Hello Yea Forums
Hello Yea Forums
youre cute, we can have sex now?
you too
*turns around to make sure she isn't waving at someone behind me before waving back*
I've been away for a couple months, when did she hit the wall?
It was right after you left. We tried to get in contact with you so we could break the bad news, but we didn't have any success.
I'm sorry you had to find out this way, user.
Keep walking, bitch. Dont you ever talking to me again.
She's 31. She was way due for the wall.
I appreciate the sentiment. I just thought we had more time. Alas: time, my friend, seeks to make a fool of us all. (especially roasties and fags)
Brown girls have a much more extended unwalled period.
Why would you wave at me, Ana? I'm not some ancient creepy old fuck whose necrotic dick you can suck for money or film roles?
Do I know you?
No they don’t
Kek you must not know any Cuban bitches from Miami then.
Thats 31, Show me a 31 year old white foid and you'll show a wrinkled sagging sun scarred wall
*comb my hair*
*do my sly half smile*
Hey like your nails, really cute design. So my name is user , im new here, and to be honest your the prettiest girl ive seen her . Let me get your number and maybe you can show me around, and dinner on me.
*finish off with same sly half smile as i pull phone out*
>girl waves at you
whens the wedding?
the opposite bro. They started perfect and by the time they hit 25 they look like overweight grannies.
The wall beckons... it is coming, lads.
>Say hi to daddy!
Someone post the paparazzi photo of when she was fat.
what a shitty neighbourhood
Hi Ana
already hit
she isn't brown
She had a good run
>took her just 3 years to go from an absolute qt to a fridge tranny
This one is 53.
This is the power of makeup. You can lather on 50 pounds of it and look decent or don't and look like death.
And this one is exactly 60.
I'd argue they would look substantially better if they hadn't been wearing makeup non-stop for 15 years
not enough barcades for you?
The trick to having good skin (on top of hygiene, of course) is not exposing it too much to the sun.
Pic related, this is a dude who spent 28 years driving trucks.
Guess which side of the face was on the side of the window getting exposed to sunlight all the time.
I hope Moner keeps up her habit of wearing sunscreen