Pelicans are without Zion of course, Suns looking for revenge after last years finals loss
#1 Phoenix Suns vs #8 New Orleans Pelicans Game One Gamthread
my pels finna sweep my suns in 5 lets goooo!!
fuck this Mexican fag
is Zion actually hurt?
Ngl the Suns play a boring brand of basketball
Last digit determines how many games this series will go
watch out pelicans players
crowder is going to try and injure you
>le crypto shillling
It's time.
>Chuck and the boys talking about crypto
he definitely will be if he plays at 350
Suns will lose to the bucks again. Refs are still allowing Giannis to foul everyone on every possession.
reminder to all the clippers fans before posting, YOU MISSED THE FUCKING PLAYOFFS
Fuck Chris Paul
God damn this thread is gonna be pure Suns haters seethe sodium
fuck the suns soulless
today we're all pelicans
All part pf the plan
It is about to be amazing
shut the fuck up about crypto...
Suns :)
10 years from now the Suns won't have a championship but at least you'll be able to talk about the time they were the most talked about nba team on Yea Forums
shit teams
>im telling you give me that 1st round matchup
>misses the playoffs anyways
I can't not laugh hysterically when I see this screenshot
Go Suns
Does zion stay in new orleans?
If I ever saw one of you fools in the Metaverse it's on sight on god fr fuck outta here
>he's not gonna hoop in the metaverse
Here we go
if hes fouling them every play why don't they just fall to the ground and draw a foul?
he ate too much chitlins for Easter
give your energy to ingram
Daily reminder Suns are a paper tiger
soulless basketball kino has arrived!!!!
the amount of late whistles i've heard already in the playoffs this year is interesting
analytically the Clippers had just as good of a net rating as the suns (+7ish) when Hartenstein played. He got 15 of 96 possible minutes in the 2 play-in games combined. With Hartenstein on the bench they are Lakers-tier
BDL Booker you flopping fag
>devin shooker
this, the boocks are going to make them 2peat a choke
takes a minute for Silver's message to get to their earpiece from home base in NYC
i thought you weren't coming to this thread
>pyfw his sunsies are about to get asswhooped by HER pelies
>born too early to get into the metaverse version of Yea Forums
Genuinely kinda disappointing. VR Yea Forums shitposting would be kino
Do they really like Zubac that much more than him? or were they going small?
nothing personal peli bros
Go Suns
Give JV back to us pls
My wife is on a vacation with her friends for a week. Glad I got the whole couch for myself for this Suns game!
>Yea Forums metaverse
>literally a bunch of fat guys masturbating
>the face of the league is a puertorican
Oh, it's gonna be another one of these games where the Pels never get any calls.
imagine suns lose this series
How could he predict nba rigging paul georges covid test because the pelicans are on literal life support and they keep trying to make new orleans basketball relevant. They've been doing it since nba blocked the cp3 trade. They keep doing shady shenanigans for the pels when they could sell it to seattle and get the supersonics back
NBA should reduce the playoff teams to 4, first round is so unwatchable due to lack of parity
the suns literally play the most illegal defense i've seen and get away with it 80% of the time, its actually crazy
he types as the pelicans are at the line
cp is acquired taste
Zion looks like he's trimmed up a bit in this.
you didn't watch celtics nets?
literally 2/7
Its over.
>How could he predict nba rigging paul georges covid test
this is your brain on clipper cope, the guy in the screencap is you bruh
expat alert
I'm gonna need the Suns to win this series or else my French roommate will never let me hear the end of this.
NFL just rigged the league for the Rams to win because Kroenke was broke so what do you expect?
Jonas getting hacked every single possession and never a single call.
Liking what I'm seeing so far. Suns defense is so fucking good
Are there even any Pelicans fans in here?
>1 game out of 8 was decent because covid made the Nets be the 7th seed
are you mentally retarded thinking that happens every year?
Bro covid isnt fucking real they literally rigged that game. Paul george got screwed clippers got screwed for the pelicans? Why. Because pelicans are dead franchise nba probably owns part of it behind closed doors
the last game was pure refball so I’m holding my fap for this game
no just the anti suns fags and mad clippers fans like
that sounds great but the pelies are poop outside of ingram. your team shouldn't be able to go 10 games under .500 and still make the playoffs
They went small for most of the 2nd play-in game 4th quarter. Hartenstein got more minutes than Zubac for like at least a month or longer at the end of the season but I guess he's just considered to be unproven so they went back to Zubac for the play-in with the season on the line. Seems like it backfired, makes you wonder why even they even increased Hart's minutes so much near the end if they arent going to trust him. The biggest difference between the two is on defense where Hartenstein is top tier and Zubac is absolute bottom tier. Its unfortunate because the clippers biggest weaknesses was putting out some players who cant play defense, and not enough good distributors on offense then they get a center who can cover holes on defense as well as pass and shoot and they dont use him in the most crucial moment
Reminder that the Lakers would bootyblast both of these ringlet franchises and the clippers too.
I'm not mad. People need to acknowledge the league manipulation with the covid bullshit
>Girls Gone Wild
so does this mean they're more naked?
Allie laforce can GET IT