Will Euphoria usher in a new era of kino?
Will Euphoria usher in a new era of kino?
No, but it will usher in a new era of suicide rates.
is that Axl Rose?
>he actually thinks it was kino
It will usher in a new era of faggotry. It's already begun as we speak.
Imagine some tranny loving shill actually believing this thing is an "attractive hot girl".
>implying she’s not hot
Jesus christ dude just type shemale xxx into bing video search beat your tiny dick and stop spamming this trash movie here.
Why the fuck can't incels on this board just jack off and then talk about movies that are actually decent.
god, the more i see of him, the more mannish he looks.
And this is how the 21st Century ushers in humanity's slide into the abyss.
What's her (male) foot game like?
why are you seething?
Neither a 'she' or hot.
*she. dumbass.
but what makes him a she?
I don't care, but I want to stick my penis in "her" boipucci (asshole)
t. Heterosexual male
Man he is so fucking ugly.
apparently not
They are just being mean, she's cute.
ITT: incel virgins
chads go for Hunter
Fag needs to take his pills more and dilate. He looks more masculine than Marilyn Manson.
>Feminine face
>Feminine body
>Feminine voice
Nothing gay about being attracted to her. I'm not gay because I'm not getting fucked in the ass by big hairy muscular dudes.
>nothing gay about being attracted to dicks
Unironically, Marilyn Manson passed more than Hunter and he wasn't even trying and did all of this just for show.
feminine does not equal female, homo.
What a nice gay couple.
Just tried to find his "rape" scene on pornhub. Why the fuck is it not there?
the way her butthole would clinch your dick would disagree
You realize that a lot of men possess natural feminine qualities, correct? It doesn't make them any less of a man. They're still biologically male who piss standing up. They're still biologically male who can't give birth to children and have periods. These things are what seperate men from women. Just because you put on a dress or make-up doesn't mean you become a woman, you delusional scumbag.
men's buttholes can't clench?
>anons still falling for these b8 threads
I'm so glad that when this is all over people like you will go to hell forever. :) Praise God.
Why are you posting the sour grapes fox?
>believing in god
Chads go for women. Cocksucking faggots are not chads.
men and women are purely separated by biological differences? meaning they're essentially fully capable of the same things regardless of sex?
what are you, a feminist?
Yea Forums has been waiting YEARS for a passable tranny to star in something. i'm not surprised at how much degeneracy has existed on this site since Euphoria started.
that said, i would gladly suck on her tits and frot.
Can we ban this faggot? It's becoming spam-tier.
Imagine what? Scooping hairballs out of a rotting crotch wound? I'd rather not imagine the smell.
He has dick. Just stop pretending that being attracted to human with dick is not gay, It is, man, it is.
>male ribcage
>male shoulder-to-hip ratio
>male chin
>male eyebrow ridge
>gigantic man hands
The jews are winning
>not believing in God
Enjoy Hell desu.
She still has a penis breh
You spelled cancer wrong.
>not believing in Allah and his prophet
Enjoy hell infidel
Don't worry. Conservatives are still having kids.
Just fast forward to the part where you kill yourself.
Another masculine feature to add to the very long list. Why don't you take this faggot shit over to /lgbt/ with the rest of the mentally ill queers?
he*. dumbass.
prophets don't come with swords
>men and women are purely separated by biological differences?
They are, they just are, and I mentioned nothing in regards to hobbies and occupations, and since you're so stupid to grasp the point I'm making. I'll explain it nice and slow so even you can understand. Men in many ways are feminine as well, some and less than others. However, they're still men with male chromosomes and male genes. It's how biology works. Putting on a dress, make-up, or men's clothes, etc don't naturally change any of that. You can also take as many pills as you want to create an illusion, but at the end of the fucking day it's still artificial and not real.
Why haven't you chopped it off yet?
