What is their target demographic?

What is their target demographic?

I can't actually imagine anybody watching this show and enjoying it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


back when it was running being funny was the only thing that mattered. There wasn't much competition.

I'm Turkish and I find it funny as hell. I believe anyone who's ever had a proper family would find it funny.

Its peak boomer comedy.

I am. Hank Hill taught me so much over the years.

>Hank Hill Fun Fact #1776 - why do drugs when you can mow a lawn

anyone who liked malcolm in the middle and wanted to keep watching the fox evening block for the simpsons

King of the Sneed

it’s not for retarded zoomer trannies like u OP

>You see, Luanne, a lot of good things happened in the world when people were like me. Sure, they'll never write a Hollywood musical about a fella who keeps his yard free of debris and pays his bills on time, and the MTV won't put on a video about a man who requires shoes in the kitchen, but it's because of people like us.

Hank confirmed as /ourguy/.

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I used to feel the same way as OP when I would see the occasional episode on and watch it. But once I sat down and watched the series, I started picking up on the subtle humor, the repeated references and side characters, the real meat and potatoes of the show.

Mike Judge is best when he's subtle and King of the Hill is his masterpiece. It's a 10/10 show.

I unironically consider Hank to be a role model because he is one of the few people I've ever seen with a work ethic approaching that of my dad

It's fucking great. The later seasons are passable I suppose

I love king of the hill and I’m 25 years old.. the humor is too subtle for the average idiot

Watch the episode where they are firemen and tell me it isn't funny

It’s boring and is for losers

go back to watching someone else play fortnite fags

It's for people who aren't concerned with being part of whatever the newest fads are, and just want to live a normal life. Episodes either had characters bonding with each other over a shared experience. Or the episodes involved some new fad or concept that everybody embraced wholeheartedly (while mocking or ridiculing Hank for not being wild about it), and when everything went to shit, they'd crawl back to him and his stable nature.

It's what conservatism should be: A willingness to accept new things because they might be better, but an unwillingness to embrace every single new thing, just because they're new.

Pretty much like most people in this thread I started to enjoy it as I got older.

Zoomers will never understand it

thats how I feel about anime

The target demographic is retards LOL

>there wasn't much competition
Animated comedies were popping up all the fucking time back then.
That's a great little scene, I wound up having one of those a couple years back, don't know what it was, just the weather and air and everyone was just so perfect, after putting my lawn mower away and standing in my yard I was just washed with so much simple contentment.

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I just realized there was basically no black characters on the show

The next door neighbor was from the Philippines.


90s boomers who liked to watch mtv

Bobby isn't Hanks son.

Late 20s/early 30s

Give me proof.

This board is so stupid.

Bobby is Cotton's and Peggy's son. Based Cotton cucked his first born son.

OP is a twig boy

I watched this shit as a kid when antenna tv's were still common. I always found it slightly off-putting.

t. Pleb filtered

Is Cotton the ultimate Chad?

>It's gay and stupid, Thanos doesn't even snap his finger once in the show!

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I genuinely really liked this show as a kid. At first I'd just wait for it to finish so the Simpsons could come on, but it is way better if you grew up in Texas, and seeing all the real life locations in a show.

Friendly reminder

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In the current year, it’s for 30-somethings who deem themselves countercultural for rejecting Hollywood schlock.

I'm only 27

bait so terrible it doesn't deserve a (You)

Peak Onions

Originally it was targeted at liberals who would laugh at the mundane, straight laced life of dumb hicks. Now days it's watched by conservative leaning zoomers who still laugh at the characters but share a respect for their productive lifestyle.

Do people actually believe this?

The show is meant to make you laugh at boomer antics but at the same time sympathize with them.

>I'm sorry but at this point in time I'm going to have to officially reject your advances.

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Not all of us were 5 years old when King of the Hill ended, lil zoom

Yes, see


Zoomer here
Will I enjoy this show?

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Probably not

kind of the same reason i like squidbillies.

