Bucks beat Bulls
Celtics beat Nets
Suns/Pelicans play right now
/nba/ general
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Fuck Chris Paul
nothing more boring than the first round of the nba playoffs
3rd for my rapties :)
Your life
why do you keep posting this
Except for 2014 when 7 out of 8 first round series went 7 games
3 of our players are out next game due to emBITCH throwing elbows all game long. It's over for us bros...
How can a man be this cursed?
sad foreal foreal, I used to like Embiid but he's turned into a foul baiting bitch lately (not saying the Scottie injury was intentional tho)
we warned you bro
bro what will I do with this number?
people dont seriously think the bucks are contenders after tonight, right?
too late, got all your bank money
first round is all i care about
howd you do that
i called the number and some girl cursed me out kek so i called her a whore
did she sound white?
user needs to tell her to deactivate that number lel
They are as much contenders as they were last season. The competition in the NBA is weak. Every single team in the league would get demolished by the 2015 Warriors or Cavs let alone the 2018 Warriors.
just sent a bunch of gay porn to that number
>all these retards falling for the not your personal army bait
>this thread
Stop blog posting. Seriously. Fucking stop. You're fucking exposing sensitive info seeking attention with off topic garbage.
Seek a fucking therapist, not us.
You guys do now that he wanted you to harass that number right?
I'm praying Utah is dumb enough to trade away Gobert to the Bulls for fucking pennies. God I want him here so bad.
Lads I deleted my post calling out her number for respect for my fellow user
That's it. I'm rooting for Brooklyn. Fuck reddit
DeMar DeRozan: "I don't know what the hell was going on. Probably a week off. It just wasn't me. Every shot felt good. I guarantee you me, Vooch and Zach aren't going to miss that many next game."
Nah, its a good way to get a glimps of whos going to make it and whos going to be trash.
The self awareness
This team as it currently stands is just a bunch of 2nd/3rd options larping as a bunch of 1sts and a actual team at that. Lavine is no leader and as such deserves no max. Can the Bucks please stop playing like utter dogshit and sweep us so we can get to our offseason already??????
>not rooting for brooklyn regardless
fuck boston sports fans
nice city tho
she was right. desu you all sound pathetic. I'm embarrassed for /nba/ right now
she cute
It's over Peli bros
suns are still frauds. beating up the 30 win pelicans doesn't change that.
Couldn't pay me to watch the bitch made Suns.
>the play in continues to be a colossal waste of time
I just watched a documentary and learned that a #1 overall NBA draft pick died days after being selected from crack cocaine
The absolute state of black people kek
pellies getting skull fucked :/
one of the play in teams is up 1-0 on the certified "dawgs" right now
Like were these two seriously going to lead us to any sort of real playoff success when at best they're 2nd/3rd options??? We need a actual leader for this team.
trade lavine for gobert
If anyone is curious how he got the number, just increase exposure over the area with an actual imaging program.
Only sharing so you guys don't make the same mistake, NuPaint or whatever program he uses does not replace the pixels with its oh so fancy brushes, its a semi transparent overlay, and ive seen other people be expsoed the exact same way.
you mean the 7th seed that continued to be the 7th seed?
>LeMickey "I don't think a lot of people was educated" James, Russell Westbrick and the Los Angeles Lelkers finished the season 16 games under .500 and out of the playoffs
>LeMickey was not good enough to get a team with possibly six hall of famers into the playoffs
you mean the play in team that would have been the 7th seed anyway had there been no play ins?
>If anyone is curious how he got the number
he fucked up and posted the image without blacking out the number, anons got the image before he deleted the post
He’s 40 years old
>anime picture
didn't read your post bud sorry, touch grass
well anons?
Never gets old
you must be a clippers fan lmao
Why would the nuggies ever take that
because they're retards who won't build around jokic to begin with
You really don’t think the Nuggets would take Demar and a first round pick for the back to back mvp in his prime?
>trade machine
naw he had it censored with shitty paint brushes that have like 1percent transparency, increasing exposure or converting to a filetype with less colors exposes it.
The Bulls gain 12 LEBRON while the other teams lose 6 LEBRON each. That doesn't seem fair.
my celties :)
Nuggies actually should trade Jokic but they shouldn’t accept anything less than a superstar or 3+ lottery picks in return