>OP pic I'm Mr Eel and I come from some place far away...
Brayden Clark
>WC only just underway >/147/ in top form >already a meme match It's loopy season alright
Justin Phillips
>Coverage is a available How will OP ever recover from this blunder??
Chase Watson
Look mate i’m typing on a fucking iPad ok
Michael Collins
>Ronnie will play the winner of Mark Allen vs Scott Donaldson on the 22nd Want the boy Donaldson to have a nice little run but also worry that only Mork stands a chance of stopping Gwonnie before he starts gathering momentum. Wat do
Jackson Young
can murphy grow a beard? his face always looks smooth like a little plump child
where would we be without ronnie's classic crucible gimmicks? the cue action, the accents, now the glasses, this man is a legend and brings an unprecedented level of comfy to the sport.
Lucas Nguyen
Grayson Sanchez
The thread doesn't settle 'til we get our first 'Lame'
I woke up in the night and thought “fucking hell that a loopy dream with Desi in it, I’ll have to post about this in the morning” but now it is morning and I’ve completely forgotten what happened in the dream.
I had another fairly vivid dream tonight. Me and my mates had rented out an AirBNB house for the weekend, as we have before, and then kind of walked around some imaginary city. Then it was just me and my other mate that have season tickets for our football club, and we were on the pitch in some random small eurostadium with temporary seating. We were repeatedly walking from the halfway line to the corner flag where there were some home fans, and for some reason we were chanting but the chants kept dying off after a line or two. Much to my annoyance. No idea how the game was meant to be going on.
Hello my snooker pals, I'm ready to watch my number 1 favorite player of all time (Mark Allen) crush this Scott Donaldson chump. Admittedly, I don't know anything about Scott Donaldson other than that he looks like he's part weasel.
This webm never fails to cheer me up. Seethen's little glance at Marcel, Marcel literally biting his lip to try and stop smirking, Seethen casually moving his hand over his mouth. All while young Simon tries to brush it off and reset. Just incredible performances all round.