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can confirm this


>tfw you visit Texas and people actually sound like Hank and Boomhauer

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>it's watched by conservative leaning zoomers
I'm under the impression that most people who like it were born in the 90s and grew up watching it in the 2000s

Is anybody in this thread fuckin Texan?

>I can't actually imagine anybody watching this show and enjoying it.

Real Americans, not those blue city coastal freaks who think Hillary Clinton was competent enough to carry the nuclear football.

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It's way funnier than any other adult animated comedy

Go back to reddshit, west coast libtard. I’m not even being ironic, you literally don’t belong here if you can’t appreciate the old fashioned values of Hank Hil.

People with IQs under 85 and people with IQs over 115.

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People that live in Texas, everyone here loves King of the Hill and watch it religiously since it so thoroughly parodies our life. I don't understand how people who haven't lived in the south like it but if you grew up here you would understand.


>Muh demographics
>Muh marketing strategy

I'm a jungle nigger and I enjoyed it because it was original and funny

No, but rural Arizonan here.

Other than the occasional Al Ammo references what makes it Texan? The entire show could take place in Canada with minor changes.

It parodies both conservatives and liberals and mimics the everyday clash that happens here in Texas between the two groups since there is a sizeable democrat population as evidenced by last election

>sooners talking about KotH
Now that ain’t right.

Joshua, Tx

Honestly the fucking Laotian neighbors hit really close to home. I knew so many Vietnamese here in Texas and they were all like Khan and his family.

Yeah but I imagine they're the same everywhere, it's not just the Laotians in Texas.

So many things have to do with the Dallas Cowboys

Boomers, Middle America, Southerners, and Midwesterners. But it honestly has more appeal than to just those demographics.

I'm from quebec and this show was immensely popular in late 90s/early 2000s, like other american shows it was fully dubbed and adapted in quebecois. The show does not take place in texas, but st irene, quebec. Henry is a quebecois rightwing anti-secessionist conservative. We did this to the simpsons too

ps:both of our versions are superior

>I wound up having one of those a couple years back
I have these moments all the time when it comes to "keeping the buzz" (getting drunk) vs "enjoying the evening"
Why get piss drunk when I can sober up and remember my conversations?

This is the argument that koth effortlessly answers
Dale is getting cucked raising another man's son, but holy shit Joseph doesn't give two shits about redcorn and would probably never have connected with him if it weren't for that Thanksgiving episode

>The show does not take place in texas, but st irene, quebec. Henry is a quebecois rightwing anti-secessionist conservative. We did this to the simpsons too
Honestly can't tell if joke or not


I grew up watching this show and Hank taught me more than my crappy dad did. Now as a 30 year old boomer I am exactly like him and I really see that Hank was right this entire time. I have the same outlook on life as him and it feels good to just be an every man

is this a rick and morty copy and paste?

>Dans la version québécoise, l’histoire se déroule à Sainte-Irène, une ville du Québec. Le père de la famille se nomme Henri Hill, tandis que son épouse prend le nom de Paulette Hill. D’ailleurs, plusieurs références au Texas ont été changées pour des références locales, tout comme dans la version québécoise des Simpson. Les noms des personnages secondaires sont eux aussi modifiés afin qu’ils soient plus familiers aux Québécois.

>In the Quebec version, the story takes place in Sainte-Irène, a city in Quebec. The father of the family is named Henry Hill, while his wife takes the name of Paulette Hill. Moreover, several references in Texas have been changed for local references, as in the Quebec version of the Simpson. The names of the secondary characters are also modified so that they are more familiar to Quebeckers.

I don't believe you.

Mostly the little things, things being named after Tom Landry, grown men gathering around a new lawnmower with their lonestar beers just hoping to take it on a ride, dads being disgusted with their kids playing soccer, buying your car from the same car dealer your entire life (that likely rips you off) that you bought some chevy from as a teen, obsessing over how you grill, sleezy dusty propane stores, the constant clash between conservatives and hippies

Every Texan dad has a bit of hank hill in them and almost every joke reminds me of something I have seen growing up in small towns, moving to Austin, seeing in Ft Worth etc. Afterall, they based the show off Garland, Tx and suburbs on the outskirts of Dallas, it perfectly embodies Texan culture. Things in the show are pervasive across cultures since it is a very human and down to earth show, but no way can the show be switched to Canada as there culture does not match Texan culture

But Laotians in New York don't sit there and laugh at their stupid redneck neighbors

Oh right, that makes KOTH quintessentially Texan.