>masculine feature
jfc can you be any more of a fag
I can already tell you have me beat. Keep on telling yourself wanting to fuck men isn't gay, buddy. I actually live in a city infested with them and they're insane, disgusting narcissists who are even uglier on the inside than the outside.
what makes his penis feminine?
because it's attached to a beautiful woman
>dude just type shemale xxx
Pretty much this, and you can find better-looking traps than this ugly thing that people shill for anyway on this board which is very sad.
Cock is a cock, how can it be feminine? It's a fucking main organ of male reproductive system, stop this bullshit.
Nothing, it’s a stupid meme that is confusing scores of young men and fucking their heads up. In no way shape or form is the sex of this person a female. A real and natural penis belongs to those with xy chromosomes exclusively. Not one person with those genes has a uterus. This is all designed to confuse you and make you want to do gay shit. And while you might fight angles at which this guy looks like a pretty girl, there will be no denying it when he hits 40 that this is all just smoke and mirrors.
The more I see this monster, the more I want to punch him clean in the face.
So when is she getting a "lesbian" scene?
It's just dude with tits.
Can we call it "scissoring"?
Not him but it's just boring softcore porn with glitter and heavy color filters. The goal is shock value and pushing whats acceptable to put on TV but it's your regular Degrassi shit with a twist.
The thing is that films/TV depicting sex have been common place since a long time in most first-world countries. But now that American audiences are starting to warm up to this, oh-oh, you got that LGBT fad at the same time. It leads to shows like this. This is what your youth will model their world view on. Wtf America. I don't mind this stuff, Im mostly open-minded about fags and stuff I think, but this leads people to conceive that this is normal healthy behavior.
When they'll be grown-ups, they'll see that yes, sex and drugs is more common than we think, and some people have weird fetishes. It's a part of life and yes its ok to be aware of this, even have some informed and safe experiences.
But when you're pre-teen and this is your first contact with erotica... Yikes. Can we as a society at least pretend to try to show kids a safe, healthy, respectful depiction of sexuality and love before going straight to coked-up anal sex with trannies?
already happened
>le 56% male face
>softcore tranny porn
What am i looking at here?
So it's the same person in the show as IRL? It's just playing itself on tv? The hell?
cute hormonal titties
>A look at life for a group of high school students as they grapple with issues of drugs, sex, and violence.
Is it really like that in the states?
All I had was booze and dope and even the biggest parties had like 15 people max and everyone knew each other
that would be the operation scene
>is tv like real life?
Yes. It is exactly the same as real life.
Nice Adam's apple, faggot.
rent free
pls stop shilling her whoever you are, this is a twink with long hair not a "trap" and not on skylars level you're going to turn this board against traps if you keep forcing it
West coast commie-cities have teenagers like this Im pretty sure.
that's her trachea you incel
Yeah they kill themselves for free
The look on the woman's face is the best.
With a giant fucking manly lump in it
Wow, so you're telling me that guy has a penis!? That's insane!
> you're going to turn this board against traps
And that's a good thing! Why we should tolerate degeneracy?
r e n t f r e e
buddy I'm a white CIS male and I don't give a shit about xirs or xers, I just want to talk about Yea Forums on a television board but you faggots incessantly bring this shit up when nobody else does. your trans boogie man lives in your retarded heads at all fucking times.
>stop calling trannies annoying suicides-in-waiting
Nah. Thanks for the advice though my (((fellow straight white male))).
if you think I give a shit over trannies killing themselves, I don't. I really don't care at all and I think you should join them and bump up that 41%
How would my suicide bump up tranny suicide rates if I'm not tranny?
Nice opinion btw. Have you ever heard what they say about assholes and opinions?
that you're a faggot and you should kill yourself?
>your trans boogie man lives in your retarded heads
It's way worse, that boogeyman is real, just look at op post.
