Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

>Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

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>Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount
Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

imagine if fox dies in your lifetime
disney will need to write something off for the billion dollar losses in star wars

Imagine if the western entertainment complex colapses in our lifetime.

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are disney execs this stupid

they're scared

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I still miss UA.

Disney is doing real good.

Its getting even more homogenized. Thats all.

>america collapses in your lifetime

>Disney is optimistic that handing Fox superhero properties such as “Fantastic Four” and “X-Men” to Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige will improve the quality of these movies, but bumps must be smoothed over in that transition. The studio is unimpressed with “New Mutants,” an “X-Men” spinoff with a haunted-house vibe, and believes it has limited box office potential.

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Theyre so stupid!
They own 10 out of the 15 highest grossing movies of all timw world wide (Lion King just became 12) and have released the highest grossing movies each year for the last 3 years, but they're SO stupid!

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As a 3rd world mutt, I must say that would be bad business. My overlords are allies/servants of the United States. If the nation falls, the entire southern America falls with them.

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Are we pretending the last Xmen movies were any good now?

Based fox sacrificing themselves to bring down the mouse

some people are

>It's honestly bewildering to me how badly Fox mismanaged what should have been incredibly lucrative intellectual property in F4 & X-Men.
>Sure, some movies ended up being successful, but when you look at the whole final product it's clear the successes were dumb luck in spite of Fox, not because of anything they were bringing to the table.

Now fix the fucking comics

South America is on self destruct as it is. Brazil is destroying the ecosystem, Argentina's economy is crashing, Venezuela's is practically nonexistent.
The rest are already having refugee problems on top of all the bullshit they already had to deal with. Lo siento mucho.

>they managed to lose money on a Star Wars theme park
It doesn't get dumber than that

Surprised me how Fox dropped the ball on these movies.
I mean they literally FOUND a formula that works well with movies like Logan and Deadpool. Unafraid to step into darker tones and more violent themes.
Yet they continued to make shit movies like Apocalypse and Phoenix.

Yeah, but you can't explain that to white 1st world leftists who have no real concept of what life is like outside of the US or some other highly controlled, very secure environment.

Never going to happen. It's gangrenous but it'll never be cut off. It'll just continue to sit there and rot in perpetuity.

>the one thing losing money while every other movie makes literal billlions
>and the park can still recuperate the investment

Yeah, ok, user, go ahead and feel smarter than the multi billion dollar conglomerate.

When they fucked it up the first time, I thought that particular storyline was dead and radioactive. No one would ever touch that story again. Then they telegraphed they were going to do it again, and then the word came out that they were handing it off to the same guy that fucked it up the first time. That's not peak clown world, but all the same its fucking bizarre.

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After the Star Wars debacle, does Disney have any right to lecture others about how to make money?

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Have sex

yes because common normie thought due to control of the media and narrative is that disney hasn't made a mistake in decades

Wait, are you trying to tell me that Fox Feels the Pressure from Disney as Film Flops Mount?

You know, they could just start making good quality films that people want to see.

from the article
>Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

... I'd really like a zoomed out take on what's going on there.

>and the park can still recuperate the investment
Yeah theme parks that are empty in the middle of the summer tend to make their money back in the long run LMAO

>>Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount
Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount
Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

Well, just the last 5 years is all. In 8 years they haven't top thenlist but once in 2014.

Because you think they're tearing it down come october?
Dont be disingenuous, playing dumb should never be considered a dignified recourse.

I haven't seen a fox or disney movie in 3 months now ask me anything

Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

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Sort of, they'll have to dump more money to try to salvage it and bring new people meaning changing the entire thing and that the BILLIONS they have already spent will be lost

how did you like alita?

fox could learn a lot from disney

sometimes you just gotta rip up the old script and toss it

then you're free to come up with fresh ideas and themes

its how you keep franchises from becoming saturated with oldfag stuff like star wars was

pay attention fox, it'll do you some good

I don't understand this. Why a country who lives in perpetual state of war has a hive of baizuo that big. That's why I dream of the USA mass traditional media collapse, to get rid of that class. Big tech is fucking computers and the internet, the white liberal western left is fucking games, movies and series. It's just disgusting.

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Why would they have to dump more money? The investment is made, in time there'll be a return. They didnt build sandcastles, the park isnt going anywhere, forget that its part of an already lucrative system of parks.
With the new streaming service, they prep the market at their leisure, draw people in with the coming years.

