Will it be kino?
Will it be kino?
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Has any live action remake been good so far? Your answer lies there
Seems like a wholesome movie.
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
Massive social media and internet backlash in 3, 2, 1. Twitter isn’t going to like this
Jungle Book was pretty good.
No but it’ll still make a billion so it doesn’t matter
Nigga is prettier than Ariel. What the fuck
Has any other film had such a heel to face turn on Yea Forums?
white man x black woman
it's gunna be K I N O
Why does he have to be a beta twink skeleton?
Why doesn't (((Hollywood))) cast Chad white men anymore?
Either way, it's gonna be funny seeing Black Twitter rage about neegress Ariel getting BLEACHED.
>Black actress cast
>Woke Twitter: YAAAAAAAAS
>Black actress opposite white actor
>Woke Twitter: Colonialist Nazi Racist, Drumpf
why is it always white men in interracial relationships on screen? Need more asian guys and black girl couples
I’ll whoop yo colonizing ass
If the javier bardem rumours are also true then black ariel is gonna appear to be really strange.
How can twitter hold so much power I don't get it.
It literally represents less than 1% any population considering it's mostly people constantly projecting their ideal self while being hypocrites.
Why does everyone(in America mostly) bent to their will?
Fuck knows, multi billion dollar corporations changing advertising campaigns that cost tens of millions of dollars because 200 people tweeted at them truly baffles me
Why wasnt a POC chosen? Why?
Goddamn I can't wait for the salt.
>less than 1%
Are you dumb, pretty much every person in the western world has a twitter account. The biggest names in America all have Twitter accounts. What people say on Twitter represents the view of the majority. I could literally say "I hate white men, they should all be genocided" and get over 500k likes and retweets. Most people that use Twitter are white women and blacks, society panders to them
I had no idea.
beached and bleached
It took about 10 seconds of googling to see that about 22% of Americans have Twitter not "pretty much every person in the western world" you fucking tard
It’s not a remake per se but Christopher Robin was sincere and kino, albeit very “safe”
There's a ridiculous amount of bots as well so no,not everyone uses a twitter account.People create accounts because it's a famous tool.
Your infornation is outdated
Jack,please.It's embarrassing.
It's just an overwhelming minority that spouts that and it no way does it represent the view of the majority.
It just being marketed as such everywhere.
Fun fact, 12% of all tweets ever made were done so by Rian Johnson.
What percentage of that ten percent would you say are Jewish? Just out of interest.
>White boy and black gf
why does hollywood keep pushing this?
>Harry Styles
>Straight character
This will not end well.
has any trustworthy sources confirmed this yet?
i fully support this because it makes incels rage
if racists wouldn't have thrown such a fit, it wouldn't have to be this way
reap what you sow
Black men begin show it, black women love white men, every little black girl will dream white boyfriend.
Black women are ugly and culturally incompatible with white men
>t. nigger
This, Jungle Book had been the only decent one.
Almost a 15 90 in progress
Even niggers hate fucking that ugly horse pussy.
Why is there constant excitement and buzz for children's movies? Is infantalizing normies the latest psy-op?
I actually fell asleep in the cinema and woke up during that scene with some burning vine hole tree fight
absolute snoozefest
based relentlessly poster
people are frail in regards to social pressure
very few have a good mixture of having both mental strength to say "no fuck you" while also being rational, intelligent people open to constructive criticism
this movie is the future
Yaaaas kweeen she should play Ariel instead
How will the story work with two mermaids?