Dude wild at heart but worse LMAO

>dude wild at heart but worse LMAO

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it was kino as fuck, take a bump while I look for that Italians are niggers speech

fucking based, would be much better if Tarantino was actually directing it



Nothing like Wild at Heart except Elvis.

except it's the opposite

I hated True Romance. it even made Jim Gandolfini look bad.
should I watch Wild At Heart? I liked 8mm.

>tfw no unconditional love call girl gf

Attached: 1555204340911.jpg (882x960, 76K)

i fucking hated this film, maybe would've been tolerable if tarantino had directed it, it took itself far too seriously

>___ as fuck
just kill yourself reddit

imma ass fuck you if you won't shut up

>would be much better if Tarantino was actually directing it
imagine unironically believing this

well he wrote it and basically had to chose between this and Reservoir Dogs which turned out just fine so I don't see a problem with that statement
But I like True Romance as it is, just a cheezy fun movie nothing more but it's still on my based movies shelf

This tumblrcore shit was boring.

I thought the movie was pretty bad but Gandolfini was amazing

I always get this movie confused with Wild at Heart, and Something Wild. I can't even remember which is the best of the 3.

Its like Wild at Heart, but with people who are attractive.

go fuck yourself. you honestly think that early 90s Lynch (in between major prpoects, aka BURNT OUT) could do a better film than early 90s Tony Scott? you're cringey as fuck

>omfg it would've been better if directed byTarantino

Attached: soy8.png (205x246, 6K)

have sex or something, he's just good at directing goofy fucking movies and It'd fit right in with him

Wtf is wrong with Slaters head in this photo. It looks shopped in.

It's shopped in

But it's like they didn't even try, no color correction or nothing. How can they do that to my boy Slater.

>would be much better if Tarantino was actually directing it
No, it would not have been much better if Tarantino directed it.
Tony Scott was excellent at directing action.
Tarantino is at best OK.
Tarantino or maybe his editors, but probably Tarantino, is not really great at directing dynamic action sequences.
Further, Tarantino’s characters tend to make machismo speaches within his films, which come off like stage monologues.
Tony Scott was mich better at blending these moments within the structure of his films, so they seems like a continuation of the flow of the film.

Wild At Heart is the most fun I've had watching a movie in a long time. It's basically a road movie loosely based on The Wizard of Oz with typical Lynch themes

Resevoir Dogs had major issues with editing and pacing.
I’m glad Tony Scott got to direct ‘True Romance’. Tarantino Romance would have been a lesser film.

The slater in this was so OBVIOUSLY tarantino's self insert "hella fucking epic movie reference murder man" that i just repeated "cringe cringe cringe" in my head for the whole runtime

Yes, it totally would've been "better" with over-the-top, nonsensical "can't act my way out of a way paper bag' scenes such as this one.
Fuck right off.