ITT: actresses you find attractive but aren’t considered attractive
ITT: actresses you find attractive but aren’t considered attractive
I would a Judy
>Grace Kelly
>Not considered attractive
That’s a hard no from me boss
Old as fuck but still hot
>not considered attractive
Are you insane?
consider yourself a homosexual if you think judy isn't attractive. she's 10/10 mommy tier. also sexy voice.
She was and is still considered attractive, you dumbass.
insane or bait
there was some blind item about her picking up a teenaged grocer bagger by her place in Cali and it made me want to hang myself in envy
she aged pretty badly, but I liked her when she was younger
Hello, beautiful!
>septum piercing
anal confirmed
She went from 20 to 40 in 2 years
Damn, Taylor Swift really hit the wall.
Brie Larson and Gal Gadot.
>When Gob and other characters treated her as undesirable in Arrested Development
Is this Betty from Spiderman?
She's a grade-A qt
i can't even think of ONE who's considered "not attractive". they're on the screen and by definition are considered to be attractive.
Can you imagine?
>paper or plastic ma’am?
>plastic, dear, and I am gonna need you to help me to my car too
>oh since you are here can you help me carry the groceries into my house too?
>thank you so much young man, let me reward you with something better than your paycheck.
She is widely considered attractive.
Angry Rice is gorgeous.
>Can you imagine?
I try not to. I get lost in the fantasy then have to come back.... to this.
She's also very talented and seems so sweet and genuine.
You deserve a swift kick to the nuts for considering her ugly in the first place.
would do obscene things to that tummy
>most attractive woman in hollywood ever
>literally became a princess
>this low effort bait
Yes, even naked
She's ugly, untalented, and when It ends she will be forgotten about.
looks like a crappy failed clone of Saoirse Ronan
She has a great face but that is a garbage ass dress
It really is stellar. Perfect amount of pudge.
Based Ben Quadrinos poster
Not sure why, but this pic immediately reminded me of the big dog and the little dog from Looney Tunes.
Clone? She's older than Ronan by like 20 years
Would too, my man
Rude and false.
I didn't suggest she was actually a clone user.
basically any girl aged 10-14
hollywood still pretends they're not WAY hotter than all those old hags they try so hard to sell us as attractive
what's wrong with her eyes?
she's barely legal, but she has more eye wrinkles than me, and I'm 40
she's australian
but would you suck her toes, user?
The redhead Brit from The Office
she cute
Kinoest Will Ferrell movie