Childhood is hating Opie for being unfunny and trampling over bits

Childhood is hating Opie for being unfunny and trampling over bits

Adulthood is realizing that Opie steered the ship and brought the best out of Ant

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Shut the fuck up boomer. Neither of them were funny.

when will ant and jim be me-too'd? will anyone care or be surprised?

For me, it's Colin Quinn telling a joke on Jimmy Fallon, and then playing a clip of the exact same joke from his special

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Then why hasn't Anthony said anything funny outside of Opies production, if Anthony really is funny on his own merit?

Opie made the show normie-friendly, which attracted listeners. If it was just ant and friends it would have quickly devolved into Compound tier radio. 02-08 OnA was the best radio ever put out. Podcasts and todays sirius doesn't even scratch the surface

How much more money do you think the Skanks are making than Anthony at this point?

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They're all lazy lazy clones. Nobody does any interesting projects.

he was also responsible for all the old bits, like the real bits. Before the lawyers stopped them from doing anything. And more importantly, he got ant to move the fuck on when he’s exhausted a subject.

You can't really do anything more to Ant. He's already been ground into a fine dust. Jim can still be taken down a peg or two.

Big Jay is such a cringe faggot. Luis is too, but he's at least funny. The other guy is just a hole. But I respect them for letting Anthony on. I'm sure Comedy Central doesn't appreciate it.

I don't like Legion of Skanks very much, but I like them all individually, and I love Dave's political podcast.

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>boring libertarian comedy faggot shit


they don't have many good shows these days. the last nick mullen one was pretty funny though.

The theme song goes hard. Is there a link to it somewhere?

Nick Mullen and Joe DeRosa got all autistic over Luis's perfectly rational tweet on RAP.


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Get outta here Opster.

DeRosa was Patrice's biggest mistake after strawberry soda

He's kind of a fag, and he looks like Jared from Subway, but I think he's pretty funny.

I hate this show. Jim tries too hard and Anthony has some one liners but makes a reference to some old fucking movie that really dates him.

His occasionally good lines aren't worth the whine, in content or delivery. His best stuff is arguing with Burr in front of a microphone, but ol' ginger nips is too LA for it now.

Stopped listening after 102.7, was the xm stuff any good? The o&a/Ron and Fez shows were great the few times I heard them together. Ant going in on that dominatrix chick was tremendous.

This. Opie was the show. Anthony and Jim could've done 'the best show ever' without Opie... but they can't. Neither are funny and they are both so fucking destructive it's painful. Of course, you look at Opie and he's burned every bridge.

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man, colin quinn is still incredibly unfunny
Peak Opie and Anthony.

beat it stupid

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Nothing will top the Piscopo saga for me. It's the Lord of the Rings of radio, as a once funny Patton put it.

Quick rundown?

Anthony cumia dozes in and out of a late-night Joe Piscopo HBO special, it's the most cringe special you'll ever see in your lifetime, he randomly wakes up and sees Joe piscopo playing the flute unironically. They eventually get Joe on the phone and find a way to ditch the radio show with him still on the line, he keeps awkwardly asking if the boys are there in complete silence. They eventually get Joe on the radio show and find out he's going through a divorce and, Anthony and Joe genuinely bond over this on a personal level. By the end of this whole thing you love piscopo and the boys on O&A end up promoting his upcoming tour dates.

Fuck off Colin Quinn is pretty good comedian. Tough Crowd was a pretty good show back then.

Sounds kino

>Adulthood is realizing that Opie steered the ship
Opie was actually horrible at this.
I've been listening to a lot of old clips and everytime they get a good discussion the conversation will veer off into some non-related topic (like what someone is eating for breakfast) for 40 minutes. Opie was sometimes directly responsible for this, other times he wasn't properly steering the ship.
Stern is the best ship-steerer (even though he's a gone-Hollywood faggot now).

Best O&A Saga every coming through:

For me, its Cool Adam. Cause he's soooooo kewl

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this shit still makes me crack up

Opie was the heart and soul of the show. He was the everyman. When Anthony was doing his horrible impressions or Jimmy was having a meltdown over Derrick Jeter, Opie was asking the questions that were on all of our minds like, "what makes saltwater so bad for you?".

Opie represented you and I. He took his lunch to school in a concrete mixing bag just like us. He gave the average Joe a voice on the radio, even interrupting hacks like Patrice O'Neal or Colin Quinn just to allow the listeners to speak. Truly a man of the people.

>"what makes saltwater so bad for you?".
based question

What the hell is RAP?

Fuck Tits. Everyone had to eat his pussy, but he could never take a fucking joke. Always killed the vibe and pissed and moaned about management. He should have quit radio when he got married and turned into a fucking woman. Instead, he bides his time, let's Ant hang himself over the Times Square negress and happily continues without him, before alienating Jim and bringing on his Fag Pack of pay-pal yes men.

Ant was brilliant, but Obama and Trayvon broke his brain and he became obsessed with politics, race and guns. His paywalled show can hardly get any decent guests and he is not a first mic, as he always brings it back to his same old boring talking points, while fake-laughing and squirming on camera.