Seeing as the entire joke revolves around a laotian dealing with texans yes, the aspect of being an immigrant is universal but being an immigrant in Texas is quintessentially Texan.

>The entire show could take place in Canada with minor changes.
In the Quebec version, the story takes place in Sainte-Irène, a city in Quebec. The father of the family is named Henry Hill, while his wife takes the name of Paulette Hill. Moreover, several references in Texas have been changed for local references, as in the Quebec version of the Simpson. The names of the secondary characters are also modified so that they are more familiar to Quebeckers.
Kek I was only joking lmao

Da dadadadada go you Dallas Cowboys go!

I doubt the show embodies Canadian culture nearly to the extent that it does Texan. Change it to wherever you want and it will never capture the spark and accuracy of the original.

Louisiananon, it's more similar than you might think

canadian no. Quebec culture yes, perfectly. Quebec is the texas of canada and more,because texas doesnt have it's own language

Christ dude if you have to change every reference and inside joke it's not even the same show anymore

At first, Bill was disgusted by the thought that had quickly flitted through his meager brain. He easily pushed it out to make way for the barren loneliness, self-loathing, obsession with Lenore, and general emptiness that were his mind's usual stock and trade. Nevertheless, the thought returned, rarely at first, but soon with increasing frequency. It was hard for him to remember time anymore, beyond whether it was morning, noon, or night. Now what he knew was a sick and disgusting thought crawled through and overpowered his feeble psyche for all three.

Quietly, remembering his basic training for the Army, Bill stalked through the Hills' lawn and slid their back patio door open. He lifted his arms above his head and turned sideways, and as he entered, the peak of his large stomach grazed the edge of the door. His fat buttocks brushed against the doorframe. As he walked in the dark through the kitchen and living room that he had insinuated himself into so many times before, but now took as his own, he briefly, in his low way, realized that his stink was noticeable in this clean home. He had not smelled himself in his own, dirty hovel. He did not think it would wake the Hills and get in the way of what he planned to do, at least not this early on. So he squatted to untie his is filthy boots, which covered fungus-infested feet, and stepped out of them. As he rubbed the top layer of the foot infection into the Hills' long, clean, shag carpet, he smiled. It felt good, but he was also thinking of the time that a charlatan had convinced Hank that the house had a mold problem. It was not a cruel smile, but a nostalgic one. Old Hank had been so worried about a little mold. Bill shook his head slightly. He lumbered, breathing heavily but very quietly, toward Bobby's room.

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It's a wholesome show with great character based comedy. a conservative white man, his family and friends going through life. Not many shows like it anymore.

KotH is an excellent pleb filter. If someone doesn't enjoy it they may still be ok, but their sense of humor is trash

The show was a parody of exactly what you just described. You're a fucking morom

No it wasnt. It wasn't some subversive sjw anti white show. There is comedy derived from hank being bit of a stick in the mud and not liking hippies, but they make clear that hank at his core is a good man.

Not him but what the fuck are you on? When did anything he said deny that this show wasn't a comedic take on that? Besides your an idiot if you think this show didn't also celebrate the virtues of being a conservative man being with his family and friends going through life. It's absolutely a character based comedy

It’s a show libtards can’t understand, sorry

>I believe anyone who's ever had a proper family would find it funny.
maybe that's why nobody finds it funny anymore

Then explain why I love this show and I voted for Beto

Because you're a dumb zoomer

>I can't actually imagine anybody watching this show and enjoying it.

That's fucking nonsensical, cotton is only short because he lost his shins

So, Chinese or Japanese?

