Is there a problem?

>Is there a problem?
>No, I'm Dunhier

A tale of hubris right at the onset. Here we see a guy who's so full of himself. He boasts that he can work around any problem, because 'He's Dunhier', the legendary thief.

However, almost immediately after his first appearance, he is nonchalantly shot in the back. It really delivers Nolan's message about escalation perfectly; the low life criminals in Gotham have no respect, even for other criminals and their previous merits.

Even Dunhier, with all his skills, is expendable.

With all of this said, though, there's still an even more important question at large that remains unanswered.

Attached: Dunhier.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

dumb meme

>I'm mckena with droul here
they were so confident they would never get caught that they even revealed their identities

No he said "I'm done here"



But who was Hugh Briss?

WAIT....who was Hugh Briss?

>he’s Aut Wright?

Why did the robber ask who the dude with the shotgun was?

>where did you learn, The Count?
guess they grew up with sesame street

Attached: _62558092_15.thecountand8-richardtermine.jpg (660x396, 34K)

>my father was Adrian Kur, and a fiend
I guess that's why his son's name was Joe Kur, makes sense.

And more importantly, why did the Joker nod in affirmation that the guy is correct, knowing that in truth that wasn't his name at all?

This one's great

He's Gothree Levit

>"You and your friends are Ded!"
Why would the guy with the shotgun think that all of the robbers had the same name? Did the masks confuse him?


best one

>Time to go, Mobile
Kind of a weird code name but I guess I can look past that. What I'm curious about is why he only addressed Mobile and not the rest of the crew at the stock exchange.

Attached: 1565258975713.gif (435x250, 1.23M)

Its actually a clever in movie ad for T-Mobile

>Buzz Drieber?
Nobody ever remembers poor Buzz...

It's Drew All

Why do i find this shit so funny?

Attached: 9rqGnbc3_400x400.jpg (395x395, 19K)

>old copypasta starts getting recycled after years
>it now has reddit spacing

>le reddit spacing rule

>People still fall for the reddit spacing meme

>join game
>level 20 kid with rapier and dagger
>stabs stupidly fast because he's using a script
>gets pissed off when you kill him
what a pathetic piece of shit