to snap with his feet

Also remember in main timeline Infinity Stones do not exist anymore. They just need to kill time travel and it would as easy as having Pym saying something like "wow all these snaps caused some shit on the quantum realm and now it's all more chaotic and time travel is no longer possible, also the only man that figured it out (Stark) is dead and his time machine is destroyed".

The second most intelligent man in MCU (Hulk) couldn't figure it out so yeah

im so tired of this shit

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what's even worse is that their time travel logic has no consequences

Cast Asian WOCs in everything.

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hay look it a rip off of aquaman

your desperate shilling convinces no one.

Aquaman is actually a ripoff of Namor my dude.

All papayas know the Slept King is the only man for the job.

He's always looked a little Asian. Hard to get mad about this. Maybe a hapa?

This is hilarious

He used the stones to destroy the stones.

Disney is so fucking disgusting, they have no morals or integrity, of course they are, not their fucking culture, but yea of course they need to be represented in the name of diversity at the expense of western men, there's enough white boys already. it's never racist to replace white people, because fuck them right. nothing against Asian people either, i love Asian cinema and anime, but this character is not Asian, and this is disney acting like the disgusting Jews they are.

the only asian actors that do are the same ones that are going to trigger the numale audience that is the mcu.
That guy who played Bruce Lee and that asian chad looking dude at the end of Shazam which won't be likely

it's what happens when a pair of hacks directing

It'll be this guy.

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Aquaman came out last year though

Bring in Dwayne.. It's time for the MCU to get LITTY.

God fucking damn it. Namor isn't some fucking chick. And Aquafag wasn't some fucking samoan sandnigger.

Guarentee all the Yea Forumsfags defend this cause most sad pathetic friendless loser virgins in the world (aka Yea Forumsfags) are you guessed it, non-whites.

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Oh boy another third rate fucko that never had a good writer, involved in any events or his own book.

this is some monkey paw shit.

This better mean Fantastic Four, too. And give me an Invaders movie while we're at it. I want Cap, Namor, and OG Human Torch broing it up fighting the Axis powers.

What is the fucking point of a Shang Chi film then if you were going to yellow-wash Submariner?
DC fans are secretly loving this after their latest casting news debacle.

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Those are all good castings, though.

And Namor has been drawn as vaguely Asian since the 80's.

Someone do the if only you knew how bad things are edit

Nothing wrong with casting a black guy as two face. When’s the last time any Hollywood had a white male protagonist going against a black antagonist, it’s always the other way around.

>t. Yea Forumsfaggot

And casting a black as Riddler in the same film is awesome too right?!

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Keneau is Asian

Nobody knows who Foxx and Esposito are up for.

Right? Now you can just go back in time to 2023 to after the battle with thanos and before cap returned the stones. No cost, no fuss. There's no reason to not do this.

Nah man.. We really do need Keanu for a SIGNIFICANT role if he's gonna jump into the MCU.. And he IS getting ready to jump into it.. The last thing I want is for Keanu to end up like Jude Law in Captain Marvel..

He needs something iconic.

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Hope they have him destroying Wakanda like in the comics.