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I'm only 19

This show is actually decently popular with zoomers.
t. 19


Mike Judge originally envisioned King of The Hill as a satire on small-town Texans kinda like how Beavis & Butthead was for suburban teenagers, but over time that part died down to the point where it was more-or-less aimed at the demographic it made fun of in the first place.

I'm not even American and I think it's one of the greatest animated shows ever made, it had heart to it while never becoming overly sentimental.

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You've clearly never been to america, texas is literally like a different country And it's based

Zoomers don't like King of The Hill though, they think it's boring.

>Quebec is the texas of canada
Not even close. The only thing they have in common is some secessionist sentiment.

>different country before me annexed
>disproportionate amount of citizens ruling the inferior host country
>better in every single imaginable way than the host country

>>better in every single imaginable way than the host country

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>anglo canadian thinking he is better than anything

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pretty sure every country has tons of conservative family men/families which was obviously the target demographic.The show is terrific, and I think would do great in many countries around the world, although I'm not sure how many actually get it. I'm sure it would be very popular in many countries where it probably isn't shown today.

I used to find it incredibly boring till I turned 18. It's a real adult show, as in humor for adults, not edgy cursing and toilet humor. Stick to Rick and Morty and try to watch this one when you're older, you'll realize it's the best comedy show ever and even the later seasons are funny

Judge has always been a conservative

Yeehaw partner.

you got ants

not really. He leans right but I bet he voted for Obama once or twice. KotH IS making fun of conservatives, but in a lighthearted sort of nostalgic way. He portrays conservatives as flawed humans instead of being all 100% inbred Cletuses, just like he portrays liberals as flawed humans instead of all 100% whining vegan Lisas

>Posts a picture of a disabled kid.
>Comes from a Province that takes $1419 per capita in equalization payments
Don't worry sped, the check's in the mail. Daddy's got you.

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bribes to keep us from cutting off your pitiful country from the atlantic, not to mention the whitest province and the one worth a damn without muh oil/chink money. You flatter yourself by thinking that your blackmail payments are anything but that

I think judge is more of a libertarian like those south park guys.

Texans don't have such a low self esteem they feel the need to edit TV shows to match their locality.

They also don't go into threads about Quebec and talk about how similar Quebec is to Texas.


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>I flew halfway around the world for a wedding of a woman who isnt even related to me

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Literally anyone. It's a show that can be passively watched, yet has deeper themes to it than say family guy or big bang theory type shows.

Dale Gribble is my hero

I liked that it had relatively clean humor compared to other cartoon sitcoms. It's more challenging to craft those kinds of jokes.

Remember when Judge made a show that made fun of city leftists and it was canned in short order, even though it was alright?

It was so popular and subtly topical by the late Nineties that The Economist recommended American policymakers tune in from time to time to take the political pulse of the everyman voter.

I thought it was a fucking stupid show but I'm also a three-strike felon, so what the fuck.

kill yourself anyone who voted for that cringy faggot deserves to be dragged back to that Calicommie shithole you worthless bootlicker

Not really. It's a comedy, but it doesn't actually mock it nefariously.

The characters shown are all good people and you can sympathize with them. But, it has comedy, so there's an over the top aspect to it.

No way is it casting conservatives in a poor light.

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It made self-deprecating jokes that both sides can find amusing.

I can't imagine anyone watching this show and not liking it.

I know a lot of Mexicans who like KotH for some reason

I didn't watch it because the art style looked like shit

>Boomhauer's version of events
>he speaks clearly while everyone else is speaking near gibberish like he usually does

I don't speak Junichiro, what do boke, tsukkomi, and moe mean

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based and tellyahwatpilled

>tfw haven't seen any of those animes
I should've watched azumanga while I was young and dumb enough to appreciate it

Guessing but in order: Wacky, Straight man, pathetic.

The ocean? What ocean?

no you're fucking not

>What is their target demographic?


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Bobby looks like Cotton
Hank looks like Tilly
Your fan theory and gay and reddit

>'dale' means a valley, which is the opposite of a hill

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yeah, he even sent them a letter as hank hill supporting them when trey and matt were fighting censorship

>Hank looks like Tilly
>Junichiro looks like Hank
>Tilly is not related to Junichiro
doesn't mean anything because Hank looked just like Bobby when he was young (Hilloween) but interesting to note

It's western slice of life you moron. It appeals to everybody.