Because a theme park costs millions to run and it's empty they'll be in the red forever. Also opportunity cost. Galaxy's Edge is going to cost Disney something in the ballpark of 3 billion, net losses that is

What the fuck are you talking about? Fox was the only studio taking risks with shit like R rated Deadpool & Alita, Disney does nothing but safe focus tested Marvel sequels & Remakes

Murdoch sold the company because he was smart enough to realize cinema is dying, people only go for big budget sequels & remakes these days, the younger demographic otherwise stays home & watches shit on netflix

>more than 11 billion dollars from just 7 movies
>and then there's the other movies that earned more than a billion but weren't #1 that year
>and then the ones that only earned hundreds of millions of dollars

Holy shit Yea Forums.

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>ongoing costs do not exist

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>part of an entire system of parks that practically prints money
>new productions to stimulate interest directly marketed to consumers' homes already on the way

user, they're fine. More than fine, they're great. And looks like things will only get better.

The why is much longer than I can convey with a single post, but the short version is that sentiment has been part of the US "intelligentsia" since the Bolsheviks but the information age has allowed them to cast a larger shadow than they would have otherwise. People treat that smoke as substance, and now we are where we are. One way or another it'll sort itself out. They don't have the numbers and their own extremists are too extreme to be palatable for the typical American. The only question is the timeline and the cost. But more to point: you're not alone in dreaming of a collapse and hard reset of the US mass media.

Actually they declared losses in the last quarter but sure, whatever your shill manager told you to say

>he replies using a Disney owned property, oblivious to the irony

Im sure theyre losing sleep at night over it, user.

What nation?

Fox already milked Simpsons during it's prime, now it's a dead horse

lol you really owned me with that one

And yeah I bet they are losing sleep over this

The resorts only, Disney Co. Is doing fine.

Your desperation is enjoyable though, so keep going.

>like R rated Deadpool
A movie that was canned and only got made because test footage got leaked and there was major fan outcry. And the only reason it was made the way it was, with less interference from Fox was in exchange for having a much smaller budget.
Manga and anime adaptations are the current well Hollywood in general is trying to dig into. Fox isn't particularly special in this.

>he's not aware of the upcoming movie

I too enjoy assuming what i dont watch doesnt make money.

>Your desperation is enjoyable though
I'm not the one losing billions on empty Star Wars theme parks

I love how disney fanboys trying to downplay Deadpool's success by point out Fox originally didn't want it

Enjoy your PG-13 Deadpool faggot

is there really a simpsons movie coming out?
I can't imagine the type of politically filled sjw garbage that will be

If only silk sheets could absorb tears better, eh, user?

Yeah more likely. I feel like support can be drummed up in a gay little movement about how the west is being dominated by this field in the east but no one would give a shit. It's like accepting that foreign made cars surpass the quality of American made products and shit like that.

They only fell short of the quarterly profit goal. Its a huge company that's doing great.


the rare 1% chance pipedream boys we have a chance

We did it reddit!

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I don't know why they need to hire shills on Yea Forums to convince people they're doing fine, then

>Lost millions on a star wars theme park
>The star wars brand that they spent $4 billion to acquire has only just recouped it's initial cost, which means they still have yet to make any money off it nearly a decade later
>Merchandise, video games, novels, basically every other division that isn't movies is doing abysmal numbers
> 23 billion in debt to 20 billion operating revenue
>Current assets are not suffucient to cover corporate debt
>Stretched way too thin on the fox deal which had no real assets beyond the tape library, and given the fact that Disney home media releases suck ass nowadays, that means fuck all

Yea, they are stupid

>a Star Wars theme park is a fucking bomb
How do you fuck up this bad?

They have money to burn.
They might be paying some of the trolls insisting the company is doing badly just to gauge support responses.

>The star wars brand that they spent $4 billion to acquire has only just recouped it's initial cost, which means they still have yet to make any money off it nearly a decade later
Given the costs of making the films, making the theme parks and paying for marketing, I really doubt this.

>They have money to burn.
That explains Galaxy's Edge loool

you know that disney thought this should would go way different

YOU KNOW they expected at least 20 billion return off of this

>star wars is so great

But its not, it hasnt been since the 80's. Prequels sucked, sequels sucked.
They fucked up within a sea of successes. They'll be fine.