Is that supposed to bother me?
yes, and it does because trans people live in your head rent free
No, they live in my city and pay shitloads of rent and then kill themselves. I have a good chuckle when I see a new fundraiser for another dead faggot on my shitbook. I don't even think of them until trannies start spamming their shitty softcore porn show on Yea Forums.
i wish best girl had got more screen time
Laughed as soon as I saw this things' face. What a fucking mess. Nice shoulders though, bro. Very big and strong-looking.
Something is off about this girl.
Wait until it uncurls it's claws.
*skateboards to your thread*
too bad we didn't see natalie mars even though she was credited
It fucking sucks
my trans ex had a cute pair then had to ruin it by getting a bewbjob
Trannies never rest.
"Do not assume that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Prophets come with whatever the fuck it's said they're coming with, soullet.
Is it really rent free when it's being shoved in your face 24x7? Can I pay a fee or something to cancel this subscription?
>multiple continuous threads
>no one brings it up
I’d you don’t like her just ignore the threads ffs
Why wouldn't anyone take a big stinking shit in these threads? Have you ever thought that people might be tired of having faggots shoved in their face 24/7?
And the dragon will swallow them whole
Do the species a favor and hang yourself.
Then don’t cry over them
Zendaya is solid 6/10, i cant say that i dont like her, not great not terrible.
Reminder that at 20 years old >she has accomplished more in her life than you will ever have you neets
She looks like a skinny version of the dirty beaners shopping with food stamps at my grocery store.
to cancel your subscription
to the content you willingly click on and then willingly keep watching and then willingly discuss with others?
Jesus that thing looks demonic.
Why do you faggots keep coming here to get shit on by everybody? Just accept that some people don't like you and fuck off to /lgbt/
1 year of jules posting until season 2 starts
deal with it faggot :)
She is not ugly, but she is quite charming and I don't understand why.
The guy from Tokyo Hotel is the one that actually looked like a girl without trying.
why are you people so obsessed with trannies?
Because it's not allowed to call them disgusting mentally ill faggots when they get shoved in your face in RL.
lmao the japanese boy bands girls in high school used to listen to look more feminine than this fucking albino lumberjack they keep spamming.
For some, it's that they're not used to places on the internet that don't cater to their mental illness. For others, it's to turn it into one of those places.
/Team Rules/ representing
If you're going to post trannies at last post passing ones. Nobody wants to look at the trash at the end of the pride parade.
Incels on suicide watch
>implying a huge contingent of trannies are incels that decided to become the "girlfriend" they could never get
>when your ideology is so broken you have to make things up to support it
Sad. Many such cases.
The thread is about how butthurt user is that there are lgbt outside /lgbt/
Just accept that there are lgbt in real life and stop making threads to attract them.
Why would I accept faggots? They're fucking disgusting.
Go back to your cave, neanderthal
you're completely disgusting to most people too user, but they accept you
We are thousands
This is attempted rape and I will respond with deadly force
I used to model :^)
Now take out 41%
Will from Stranger Things looks more female than the transgirl next to him.
>I used to model :^)
like I said
Your choice to sell your body for men to masturbate over is completely disgusting, but people still accept you.
Not really. Not here.
I don't know anyone that jerks off to nike or kroger's catalogs but ok
For me it's wholesome and Christian Hunter.
I just don't get why they need everyone to play along with their delusions. If you want to be an insane faggot and chop your dick off or whatever just shut the fuck up about it. Nobody fucking cares.
you call police officers 'sir'?
I have never been there. But I've been with TV since 2011. Thoughts?
You lie about your sex, why wouldn't you lie about that?
I call them "officer" and act like a polite white person which is why I've never had a ticket or citation in my life despite getting caught doing obviously illegal shit.
The only ones getting mad are the seething incels in this thread lmao
Why do people who remove their sex organs constantly call other people incels?
They're really just calling a spade a spade. The only reason trannies are spamming it is because it's a bunch of highly produced shots of a "pretty" tranny along with some incredibly mild and boring softcore sex scenes. Unless you're trying to believe in some trans delusion or it's your fetish, it really has zero appeal.