I'm only 34

get off Yea Forums

New Jerseyan

Whataburger, shitting on Dallas, truck loving, football loving, a lot of races together rednecks, men in cowboy attire. There are probably more subtle ones but I haven't watched the show in years.

>tfw always hear great things about that place but there isn't one in commiefornia

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The humor is subtle and not easy to appreciate as a kid.

Well said, user. Great show.

If you like overly greasy bread, you will hate it. The fries are good though.

There was an episode with Chris Rock and then he worked at Strickland Propane after that. His character was in the background a lot.

Fort Worth. Only Texans can truly appreciate KOTH.

Mr Kahn, my bags

Also the black mailman from the episode where Hank thought Ladybird was racist.

it was my favorite evening comedy growing up. I had an inland america rural upbringing which might have helped me associate with it's themes. my family often refers to my dad as having a "hank hill" moment when he's acting like him, and they say the same thing about me sometimes now. I think it's just an association thing, harder for people that live on the east coast or in big cities to latch onto. conversely, I've never found seinfeld even remotely entertaining.

This, the show is an acquired taste and it takes a while to adjust to comedic pace of the show

817 here. Moved away for uni. I miss Mama's pizza

>Talking shit about based Texas Toast
What are you, gay?

Gonna bump this thread, I tell ya hwat.

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>If you like overly greasy bread, you will hate it
not sure if typo or if you're implying it's dry or if I'm just being retarded and autistic


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people with low amounts of xenoestrogen

Yeah, a type I was too lazy to fix.

I've been on Yea Forums for 15 years. This is the saddest thing I've ever read here.

the art wasn't pleasant and I remember it being like bob's burgers in that I managed to like exactly zero of the characters

not now, but one day.

not now user, another day perhaps.

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not him but I'm a californian, and yes, that faggot should've come to us.

It's "White People: The Show". What did you expect? Really, the minorities that do show up are well thought and setting-appropiate, like the Indian guy or the Mexicans.


Rick & Morty is peak millennial tryhard humour. KoTH is so subtle and mellow yet ingenious that it hurts

... Go on

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Go away J.J

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Why are Twig Boy and Monseñor Martínez there? Neither of them ended up on good terms with the Hills

>NOBODY rejects Debbie Grund!
>I just did

A hunter knows his prey.

>Talk'n 'bout I tell ya h'whut mane dang ol' boy aint right

>I believe anyone who's ever had a proper family

Redditors can't relate because they're all only children of single moms and grew up with nigger culture.


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Literally who?

Did Laos even exist as a country during WW2? Didn't it separate from Vietnam or something?

Im gonna get called a jew or whatever here but i dont care. Im a white american and i relate a fuckload more to my hispanic neighbors that my pussy white liberal ones. The hispanics have a lot of kids and are catholic and we go to church together. The white people have no kids and are wierd annoying hippies.

was meant for

Cotton's one of those old school savvy racists who can tell a person's ethnicity just by looking at them. He probably had some wacky experience back in the day involving Laotians and always remembered what they look like


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Why was Peggy such an awful character lads?

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That stereotype is sometimes accurate however if you wanna to see some funny shit you should try watching a leftist argue with a mexican on abortion at a cinco de mayo party. I laughed by ass off the entire time because the liberal wanted to say “youre a backwards redneck jesus freak who hates women” but couldnt because multiculturalism or whatever

>Is anybody in this thread fuckin Texan?
Arlington, TX checking in

Because she was a woman who thought having a few years of college is the same thing as being smart.


Hank Hill's personality is basically a 100% copy of my dad's.

She wasn't

did anyone mention that Judge based the got the idea for the characters from his neighbors while living in New Mexico

I've done that shit before and every white person turned their head to me thinking I was racist but the girl said oh my god how did you know?