>has only just recouped it's initial cost
No they haven't, not even close

>bullshit in top of more bullshit

Why is Yea Forums never right? Is it dishonesty or stupidity?

Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

Profit-wise it literally would have been smarter for Disney to just put that 4 billion in a savings account and wait for interest.

That Harry Potter theme park is making money hand over fist, how did Disney ruin their biggest brand so bad?

Do you think the collapse/hard reset/rebuild is possible?

USA, but in practical terms can even be the OTAN or the whole G7. Being allies, they act the same. My own people is not a choice because we make more traditional stuff. In the specific case of my nation and neighbors, we are more music, plays and literature. For our own intelligentsia, movies and TV are no more than propaganda, and in the videogame industry, our top developers are working outside the country, and/or finance or heavy engineering sector. So not fun allowed in the South.

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it won't collapse all of a sudden, just will become less and less relevant against chinese alternatives, which themselves, will be more of the same shit we're used to watch now, but with a slighltly different political agenda

Oh shit, you're right too. Damn that's gotta be a big blow

Do the Disney offices have good coffee?

They certainly didn't expect it to take 10 fucking years to make any money off of it

Nobody isn't saying it wasn't a success, but it's a success in spite of Fox. You can't praise them for going in on risks over Disney when they didn't believe in or fully support the product.

Also, just because I believe Fox has been garbage lately with their films doesn't mean I somehow want Disney/MCU Deadpool. Believe it or not, you can form opinions beyond choosing which company's dick to suck.

The problem is that the chinese speciality is make copycats, high quality bootlegs, but it's necessary a creative rebel mind to create something really original and good. Take a look about the Genshin Impact controversy.

>Disney Wars is a failure
>put the blame on the recently aquired FOX

Despite that they somehow made profits go down the last two quarters.

Once deepfake is perfected, it’ll happen. Who the fuck needs Hollywood when you can just replace the main character of every movie ever made with Christopher Walken?

hollywood will just start buying the rights to people's identity and we'll live in a truly hellish corporate hellhole of a future

It's fine they are fine they will make it up it's fine.

ex fox employee here
murdoch ended a job i loved so he can piss and shit himself on a gold plated yacht for the next couple of years before he dies
meanwhile i had to get a job closer to home that pays better and has better promotion aspects
still prefer working for fox tho
but hey
thats life

I'm intrigued

is disney death?!?

got a job with fox doing accounts stuff
worked my way up the ladder for 8 years to team leader
everything all processed out, good team under me, great people to work with, relaxed office atmosphere, exceeding all targets, free copies of fox films, living the dream
>important announcement!
Murdoch: thanks for your hard work but selling the company, find a new job, cheers, thanks, get out of my offices
put cv online, get another job as team lead more money but its much more corporate
theres no fun, theres no enjoyment its just soulless

rip my man I know that feel
went from having a nice ass corporate job where me and some buds would work 4-6 hours a day, still get everything done and more and leave to go home
got a new project manager that wanted to be in everything and ended up changing everything for the worse then getting herself fired and everyone below her let go

a consolidated monopoly always point to the death of an industry

its the >but i didnt do anything wrong feeling thats the worse
someone multiple levels up decided your future without any consultation
but as i said, thats life
it happened previous job before fox
it happened at fox
im smiling and nodding at current job through problems and putting in the extra hours to solve them and getting massive praise but only because im there thinking - couple more years >Important Announcement!
>thank you, blah, blah, owner of the company getting paid billions, buying a gold plated yacht, everyone else, update your cv


how the fuck disney got this big
a decade ago they were on the verge of being literal whos with their yearly releases

They got their hands on big franchises

they bought literally everything

>Star Wars is making Disney lose money
>Fox is making Disney lose money
I love that they are getting fucked due to their greed. Pure poetry.

how is this legal in america
I'm fairly sure this is illegal literally everywhere else

>complete merger
>immediately gut Fox's distribution and marketing departments
>Disney wonders why things aren't working out

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Fuck off

was it an assassination?

Fuck :(

implying capeshits are people

what are they then

>Do you think the collapse/hard reset/rebuild is possible?
I think if the leftist keep pushing they're going to find that there's a limit. I think that the history of the US is such that when pushed people mobilize fairly quickly and, often times, violently. The quote that I always go back to, and I'm going just paraphrase, is from Churchill who said that Americans always do the right thing, but only after they've exhausted every other possibility. That's where we are right now, I think. Most people don't give a shit about the intelligentsia or social media influencers; they care about their jobs, their kids, and other bits of Americana. The issue is that the ideological left is pushing hard to the left, and the corporate left is going along with it.