So you play along with whatever ridiculous stuff you have to do to ingratiate yourself to people who can hurt you?
>t. plebbitor
Trannies are the most pretentious assholes on the planet.
How am I supposed to take them seriously?
>why didn't you start a fight with an armed policeman when you got caught doing something illegal
Are you a nigger or a walking sovereign citizen meme?
Yohio looks more feminine and he didn't even take hormones.
>recognize it's degenerate as fuck
>still makes my dick hard
any kinos for this feel bros?
I'm judging you based on how you say you treat people.
If they can hurt you, you are nice, and you feel good for being told you are good by a man in a costume.
If they can't hurt you, you are mean, and you feel good for thinking yourself better than them.
He's good looking alright, just a shame he's not a real women.
>t. tranny pretending to not be one in an attempt to maintain credibility
>humans respect strength
Also bake muh cake. The only respect trannies get from the general population is the respect enforced by uniformed men with guns.
>trannies are just as valid as police officers!
it absolutely will be credited as one of the pioneering series in helping to beginthe trans romantic era
trannies deserve loving too
that it’s very easy to lie about things behind a screen
ella is so cute. i want to kiss and cuddle with her all night
>beginthe trans romantic era
trannies like jonathan yaniv are already fucking over your community in the eyes of the general public. we'll all be looking back on trans shit in the 2010s with an appropriate amount of horror and disgust within the next decade.
Wrong. I'm actually a nth dimensional polygender Greater Demon Prince (female) of Slaanesh. Now let me shove my tentacles in your b-hole.
Needs a disgusted Pablo shoop
>we'll all be looking back on trans shit in the 2010s with an appropriate amount of horror and disgust within the next decade.
People said the same thing about gay marriage and gay rights. We just continue to see more support for LGBT.
In the next decade, we'll be looking back at how right-wing retards existed and got Trump elected.
>waaah why do hierarchies exist :(
I got u familia
Would be funnier with a nickleback fans bar.
You're saying 'do whatever violent men tell you, and do what you like to the non-violent' is a good description of hierarchy?
Yeah, no one likes faggots either.
Certainly if we get more scenes like that locker room scene
i love how she reacts to getting fucked in the butt
Looks like somebody figured out that we live in a society!
>t. negroe
Depends where you are
Yaniv is most likely not even transgender. It's very possible he's just a very dedicated troll.
Wow John Mulaney really went off the deep end
Repent, sodomite. Hell awaits.
business is booming
Imagine actually believing this. The LGBT revolution is here to stay, we now have an entire generation of zoomers that were put on HRT at age 4 and people are ok with it. LGBT is more present worldwide than ever and it’s only going to get worse
Not if the Neo-Nazi filth and towelheads keep up their work.
Why is Chad touching that homosexual with AIDS?
>muh safe space
>we now have an entire generation of zoomers that were put on HRT at age 4 and people are ok with it
you're assuming they'll continue being okay with it as they grow older and won't start to resent and organize against the very movement that coerced them to do it in the first place. it's happening now, and the trans community is already trying very hard to suppress detransitioners' voices.
t. non-white, likely Mexican or Indian
so gay
You mean it's women's duty to give love to fat men?
He gets paid. Just try not to breathe around it if you don't want to smell it's manly BO.
user was specifically saying how they like playing with the policeman parts of society but not with the lgbt part of society
what percentage would you say?
20 percent?
i don't care for transmen
Nobody likes dealing with cops. They're just people doing a fucking job. I don't get shitty with the girl at the checkout counter when a price rings up wrong either.
I'm white af
Why do I crack up every time I read this on Yea Forums?
This is pretty unusual.
