Is it food kino that goes well with kino?

Is it food kino that goes well with kino?

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a lot of people say it tastes like the real thing but it doesnt really, kinda tastes like bean meat if that makes sense

>still has the same amount of calories
>more sodium and other shit

I guess it's really only if you're a vegan

Won't stop fat women from ordering 3 of them and thinking they're making a healthy choice for lunch.

You have to specifically ask for them to cook it on a different stove or they use the one they cook meat on which completely defeats the purpose.

why is there so much advertising here now

The only food for Kino is a blue-raspberry slushy and a medium popcorn with an average amount of butter, in my humble opinion

nobody is buying Impossible meat to diet, literal retard.

I don't know, but have you watched The Boys on amazon prime video yet?

I had a free impossible burger from an actual restaurant last year when they did a promo, they supply a lot of hipster burger places around my city
It was pretty good. If you told me it was beef I wouldn't believe you, but if you told me it was a turkey burger I would. Not worth paying more than for a regular burger but I'd eat a free one again and enjoy it
Burger King would turn it into absolute dogshit though, I would never eat that

>he doesn't know amerifats
>it's not meat so it's diet foods!!

Does BK still sell those woke depression meal box lunches?

I just finished it. 100% pure unadulterated kino.

The Deep truly is /ourguy/.

>Saving a dolphin.
>Offers to give the dolphin a handjigger.
>Tries to save lobster.
>Eats his feelings.
>Gets excited there's a Dairy Queen nearby.
>Allows his gills to get fingered and called names plus degraded.
>Shaves body hair and head.

dumb meaningless newfag reddit buzzword


>don't eat meat goy
>here eat this lab made abomination

eww carbs

If its IMPOSSIBLE why are they selling it. What lies are they telling us about the origin of this substance?

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It's just beans and shit, dumb nigger.

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I'm sure it is discord tranny

it tastes like bean meat to me also it has this gross spicy aftertaste on the back of your tongue as you swallow it. I would take cafeteria beef thrown on a charbroiler over that trash.

i don't want to eat shit

but you live in america

true i don't get it

It's way better for the environment as it doesn't involve feeding a cow for years until it grows to adulthood. It also makes vegans happy.

This faggot is shilling this disgusting burger non stop on /ck/ for those that don't know

This is a shill thread. Report and move on.

Reddit buzzwords
>buh buh newfag is old term :3
Yeah anyone that watches cringey chan youtubers or goes on r/Yea Forums knows the oldfag lingo, only redditors still use them

>REEE WTF MCDONALDS CHICKEN NUGGETS ARE MADE OF GOO?! Wtf!! How could you eat a mystery meat!
And Mcnuggets are just grounded up chicken and gelatin, yet everyone sperged out over that for being "fake meat"

chicken isn't real meat anyway. meat comes from things that don't lay eggs