Are there real ideological divides amongst Americans? Sure. But the unintended side effect of identity politics is that people are being pushed together into odd partnerships by the left: if everyone outside of the left is a bad person, then those persons have at least that in common and can bond as such. I'm seeing some of that where I'm at.

I'm not a fan of happening memes. I just look at the history of this country and my experiences living in it and I see a disparity between where the authoritarians want to push the country and where the country is willing to go.

>My own people is not a choice because we make more traditional stuff.
Sorry, I meant to ask who your people are and what nation you're currently in.

realistically what does this mean for fox/disney?

doesn't this story prove that disney only bought fox to kill it?

>go ahead and feel smarter than the multi billion dollar conglomerate.
That smarmy reply might work if Sony's movie division didn't exist, you fag.

Foxes failures, read: losses, are a tax write-off for the largest and most profitable media company in the history of the world. It means absolutely nothing other than business as usual for the House of Mouse. They can deal with, and in point of fact, use the losses by Fox to help defray their tax liabilities, such as they are, elsewhere. Sure, it'd be great if Fox made money, and eventually they will, but Disney has enough momentum to eat the cost of Fox for a while and shelve the IPs until they can move enough of the Fox people out and Disney people in to make it something that fits with the Disney business model and brand.

Remember how Kodak and Polaroid were two colossi with giant profits until things changed? Watch a new version of this, brah.

so they're crashing and burning

That's not at all what I said.

alright riddle me this mr master economist
when is disney going to be broken up

So Disney bought Fox just to kill it?

They only bought fox for the rights. They don't give a shit about anything else.

has disney done anything right in the last 5 years
how is anyone still investing in that company and not pulling out

Given the amount of influence that corps have over the US congress and the fact that the US hasn't used anti-trust to break up anything remotely Disney sized since Bell in '82, I wouldn't hold your breath. Hell, even Microsoft, which had, and still has, a no-shit actual functioning monopoly on business and home OSs, didn't get broken up. There's no big public outcry, as with the telecom mergers, and there's no big bank outcry as with Deutsche bank. In short: no one gives enough of a shit and that coupled with its size means that Disney will continue to grow for a long fucking time.

They're nearly minting cash they're pulling so much in. A bungled resort attraction and a merger that hasn't paid off yet is far from not doing anything right. Your personal dislike of capeshit and mouseshills has no bearing on their profitability and overall business health. I mean, be honest, do you even buy media or media-related products? If the answer is no, then no one cares what you think or feel.

Something a Yea Forums teenager calls what is basically just a buzzword im sure and im sure they would “lol” at these buzzwords receiving physical harm while simultaneously probably the teen believing these things live a cushy lifestyle with very little experience in physical harm

why do shills always use proper punctuation and capitalization? it makes it so obvious

>They own 10 out of the 15 highest grossing movies of all time
5 of which are Marvel and the MCU didn't start with Disney but Paramount and it's all down to Feige, nothing Disney did.


Fox Feeds the Pressure From Disney as Film Flops Mount

>something really original and good
that's nice but we're talking about fucking disney movies here. they do not need any quality, they succeed because of the money that is spent promoting them.

Do you have stock in Disney? Marvel is the only arm of Disney with anything resembling quality right now

>Manga and anime adaptations are the current well Hollywood in general is trying to dig into
Please no

It's not like Naruto, One Piece, and other bits of shonenshit can't get any shittier and more autistic.

I can't imagine a worse Manga to adapt than fucking One Piece. Why not something easy like FMA?

This is on purpose. That way they justify remodelling Fox to be just like Disney, to "fix" it

I wished I lived where the picture is. Just so I could feel the dystopian crippling winter.

Fox Feels the Pressure From Disney as Film Mounts Flop

>Brazil is destroying the ecosystem
Are they exporting zikavirus to the world?

Under LucasFilm, the merchandise was always the pulling the Star Wars money train. It's almost like they ignored the TFA trends, people loved BB-8 but Finn and Rey gathered dust, instead TLJ introduces the fat Asian woman that stores practically had to give away because it never sold. A few days ago there was a picture of a pricetag and receipt of a Rose action figure that was literally selling for pennies.

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