Nothing substantial will come of it. Progressivism is going to get so fucking bad in the future that they’re gonna condition children to experiment with gender and sex in the education system. As long as they continue to fool the world into believing that LGBT is a movement rather than an ideology then they have the emotional enticement to numb the populations into their godawful lifestyles
Literal warhammer 40k memes come to life
it's hard to say how many trans children will come to their senses eventually. people who transition later in life are probably less likely to end up detransitioning, because it was a conscious decision on their part, and most trans people are late-transitioners. so we know that the percentage of the latter is low, but not enough trans children have grown up for us to be able to say the percentage of those who will. 20 seems reasonable enough, but it's a toss-up.
but you do deal with them. you stay civil even though it's well known there are many violent idiots with police clothes
it's lgbt where user is drawing the line.
Is it close to 20 percent?
These are starting hormone blockers before puberty, how many will go on to have regular puberty once they go off the blockers, how many will go on to try transitioning, how many will go on to fail puberty entirely?
If it's something like 1 percent of the population entertaining the idea, and a smaller percentage of that who try anything, I'm not too worried.
>enforcers of state order
>hysterical mentally ill assholes demanding you speak a certain way or they will call the enforcers of state order
>this is just an socially constructed distinction and you should respect a rambling mentally ill psychopath as much as a guy with a gun empowered by the state to murder you
Those girly pills are turning your brain to mush, son.
now that the policeman says to do it user will be okay with lgbt
you aren't talking to a trans here user, try other insults based on things I've posted
i have a genuine question for the trannies who like this show. don’t you think it’s hypocritical of you to claim that media with hot women is bad because they gives little girls unrealistic standards about how they should look, but you celebrate a show with one tranny who doesn’t look 100% like a man at first glance as an inspiration for LGBT youth? what do you think is going to happen when some fat faggot watches this show, finally works up the courage to wear a dress and makeup outside, and realize that 1) everyone in sight has to work hard to not stare and 2) he looks fucking terrible? how is it any different?
True. No one outside of the typhus infested ghettos we keep leftist in likes faggots.
sounds legit
Either way you're still dumb as shit for not understanding that society is based on hierarchy and hierarchy is enforced through violence.
Don't worry. Only two of the trannies there were sex offenders.
I'm understanding it perfectly. user is saying they like the policeman game but they don't like the lgbt game, both are always going to be part of society.
Wow, you're really dumb as shit.
I already stated nobody likes being bossed around by cops, so no you're not understanding because you're not even reading properly.
Men with guns and whinging faggots with mutilated genitals are two different things. One commands and people obey, another whines and people say "fuck off and go away".
Jacob Elordi already said Hunter was his favorite co-star and he missed hanging out on set with her while hugging for hours.
Nobody gives a shit. Trannies have man BO, btw.
>Nobody gives a shit.
you don't have to care. im just correcting the person who implied jacob was only with Hunter because he got paid.
he genuinely likes her
yeah they almost certainly fucked
shame jacob probably isn't ready to be in a public relationship with a trans woman though
>whining when people tell them to fuck off
wow get these psychos out of society!
>one commands and people obey
they must have great respect from all!
right around the 10 minute mark.
that's so cute
so your underlying problem is that sex-changes aren't good enough yet?
One maintains society and the other molests children and spreads disease while producing no children of their own. Pretty simple.
>shame jacob probably isn't ready to be in a public relationship with a trans woman though
even based keanu reeves had to break up with jamie clayton when the paparazzi wouldn't shut the fuck up about the stigma of trans/cis romance
Unless you can turn yourself back into a zygote and swap out that Y with an X it, will never be. Cutting up an apple to try to make it an orange doesn't make it so.
>the other molests children
are you talking about priests, pastors, republicans and other right-wingers?
Government employed teachers molest way more kids than priests and pastors put together. Also 40% of pedophiles are faggots.
>maintains society
so they're better than you?
>molests children
nobody likes pedos or rapists
>spread disease
condoms exist
>producing no children
gay people can have children
stop acting like you know anything about science you right-wing brainlet
you remind me of the nazis from the 1930s who believed 5 element physics and also said quantum mechanics and general relativity are left-wing jewish science lmao
So what about when the only way to tell if someone had a sex-change is by checking their medical history?