Jim is a fucking sell-out. He does an awful show with Sammi Shitbird and barely gives Ant the time of day, let alone fought Ant's re-banning at SiriusXM. He brings everything back to sex and trannies, while Sammi is a boring wrestling freak and genetic failure.

Real Ass Podcast, doggie.

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>Opie was the show.

Unemployed Opie is phoneposting. He tried to have his own show, surrounded himself with comedians, and failed. Tried his own show again on Westwood One and failed miserably.

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his stand up is shit but he was hilarious on the radio

>brought to you by Prep burger.

chip killed jimmy

>stare at photo
>that doesn't look like ron howard

Yes, he really went all in on that unfunny joke character. I can barely even listen to it in compilations where he shits on Opie. He uses the fuck out of Ant on it, while barely appearing on TACS five times a year. Some friend he turned out to be. Fucking Worm.

From 2014-16 the obvious move was an Ant and Jim show, then it should have been getting Ant back at Sirius with Jim. As Jim will never rock the boat and is still scarred by the WNEW firing, he'll hang on to that awful show with Sam forever and therefore never work a daily show with Ant again. It's a fucking shame, as they clearly need each other to stay off their usual talking points of race/trannies and doing bits into the ground and then some, plus they need some good fucking guests to bounce off of.

>Imagine thinking something is this funny

There's nothing more Kino than Beige Frequency's Anthony Cumia docs. So much stuff I wasn't aware of, frankly I think it's amazing how much of a success Cumia ended up being as his downfall was so clearly inevitable.

those are all stories he's told a dozen times

His Brenda Schaub docu is top tier cringe kino. (Schaub not beige)
That Asian doctor joke made me pause the video and take a breather

you have to be relevant for that to happen

Any is hilarious but needed someone leading the way. Opie was horrible at leading the way but stuck in his position because of name recognition. It’s sad to realize now that Anthony has the most common sense but is a pedo. Jim is a sellout worm. Opie is the most normal guy of the three but his biggest fault is just being terrible at radio.

>Ant's re-banning at SiriusXM
he got unbanned then rebanned?
the fuck happened?

When I was a kid and I first started listening to O&A Opie was my favorite guy on the show because he was willing to do really mean shit to people just for good fawking radio, now I've reached true enlightenment in the kingdom of the brothaman as an adult and it's absolute bliss

Chip was funny when he was derailing and ironically unfunny, almost an Opie parody.

Now he's a old Jewish woman/wigger hybrid

Opie lost all credibility when he didn't stand with Anthony and leave with him.

May and Hammond had the same crisis, and both of them made good and stuck with their boy in his time of need, which is another reason to love those bastards. Opie by comparison is a pragmatic faggot.

Sirius let him back on for a while, maybe a year or so? he made a few appearances on Jim and Sam before getting banned permanently probably because management was worried about his drunken racist tweet binges, honestly if that stupid pedophile could've behaved himself he might have been able to land another gig at Sirius

He's a mentally ill jock with mommy PTSD.
If he wasn't such a cunt you could forgive his unfunnyness.

Ant is a childfucking piece of garbage who shit on Opie behind his back constantly because Opie didn't like Anthony bringing his girlfriend in studio everyday back in the early 00s, the top gear guys are actually friend, Cumia was always a piece of shit to Opie, how can you expect him to sacrifice anything for a guy like that?

he was alright
jay mohr still does a better colin quinn than colin does

Must've happened when I stopped listening to J&S. Fucking forced banter between two bland people.

Ant acts just like what he hates claims he hates, a nigger.

Pride is failing to grasp when your membership in a group makes you better or more important than you are alone.

being a faggot is when you go on Yea Forums and try to insult Opie for not standing behind a known child groomer

He is Italian after all.

Compound Media's main source of income is hiring out the studio/ producers to other personalities. Neil deGrasse Tyson uses his studio.

True. He was a brick wall to anything funny. He would stone wall Amazing bits to take a call from some loser trucker. Taking calls is the absolute worst thing for radio. I’m not sure why it was ever, and still is a thing.

I heard Compound Media is in the hole like 300k this year

>Crazy racist pedophile puts business ahead of personal politics
>Liberals can't do the same
Why is this? Considering Ant is also legit ass crazy.

LMAO you act like the nigger rich wop has a choice at this point

For a guy who was so anti management and traditional he did force a lot of old school bullshit into the show.

It's sad he can't realize this and apologize. Calls work sometimes but it's such a rare thing it's not even worth it.

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Brotherman doesn't understand how to do professional radio. Brother Weeze taught this brotherman the ropes. You got to engage with the audience. Repeat the same things every fifteen minutes because every fifteen minutes there's a new audience. I think this brotherman understands how to do radio. Now excuse me while I bra-bomb the competition.

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As an undercover minority on an anonymous image board I find it disgusting how America has accepted Italics as whites especially after we fought them in WW Dos


For me, it's the Mel Gibson tapes

I honestly expected Ant to be long dead at this point having killed himself in Prison after getting caught fucking a 14 year old or to have already gone full of WACO at this point. Considering this is the guy who was spying on a teenage neighbor using a fucking rifle scope through his window. I would expect for him to burn it all down before he worked with the enemy.

he looks better with the mustache

Childhood is still acknowledging the existence of "shock jocks" in [current year].