Thot patrolled

North Dakota is better
Don't make us drink all your beer again, cause we will

>forgetting the kino episode about Chris Rock coming to town



The guy who skateboards around Whataburger to impress zoomers?


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this could actually be true

No bullshit I keep telling people about this but there is going to be a huge demographic shift conservative in the next decade or two. Hispanics are primarily Christian of some denomination or another and their values do not align with the left on social issues or even on issues relating to immigration that doesn't involve their own people.

As the Hispanic demographic rises there is going to be a larger and larger shift conservative. Liberals are literally importing people that will vote right when they have the majority and they have candidates of their own running for office. The "Right" is going to move further left on certain issues like healthcare, welfare, certain immigration and other economic issues but in regards to things like identity politics, LGBT and other social issues like racism are going to be mostly abandoned as the alliance between hispanics and the left was one of convenience.

Its a problem with a two party system. Groups which don't actually have much in common are brought together under one banner and it becomes all or nothing. It will change in a few years though.

Judge didn’t have anything to do with the making of Daria. Still turned out to be a good show though.

Durhamrockerz and other ytps basically ruined KOTH for me.

Peggy is a pleb filter

Hank is like a mixture of my dad and my uncle. The situations are somewhat unrealistic, but the core cast can make for a pretty accurate satire of American life when it gets it right.

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Did the opposite for me. Back Breakin' Bawbie is a work of art.

Which sucks because im mainly into the whole right wing thing BECAUSE of the economic stuff. I agree with the rights view of family sturcture and work but i could care less about what consenting adults do on their own volition. Sjws are annoying but as long as they stay out of my job and gym i dont give a fuck if they waste their lives writing shitty clickbait.

I mean that now I can't watch or see KOTH without thinking of the ytps now

>Is anybody in this thread fuckin Texan?
No, I'm from Houston.

Based Houstonite recognizing the entire state hates Houston. You're okay. Come move to the north and be one of us.

so everyone knew from the first word of op's post that he was a jew right?

Why the fuck would Cotton have sex with a hog like Peggy
this theory has always been so dumb

Boke/Tsukkomi duos form the basis of Japanese """""comedy""""". It follows a pattern of
>Boke does something retarded
>Tsukkomi says "That was retarded because X"
This is a good example. The server is the boke and the other guy is the tsukkomi.
Moe means "appeals to gays".

then youre a shit and a pleb and retard

>t. commie who unironically supports megacorps because they put a negro in a commercial about gay sex

Any red state and rural areas can relate to what goes on in that show

t. westcuck homo who will die on a sinking ship defending """"""freedom"""""", the myths of "individual liberty", "human rights", economic liberalism, etc. YOU are defending that megacorp. anyway libertarianism literally stems from classical western liberalism, from which also stems marxism and neo-marxism or whatever you want to call it, social democracy, etc.
remember that the US and soviet union were two sides of the same revolutionary post-enlightenment coin

>literally stems from classical western liberalism, from which also stems marxism and neo-marxism
As a Burkean, this is the single most painfully uninformed thing I've read this month.

She wasn’t (?)

the west is literally dying. this isn't even up for debate; it's even a nonpartisan statement. there is no point holding onto now-antiquated western stuff from the enlightenment and post enlightenment period. it led very naturally into the masochistic cancer we have today. no culture is as hellbent on destroying itself as the west and it COMES FROM its own history

Bobby, for a brief break in Bill's fevered imaginations a human being again, ceased his death struggle. Now Bill could do as he wished with the piglet. Bill realized that he had ejaculated a copious amount of semen into his pants at some point during the strangulation of the piglet. He had not noticed when it happened. It did not matter. There was more where that came from. He slowly unbuttoned the piglet's nightshirt, and slid off its pajama pants. It had not been wearing underwear. Again, Bill giggled quietly under his breath.

His anger grew again, hotter and darker this time, as he thrust into the piglet's fat little body. He further twisted the bent-backward arm and both heard and felt the tendons snap. With his other hand he punched the back of the piglet's head twice, and then pressed its face into the pillow as hard as he could, continuing to wrench the arm, now only connected by loose flesh, around.