It's just a matter of time until you'll have to replace your arguments with ones that account for trans being indistinguishable from cis.
>condoms exist
Maybe fags should start using them.
>how many will go on to have regular puberty once they go off the blockers
that is a difficult question to answer in and of itself. puberty blockers are, by and large, not as safe and reversible as we have been led to believe, and they can fuck up normal human development (hormonal or otherwise) irreparably. so by the time a child is on puberty blockers, it's already a "sunk-cost" situation, meaning a lot of them will likely go on to transitioning afterwards.
more to the point, there haven't really been enough long-term studies done on trans children to answer those questions, but i disagree with your lack of worry. even if it's only 1 percent of the population, that's millions in the US alone. that's millions being pushed into the direction of an irreversible and unhealthy, untested, crippling lifetime full of surgeries and treatments they don't need. any number of people who end up detransitioning is too many. they deserve better.
>things that will never happen
Since they shoot and throw niggers in jail and risk their lives to do it, yes. They are better men than me.
Why are faggots so over represented in the pedophile count?
And faggots don't bother or intentionally spread disease so they had to invent truvada.
No, they can steal children from straight people which they have a habit of molesting.
>you're a science denier lmao
Wow sick argument bro.
>So what about when the only way to tell if someone had a sex-change is by checking their medical history?
>It's just a matter of time until you'll have to replace your arguments with ones that account for trans being indistinguishable from cis
Utterly delusional
>>So what about when the only way to tell if someone had a sex-change is by checking their medical history?
>>It's just a matter of time until you'll have to replace your arguments with ones that account for trans being indistinguishable from cis
>Utterly delusional
Regardless of what you think about the rest of the whole argument, it's a fact that medical science will be able to perform perfect sex-change operations eventually. You'll need new arguments when it happens.
>science will be able to turn me into a pretty girl someday
Nope. No amount of knives and hormones can turn a man into a woman, just like no amount of hormones and mutilation can turn an apple to an orange or a dog into a cat. They're mentally ill shock troops for corporate neoliberals.
>it's a fact that medical science will be able to perform perfect sex-change operations eventually
it, quite literally, is not. the most they'll be able to do is cosmetically change the outside of a person to be indistinguishable from the opposite sex, and even that is a stretch. you severely underestimate the complexity and inimitability of the human reproductive system(s).
fucking based
>manly BO
trannies who are on hormones don't smell like men though
>trans people bad
>trannies who are on hormones don't smell like men though
you're going to confuse these 75 IQ brainlets
not that user but you guys are brainlets. i don’t know if this will absolutely happen and neither does he, but he’s arguing that IF one day we’re able to do perfect sex changes, what will your argument be? Stop thinking about how sex changes are done now, imagine that a man can literally go to a doctor and become a woman, and answer the question.
Depends on the uniforms. Is Hugo Boss still available?
i guess i shouldn't tell them about their soft skin as well
>you guys are dumb
>now accept my premise as true before we continue arguing
i wasn't involved in that argument nor do i care to be. i was just saying he was an idiot for asking someone to change their argument to suit a baseless and impossible hypothetical (which he referred to as fact, by the way)
cute face wtf
looks cute
not too keen on the pissing though
she's cute. i don't care if she has a cock
what's her instagram?
>pissing all over himself and the floor
trannies are truly disgusting
Apples aren't oranges. Dogs aren't cats. Humans are humans. In nature no species transforms into another over the course of their life. Many transform between genders.
You mean it's categorically impossible for a sex-change to be good enough to fool almost anyone? Or that you personally would not consider a 10 / 10 woman to be attractive until you've seen a long form birth certificate?
It won't be long until they can grow anyone a womb and uterus in the lab with their own DNA. They won't be readjusting any genitals in the future, they'll be transplanting whole reproductive structures.
>Many transform between genders.
transform a Y chromosome into an X chromosome.
