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NOLA Pelicans @ PHX Suns Game Thread: Playoffs Edition
Ryder Sullivan
Carson Flores
why won't they let my boy zion cook?
Brayden Anderson
How bad do you think the Pelicans are getting stomped
Juan Watson
Fuck Chris Paul
John Phillips
we are in here
Christopher Watson
Suns 4th qt activated
Aaron Walker
Julian Walker
Bentley Ortiz
Luke Moore
stop copying my joke, niggers
Benjamin Myers
4th quarter Chris Paul is insane
Luis Russell
cp is unstoppable. What do we do
Dylan Hernandez
i really hate cp3 damn.
Sebastian Hernandez
Justin Gomez
suns chads
Luis Allen
CJ took way too long to get going, now Chris Paul in on his prime cp3 shit
Levi Gray
Ryder Morales
Chris paul is known to get injured in the playoffs
Zachary Sanchez
Ethan Anderson
We did it, bros. We made it to a second thread
Ryder Jackson
when your best player is the most notorious playoff choker in league history do games like this just fuel the existential dread?
Ian Phillips
Ryder Turner
the pelicans are remarkably bad wow. they're out here making cp3 look like a god
Blake Rogers
thought pelicans were gonna clutch it again, good leadership by CP to avoid the choke.
David Murphy
is it wierd that i can tell that shes asian before the camera pans to her fave?
Angel Rodriguez
embrace the trend creator status
Jeremiah Moore
that's james harden. rockets would have won back whenever that was when cp3 got injured and the next game they bombed 0/27 for three. if cp was there they make at least 1 three and win
Jose Morgan
>dabbed on by a 50yo
what went wrong?
Isaiah Martin
chris paul that nigga
Tyler Gutierrez
nah just means you've seen a lot of tits
Charles Wright
Let the seething continue
Adrian Smith
Covid positive Paul George league manipulation
Ian Brown
wow this chris paul fellow is really good, he must have a lot of rings
Oliver Price
Them being a suns fan was an easy tipoff.
Noah Cook
i should have known better than to watch this bullshit, the pelicans are fucking dumpsterfire
Owen Flores
James Morris
Brayden Davis
fuck I was getting ready to post this all time great pelicans image
Jacob Watson
him getting injured every single year is choking
Lucas Martinez
I'm gonna have a good night's sleep tonight.
Luke King
what is the greatest moment in pelicans franchise history?
Isaiah Rivera
he has ZERO because hes a MANLET.
Zachary Stewart
Elijah Nelson
I have nothing against the suns and those fans are desperate for any victory that isnt some early 2000 diamondback win but you can put the asterisk on the suns after this first round manipulation by the league
Austin Richardson
probably beating the clippers in the playin
Kayden Stewart
Nah, just means you have a thing for bugs like every other loser
William James
Bruh what are you babbling about
Nathaniel Gray
i need someone to injure cp3
Ayden Martin
sweeping portland?
Charles Carter
If only you knew how bad things truly were
Brayden Hughes
pg13 getting protocoled was league manipulation
Brandon Price
Uh covid postive paul george? Give me a break this is how they rig games.
Jace Adams
seethe bitch ass nigga
Colton Hernandez
CP is cursed and will never win a ring, and neither will the five teams he's played for.
Luke Edwards
How many more Spuh?
Eli Garcia
trading for brandon xavier ingram
Jayden Foster
lost to the wolves WITH PG
Lincoln Carter
punished willie
John Johnson
the rockets have rings