O and A fans are so fucking annoying. I only listen to the on air fights and bill burr/Patrice bits but the comment sections are always full of people trying to force obnoxious unfunny inside jokes


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The Louis CK bits are actually pretty great too. Before he got really famous he had a lot of good stuff. The Patrice/Louis bits are great.

based mlc poster.
will brian return?

He was allowed back for about six months in 2017, after Tits was fired. Fucking shame, as the best case scenario was Ant rejoining Jim at SiriusXM permanently. Instead, Ant took on a fat repetitive junkie as a co-host for his paywall show. I wouldn't be surprised if Sam engineered the re-banning, as he wouldn't want to be the third wheel on his own show, like Tits was.

He's a child who is addicted to social media, and being a racist he consequently is constantly getting banned and attracting negative attention. He's even the kind of insufferable douchbag who creates a fake account and starts posting positively about himself "Hey you should unblock @AnthonyCumia! He's actually a really good guy!"

its funny, ever since the firing they've been trying to get at Howard any way they can
You're old men. You lost, accept it.

Tits failed to grasp that he needed Ant and Jim. Then he totally resented it. Then he brought on his Fag Pack pay-pigs of Carl, Vic and Sherrod. He realizes that he needs people around him to do all the heavy lifting, as he is a dullard family man now, but he wants all the power in the room. He wants people to need him. Fucking psycho.

He had a great point. Hiding behind a paywall is stupid, especially now. Keith the Cunt in an incompetent who should have been fired years ago.

>Dassabesso get's MeToo'd

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It's sad and quite telling that Ant couldn't even get him to guest on TACS when Louis was persona non grata. Even Quinn never goes on there anymore. Ant failed to keep the Cellar Crowd and now has open-micers and nobodies as guests

Yes, Ant's social media addiction is pretty pathetic and evidently uncontrollable at this point. He lives in an echo chamber all day around now, where no-one can call him out for being obsessed with career-ending subjects and not being the funny guy who does voices anymore.

I'm not sure why an Italian calling people niggers is such a problem. Only white people can be racist.

BTW, FUCK that AWFUL pro-Opie bit that has lasted a fucking YEAR and will never die. Shitting on Tits locked out a large part of content and discussion there, so now the sub can only go after dumb Joe Cumia, make 'faggot' posts and go after irrelevant SJW sci-fi writer fags who got their sub privated by a fat junkie thief mod.

Wasn't that Melissa Stetten?

Louis knew that nothing good could come from going on his show. I understand that Ant has his beliefs about politics and I honestly share some of them. However he is trying to get guests to come in and people to be on his show. To do that they have to feel comfortable that you won't go into certain topics or go to certain places while they are on the show. It sucks but it is the reality of the situation. While it is strange as Louis has been shouting nigger from the roof top for years and is a Hungarian Jew so is safe it doesn't change the fact that going on there while he is already eating shit isn't going to help him.

Of course there is also the little fact that Ant is just batshit and unfunny and unfun to deal with at this point. Ignoring his political rambling he is terrible at his job and who would want to be locked in a room with him for any amount of time. Certainly not underage girls and obviously comedians.

To be fair, Ant has a point about the niggers. He refuses to see the jew though (like DiPaolo), given that he lives among them.

I'd just rather he be funny Ant again, instead of all his boring political Boomer talking points. There was a lot of optimism and goodwill in 2014-15, but he pissed it all away by being hung up on his firing, niggers, denying he bombed at the Fat Jay Oinkerson roast and then all that tranny business in 2016.

Keith the Cunt mismanages his network for five years and counting, lost Gavin and the Skanks, hired an absentee junkie, and now brings on even more shows that no-one watches, which conveniently means Ant doesn't even record pre-tapes anymore for one of the half-dozen vacations he takes per year.

The Manhattan studio was a failure. They can't get good guests and Ant always bitches about his commute and devolves all responsibility to a fucking moron cop. It's fuckign tragic.

No. Mellinda.

Jay Mohr is entry level

from where

Artie Lange.

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It sucks that DiPaolo moved to Georgia and took himself out of circulation. I could listen to him and Ant talk about The Sopranos all day. Wish there was a compilation.

Jim's level of fame peaked years ago and he is no longer famous enough to be worth metoo-ing. I was a daily listener of O&A and followed the O&A subreddit until it got shut down a few months ago. I couldn't tell you if he has released a special in the last three years or not.

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Even at his peak nobody would bother MeTooing him because they would have to think about that creep at some point.

Gavin was on the show when Artie burst in like this. He suspected that he ripped his hair out and bit/ scratched his nails off while detoxing when he was arrested, which explains those fruity gloves.
Worst decision by Ant by far. He went from appearing on Artie's podcast once straight to hiring him without talking at all in between. Artie was a total lost cause years ago and would be better off for everyone if he just died now, sober in prison, than his inevitable horrific death when he gets out.

>Jim's level of fame peaked years ago

He never even sniffed the level of fame Louis got that made him a worthwhile target.