>humans are humans
>many animals change gender
You're not as smart as you seem to think you are.
>You're not as smart as you seem to think you are.
That person is making better arguments than you though
I contradicted my own argument? Please point it out.
Damn the Flash looks like THIS??
would fuck both of these qts
Say that to the the shitty terror+chernobyl generals, faggot.
your entire post is a trash fire. species that can change their sex* (not gender, consider learning the difference) are capable of doing so because of their biology. it is human biology that prevents us from being able to change our sex. just because something happens in nature doesn't mean we can do it.
i did not say it was impossible for a sex-change or transitioning in general to make someone pass as the opposite sex. but it's called superficial attraction, you tard, and a heterosexual will cease to be attracted to someone as soon as they realize that they're the same sex. a straight man who sees a transwoman and finds him attractive without knowing isn't imagining a woman with a penis and won't find the transwoman attractive after he learns of it.
furthermore, the uterus isn't just a floating organ and there isn't an empty cavity in the male anatomy where a uterus would go. you can't just plop one in a man and expect it to do its job. pregnancy is an incredibly stressful (physically) state to be in for a real woman, let alone a man. even women with birth defects leaving them without a uterus often can't just have one transplanted despite possessing the other faculties necessary to be pregnant.
you are a fucking moron. and stop reddit-spacing.
Those shows were actually good though.
Wouldn't need to. Plenty of women have Y chromosomes.
That would be impossible.
We're talking about after the sex-change. There wouldn't be a penis, there would be a vagina. The other person could only find out there was a sex-change by asking, or by checking medical records.
>you are a fucking moron. and stop reddit-spacing.
This is chan-spacing, r-tard.
>it's impossible for me to be wrong about my own mental abilities
>It won't be long until they can grow anyone a womb and uterus in the lab with their own DNA. They won't be readjusting any genitals in the future, they'll be transplanting whole reproductive structures.
this is the dumbest fucking post I've ever read on this website. Jesus Christ
You mean 18 months or even possibly 2yrs like GOT, Westwood, BLL
>plenty of women have Y chromosomes
you mean males with intersex disorders?
>there would be a vagina
neo-vaginas are not vaginas. they're pus-leaking fistulas and open wounds. they also look nothing like real vaginas, but that's beside the point. they aren't vaginas and never will be.
>This is chan-spacing, r-tard.
you're literally double-spacing after every quote. reddit central.
It's not gay to fuck feminine men or trannies
Take off the cat ears and dress and take your clozapine.
d-don't say that
Too bad they're not on Pimozide
>Plenty of women have Y chromosomes.
Nigger what?
Not sure if you knew this, but a hallmark of being a biological female is having TWO X chromosomes ONLY. The only individuals with XX and a Y chromosome are those with Klinefelter syndrome who are still Male
I hope you are just trolling me.
>not on skylars level
lmao. both are ugly man with ugly man faces
>make thread hours ago
>still up
>over 300 replies
this lad is cute but he's not a woman my dude
It's just 300 posts of people calling trannies retarded faggots, glad you enjoyed though.
Lol just happy to see them seething
based fellow jules poster
Yea Forums will be a jules board by the time season 2 starts
Sticking your thumb in someone's mouth is evidently a thing this year in Hollywood.
>you mean males with intersex disorders?
Females with intersex disorders, in this case.
>neo-vaginas are not vaginas. they're pus-leaking fistulas and open wounds. they also look nothing like real vaginas, but that's beside the point. they aren't vaginas and never will be.
I'm talking about cloning the whole thing. It would be the same exact method used to replace a faulty womb in an XX woman.
>you're literally double-spacing after every quote. reddit central.
Great point.
>Not sure if you knew this, but a hallmark of being a biological female is having TWO X chromosomes ONLY. The only individuals with XX and a Y chromosome are those with Klinefelter syndrome who are still Male
I'm talking about Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.
100% Y chromosomes, 100% female physiology. Are they male or female?