>gets bullied into declining the offer because he's white

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nice earring, grandma

None of you even cared about this movie until you saw who they cast as Ariel.

/pol/ will be happy there's no race mixing.

Fake news


yaaaas kweeeeen she'll be playing princess erica yaaaaas

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>Harry Styles
Uh what? Is it like Harry Potter?

live action JoJos when?

fucking retard

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It was a bad casting. She was specifically chosen to be antagonistic to the fans so they could play victim when criticism came in on another bad live action remake. Not only that but they save money on advertising by letting liberal news pieces lament about how racist anyone who objects to the casting is. Now when it fails, they will say it's because people are racist ll the while using its failure as a tax loophole and getting their company more sjw brownie points. Blatant, brilliant, completely manufactured, and it's so predictable.

Harry Styles is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.

Close, but the movie isn’t going to flop. The casting of this movie has automatically ensured that it’ll make at least $1 billion. Disney has turned their racial casting into political praxis and they can use it not only as a box office magnet but also to deflect criticism of the movie back to race. They are greediest transparent fucks I’ve ever seen and somehow people don’t notice

>Now when it fails
just like lion king amirite

Disney still has its good graces but is quickly burning through them. A Disney film is no longer a guarantee of quality. I honestly expect to see decreasing returns for them in the coming years.

They need to make Prince Eric asian.

They’re gonna run out of steam in a few years after Star Wars and Marvel slows down. They should have launched their streaming services way earlier. Right now though their live action remakes are still a guarantee profit nobody how godawful

No, just like Dumbo or Wrinkle in Time

Reminder that mermaids are going to birthed from eggs laid by men in this movie.

Got any sauce for them clams?

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