Bill clenched his teeth, seized violently three, then four, then five times, and was finished with the piglet. He slid slowly out, savoring the sensation. He wrapped the piglet in the bed covers, and whispered in the dead boy's ear, "piggy in a blanket," then he giggled again under his breath to himself and walked casually out of the room, pausing for a moment to take one last look at his work, before heading back toward through the living room and toward the garage. He had not bothered to dress himself, or even wipe the blood, semen, or grime from his fat, hairy flesh. On his way to the garage, he stopped in the living room and defecated on the Hills' coffee table, smearing the feces around with his wide, hairy, rear end.

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Watched this all the time growing up. I related to it a lot since I grew up in a suburb and had a dad that liked to work with his hands and maintain the house and all that. A lot of the humor was lost on me when I was younger, but watching it as an adult I found a lot more to it.

Goode family

talk about outing yourself as some know it all zoom zoom. im a pr spic and this show has heart. alot more then sezchuan sauce guy or steve tranny, honestly fuck off.

im from connecticut and I thought southerners where going to be super racist since im puerto rican. The one thing that really hit home was some old white guy holding the door open for me while going to popeyes and all the people being just friendly as fuck. I was the city mouse going to the country mouses place. I loved the whole experience It really taught me how people are just biased for dumb fucking reasons. It was damn admirable how friendly everyone is down there.

Just don't expect the same kindness from other people. No matter how much you hear about how white people are bad they have elevated the world to the likes which have never have been seen before

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It was a power move obviously.

I would like to share my impression of Hank Hill with you, Yea Forums.


Thank you for this opportunity.

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agreed user i defend white peeps all a day to these so called woke assholes. theres nothing better then seeing some white cuck liberal squirm when i dont agree with any of their shit.

>Attacks redditors
>uses reddit spacing

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7/10. Had a decent chuckle

White people living in Suburbia who shop at target and feel superior to those who shop at Walmart.

Hi pablo!

good insight. I've grown up in an northeast urban area and always really enjoyed seinfeld and arrested development. never liked or understand KOTH or ATHF or anything like that

I watched it and enjoyed it while being a Mexican preteen male living in a Mexico-Texas border town.
I thought it was funny to watch rednecks portrayed like that.

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20 now. When I was younger, I found the show comfy as fuck. I liked how it was so slow.

I really like Hank as a character. I feel like his values come at odds but in an amusing way, and not a sinister subversive way. The series also has long standing narratives and jokes. Conflict and stories build up and are resolved throughout the series.

not to mention the show shits on hippies too

British of all things and I love this show. Makes Texas seem appealing.


If you aren't from the south or midwest you won't get it.

Bob's Burgers did a better job though.

I'm a zoomer and me and my zoomer friends watch KOTH all the time. Stop making shit up you loser.

Give me one time a liberal was painted in a positive light. I'll wait

Everyone keeps ignoring this noncannon photo

Non-Canon? Its literally a screengrab from tbhe episode where Luanne and Lucky get married in the hills backyard.

it was supposed to be the series finale until they got renewed for two more seasons

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Yeah that was Bernie Mac and he was a water heater repairman from their church.

Day late and a dollar short as always paco

Not bad user.

Nah he just actually went to Asia

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Liberals are a joke. What do you want them to paint a limousine liberal as some messiah? Bwahhahaha

Consenting adults do out in the open or in public bathrooms with children
Funny how far we came from "we're not trying to impose our homosexuality on anyone"


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Why the fuck would half these people show up for THAT wedding? I guess I forgot skipping over any lucky plotline for just how sheer shit of a person he is.


