Why is he regarded as the best director of all time?

Why is he regarded as the best director of all time?

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He invented the summer blockbuster.

Schindler's List doesn't really scream SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER but ok

Sacrificed a little girl.

no one regards him as such

>Best Director

He's not though
But he's still good (or was)

Fucking retard. Learn how to read, I seriously cannot put into words how fucking braindead you must be. Unironically kill yourself. Not him btw

He entertained billions

Normalfags think he is the greatest director of all time. Most of them don't even know who Kubrick is

He's not, by literally any reputable source. You fucking dumbass.

step outside and ask anyone who they think the best director is.

I wish no one knew who Kubrick was.
What a mediocre filmmaker.


He's the only director they've heard of

Shit bait

Kubrick is overrated af tho


>Forgetting someone faggot?

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heard he fucked some little girl anally so hard she died

I know most of Yea Forums doesn't watch movies, but come on you have to have seen at least a few Steven Spielberg films. Stupid thread.

By who? Retards?

by who
Yea Forums?

>schindler's list is the only movie he ever made
Normalfags under 20 probably don't even know he has directed anything besides ready player one.

Yea Forums and /pol/ obviously

Normalfags think he is the greatest director of all time. Most of them don't even know who Malick is

Because he’s a brand, people know the name, but not the product.
It’s the reverse with Russo Brothers, they know the product but not the name. It’s a shame these old dinosaurs keep stomping about, trying to stay relevant while we have great newcomers who churn out decade defining kino.


>Duel = kino
>Sugarland Express = good
>Jaws = kino
>Close Encounters = great
>1941 = good
>Raiders of the Lost Ark = kino
>E.T. = kino
>Poltergeist = great
>Twilight Zone: The Movie = average
>Temple of Doom = kino
>Color Purple = good
>Goonies = great
>Empire of the Sun = kino
>Always = average
>Last Crusade = great
>Jurassic Park = Kino
>Hook = good
>Lost World = mediocre
>Amistad = average
>Saving Private Ryan = kino
>A.I. = mediocre
>Minority Report = average
>Catch Me If You Can = great
>Terminal = good
>War of the Worlds = good
>Munich = good
>Crystal Skull = shit
>Tintin = good
>Lincoln = mediocre
>Bridge of Spies = average
>The BFG = average
>The Post = mediocre
>Ready Player One = average

Bait or actual retardation

RPO is complete dogshit. I would've trusted your opinion if you hadn't said it was average

Heather O'Rourke from Poltergeist. She was raped so much she died from acute bowel obstruction.

She was diagnosed with crohn's disease and died of the exact symptoms of it a year later? Wow what a coincidence, I forget speilberg has time travel abilities