How come leaders of free world don't give a fuck about end of democracy in Hong Kong...

How come leaders of free world don't give a fuck about end of democracy in Hong Kong, while they are fast to bomb shit out of middle east countries just for 1 year of democracy and subsequent Islamic dictatorship?

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There's no oil in Hong Kong.

Because muh Democracy is a meme that is used to justify foreign wars against states that fall outside America's sphere of influence. China is big enough to resist America, Iraq was not.

Hong Kong isn't anywhere near Israel.

What's happening in Hong Kong?

China is too powerful for rest of the world losers

Something something, China gradually clamping down on the democratic government that was left behind by British colonialism.

Ever since that photo was taken, probably something like 100 million brown people have invaded the western countries

China can and will slap the fuck out of you if you do something they don’t like, look at Canada when they arrested the Huawei exec

praytell, what are 'western leaders' supposed to do?
start WW3 over a chinese domestic dispute?

does China even have a big military? you never hear about it like ours (USA)

Worst b8 I've ever seen user, you should be ashamed of yourself

Because this fag world says colonialism = bad, wars for resources = good.

good question

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because the elite already know they can't control china, so they don't even bother trying.

china has a billion dudes it can arm with knockoff state of the art weaponry

>does China even have a big military?
The biggest in the World. And the third most powerful.

I wish Britain had kept Hong Kong island (at least for a while), as that was ceded in perpetuity, only the surrounding area was leased for 99 years and to be handed back.

The Red Chinks promised to not make big changes for 50 years, but are already closing the net around them now. This was always going to happen.

The only 'positive' is that China's economy went leaps and bounds since abandoning the disaster of Maoism. The bottom line is anyone who didn't want to live under the Chinks should have went to Singapore, et al, in the 90s. The Hong Kongers cannot win, this was already decided.

Isr*el isn't in east Asia.


there is no oil to gain and no kikes will benefit from it by crying anudahshuah

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Because contray to what you've been fed by the media, the pro-democracy movement is actually very small in Hong Kong, and no foreign country is going to back a lame horse only to gain China's enmity.

And never won a war, babe

> go to war in Middle East
> kill sandniggers
> install unstable puppet government and outsource fighting to proxies and mercs
> Either fuck of as whole thing collapses or just keep a few troops there to manage things
> go to war with China over a city
> start nuclear apocalypse

korean war?

>What's the Korean War

Meh would guarantee that the CIA has operatives in HK helping to stoke the flames

t. chinkoid insect mainland street shitter

And I can assure you those operatives are already being waterboarded

I doubt it

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i dont think you understand what a democracy is

I thought you magapedes didn't care for democracy.

>pro-democracy movement is actually very small in Hong Kong
neck yourself, you lying commie subhuman