litttle more accurate

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>Hank: "Yep."
>Bill: "Yup."
>Boomhauer: "Mmmhmm."
>Dale (Wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat): "Gentlemen, I would like to cordially invite you to my post-Election, post-Apocalypse barbecue in November. I call it the Post-Electolypse." (Dale hands paper invitations to the others.)
>Hank: "Okay Dale, I'll bite. What are you up to this time?"
>Dale: "Me? Nothing. Donald Trump? EVERYTHING. He's gonna win this election in a landslide, and my vote will be but a drop in the coming storm."
>Bill: "What does that have to do with the end of the world? He keeps saying he's gonna make America great again."
>Dale: "Only to the fat, balding, untrained eye. But to the keen observer, it's obvious that Trump is planning to take America down from the inside. He's already taken down the Republican party and network TV. Now, he's after bigger game."
>Hank: "Ugh. 'Make America Great Again'? America is already great. She doesn't need jackasses like Donald Trump dressing her up and parading her around like she's, well... I guess there's no polite way to say this... a marketing gimmick."
>Dale: "You just don't get his strategy, Hank. He's a master manipulator, playing chess in seven dimensions. Most politicians only play chess in four dimensions, five at most. I've run simulations of every possible outcome of this election in my mind, and do you know how many he's won? Most of them."
>Bill: "But wait a second. If Donald Trump is such a master at manipulating people, why don't I want to vote for him? I'm just the kind of easy mark politicians are looking for. I mean, you know how easily persuaded I am."
>Dale: "Pfft. You wish, Bill."

Bill: "Oh. Okay."

Yes back when normal people were allowed to enjoy things.

>Dale: "Trump's looking for strong alpha males, the type who can take leadership in the smouldering ruins of our former civilization. You know what alpha males call other, lesser males? 'Cucks', short for 'cuck-OLDs'. Definition: A husband whose wife cheats on him. (Chuckle) Now THAT'S a label that stings like no other."
(Hank, Bill and Boomhauer shift uncomfortably.)
>Hank: (Nervously trying to change the subject) "So, uh, Bill, what have you been up to lately? Shave any interesting, uh, heads?"
>Bill: "I've been following the Clinton campaign. I think it's high time we had a lady president. I mean, it is 2015..."
>Hank: "It's 2016, Bill. It's been 2016 for months now."
>Bill: "(Pauses while staring into space.) I missed my own birthday."
>Hank: "I don't know how I feel about a woman president. I mean, a president needs to have a certain amount of upper-body strength. If Air Force One crashes, who's going to heroically pull the pilot out of the burning wreckage?"
>Dale: "Hillary couldn't even keep Bill under control. How d'you expect her to run a country?"
>Bill: "Y'know, I'd never cheat on a woman like Hillary. I'd like to think that under that tough exterior, she's probably warm, and soft, and..."
>Hank: "Bill, you can't pick a president based on how, uh, handsome they are. Elections aren't supposed to be about popularity, or 'strategies', or who can come up with the best insult. I mean, sure, Ronnie Reagan got in a few jabs at the Democrats, but when push came to shove, he was a president EVERYONE could depend on. It used to be that a man could vote based on the candidate's character and their stances on the issues. But these days, everything's so gat dang crazy, I just don't know anymore."

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>Boomhauer: "Itellyouwhatman, dangol' 1776, themfoundingfathersgotthatdangol' WeThePeoplewiththemdangol' checksandbalances, man. Thempoliticians'llcomeandgo, man, longaswegotthedangol' ConstitutionandtheBillofRights, that'swhatAmerica'sallabout, man. It'slikethatdangol' BenFranklinsaid, 'Wegotadangol'republicifyoucankeepit', man."
>Hank: "(Sigh) Boomhauer, as usual, you always know just what to say."

No shit and *all* boomers are rich.

Yo dang on just watch the damn show man

Not bad fren

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Nice bait

>gf likes the show
>her favorite character isnt JoeJack
>pic related

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It's a realistic sitcom

Reagan was crass for his day, and let's not forget how controversial it was to have the first president who'd been divorced. Hell, that was still a point Dems attacked Trump on in 2016.

Straya cunt, I love KotH and always have.

It’s just about white guys hanging out. Of course you wouldn’t like it because you’re probably some 56%er shit mutt

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Shit fucking show, why don't you americucks watch an actually funny show?

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Fucking delusional. Hispanics will always vote majority democrat because they want gibs and more open borders so their own kind can keep pouring into America.