You look at a soccer 'pitch' and it's just a grass rectangle with the same LED (green screen?) barrier wrapped around it. No team logos - no character at all.
Baseball stadiums ooze character, tradition, and spirit. Each field is a little different, unique playing areas emblazoned with their team's logo. The stadiums surrounding them are architectural marvels, some built not just to house a playing field, but be a hub of commerce, a tourist destination, and be the heart of an era in the town. The stadium features prominently as the backdrop of each game, giving every match up its own sense of home and sense of heart.
Soccer, hockey, basketball, it's all the same shit. Just a rectangle in a room full of chairs. No soul. Not ONE weird wall to be found.
That's just it though? It never feels like a home field for those sports. Just rented space.
Parker White
As I mostly agree, the modern baseball stadium is littered with advertisements that weren't always present. Even at Yankee Stadium, arguably the most successful and valuable organization within the league, there are advertisements visible in every direction.
I understand the need to maximize revenue, but at what point will we stop? Does there need to be a company logo plastered in your face at every possible direction? I believe that at some point, professional leagues may even sell the rights to their championship trophies.
Jaxon Sullivan
I don't like big stadiums but many small baseball stadiums are really nice. It's still boring baseball though.
Ads used to be kino. I'm thinking Mad Men shit. Now it is pozzed and globohomo beyond belief.
Anthony Foster
You're right but was it really worth posting on this place? In any case, I vastly prefer NPB to MLB nowadays but I still root for my Mariners on the side.
Parker Wright
>In any case, I vastly prefer NPB to MLB nowadays What's the best way for me to watch NPB?
Lindsey Nelson in Knoxville TN or Dude-Noble in Starkville MS
Colton Reed
>You look at a soccer 'pitch' and it's just a grass rectangle with the same LED (green screen?) It becomes difficult when you have to fit more than 10 people
While I cant say the Braves stadium has a great view, (They booked it out of downtown ATL for the suburbs because of all the crackheads and black people) theyve esentially built a small city around it and added a bunch of cool features to the park and surrounding area over the years so it offsets the shit skyline.
I like the new stadium & the surrounding area called the battery is very cool. Its neat & makes the park feel like it's the center of town. I REALLY don't miss the crackheads and niggers that always surrounded Turner Field
Same. I remember the chimp out when they announced the move because of muh racism. Like not worrying about getting mugged walking to your car is a bad thing.
Hunter Sanders
Lanta is a strange place. No 2 groups of people will redpill a person faster than the Lanta negro & the Detroit negro
Colton Long
obvious #1 and #2 underrated horrible
Cooper Long
too baseball is the most soulless "solved" sport there is now. even worse than basketball
Adam Wright
I grew up in Detroit. They shouldn't be allowed to have home games until May
Kaufmann is nice, but in the middle of a parking lot
Liam Garcia
nice typo you fucking faggot lmao
Ian Gonzalez
Dylan Flores
I know, but it's just got that quintessential midwest feel that I can't help but like
Jeremiah Rivera
>in the middle of a parking lot exactly, tailgaters paradise also, Kauffman (and Arrowhead to an extent) is extremely easy to get out of. Get to my car & I'm on the interstate in 5 mins, home 15 mins after that.
James Taylor
>lmao Are you a teenage girl?
Connor Perry
sounds comfy
Lucas James
nice trips but I feel that the impact of the stadium should be more than getting in and out. it should benefit the city as well. having it in a neighborhood like Wrigley, Fenway, the old Tiger Stadium is best. Or downtown as a second-best option. If you're planning things out, you want people to have the option of hitting a restaurant before the game and a bar after the game
Chase Brooks
Cameron Sullivan
I’ve been to 16 of them, which includes the old yankee stadium and Shea stadium. I want to see them all. Wrigley would have to be my favorite, along with Fenway and the old yankee stadium. I love history and soul which those parks have. PNC park was the best of the newer stadiums I’ve seen
Charles Martin
nice dubs and yeah i am
Mason Martin
It's a bit different in KC though. Tailgating is part of Chiefs & Royals games. As far as bars after, you can't walk to any but it's a short drive to power&light, Westport, and whatnot. We're just built different & like to cook food & drink in a parking lot