If you were a filmmaker and you were tasked to make a movie that both appeals to men and women, what would you make?

If you were a filmmaker and you were tasked to make a movie that both appeals to men and women, what would you make?

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Superhero movie with an attractive main character

This is why I don't go outside or have social media accounts.

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This is why , even though im not the best looking guy, i make sure the female who talks to me knows her place as inferior to me and I never let her shit test me and always put her in her place. Its how ive fucked so many girls outta my league

Some kind of animated Disney film probably.

men are trash

imagine she met tom

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The African Queen.

Attached: African Queen.png (1440x900, 1.17M)

All these posts were made by incels. The first one is trying to make other incels mad, the other 2 are incels trying to cope.

>All these posts were made by incels. The first one is trying to make other incels mad, the other 2 are incels trying to cope.

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THIS is the shy girl who sits in the back??? WTF you said she was pure

counterpoint: all are made by the same incel

based Tom

Get some new material. Every thread you're posting the same batch.

I don't get it

Is she saying she appears more attractive to virgins?

>while you have successfully built him up
So why is he leaving you?
Oh right, you meant successfully fucked him up and now he finally woke up and left you for someone who's pussy doesn't smell like sour dough.

Uh oh, I made one of them mad, he even posted a cartoon representation of himself!

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What does this even mean?

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i dont get it. are virgins supposed to be intimidated by her average looks and thus backing down from an argument?

>while you have successfully built him up
Learning by making mistakes she means

Who knows, don't bother trying to understand incel propaganda. It's aim is just to try and make other people feel as shitty as themselves.

>Uh oh, I made one of them mad, he even posted a cartoon representation of himself!

Attached: saoi.jpg (287x271, 22K)

She has the confidence to mog, deprecate, tease, and manipulate virgins who are incredibly low status and defective.

Attached: 8bwdh3fs3cm21[1].png (1242x5216, 693K)

Remake Son of the Mask (2005)

Based and extremely red pilled

That's a start. Now delete the other reprints and work on getting some new material together.

It's not entertaining if I just scroll down the thread seeing endless reposts.

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So fucking cringe


You realise all these types of posts are made by male incels right?

Delicious used up roastie tears

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did you just assume someones gender in 2019?


Can these incels make it any more obvious that they're not actually women? These posts are just sad incel fanfics.

>woman ends up sad and alone because she chose chad over me!!1

If you can't accept that women can relate with this post even if they didn't make it, you are delusional.

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based Nature making its course sending them childless roasties nuts

a porno

100% written by an incel.

I'm not saying there aren't women like this out there, but nearly all these posts are written by incels.

>42 posts
>22 replies
someone is seething

If you don't choose left over right you're broken

This is the only post that looks like it was actually written by women.

nah, I can see women being genuinely bitter about this.

Just look at Drake, James Franco, and DiCaprio. They literally go after barely legal poon all the time despite women of all ages adoring them.

Evolution wouldn't work if the males didn't overwhelmingly prefer the most fertile age bracket of females.

It's not as funny when your wojak doesn't look angry. Why are you getting so excited over my post?

Unfortunately, the user who's posting all the reddit screencaps seeks out (or makes) incel threads specifically to dump his collection.

This was funny the first time, but now he ruins every incel thread with the same boring shit we've seen a dozen times already.

When are roasties and incels going to have hate sex en masse and then realize they love each other, get married, and solve the sexual revolution problem?

>its fake news, but it COULD happen!

Yes, plenty of women regret choices they made when they were younger. They don't write posts like these though.

It's my first time seeing most of these, they're fucking hilarious. But without shitting up and already shit thread on a shit board, where can I find more of this? Is it worth it to just scroll down the femcel reddit page

>visiting incel threads so often youre proud of catching out someone who reposts


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Women like this:

>constantly gloss over or omit the fact that more than half "guys she saw herself dating" in her 20's were between the mid 30's - mid 40's age range

>Most of the guys that "checked all the boxes" even back then never dated her because there was something detectably off about her, or she was just not attractive

Usually it's scenario 1, because it's women like this who think their youth will be able to crutch them along forever, and they're never aware of when that crucial moment hits between them being able to leverage that and when it won't be possible anymore. I'm not in my late 30's, and every girl I knew back in the day that enjoyed easy thotting, that then managed to find a guy to settle down with: ALL those guys are total betas, super frumpy, etc. Sorry bitch but it's time for you to settle for your own beta eggboy

But girls I've hooked up with acted more like the girl on the right. I'm a brainlet. Can someone explain this cause I'm confused

Cringe incel

Roasties choose to be roasties. They all know they could fuck incels at any point and they always choose not too. It's hilarious, incels get BTFO by literally everyone, even roasties. It's both pathetic and funny that they make these sort of #slutlife fake accounts on social media to try and put down roasties, imagine being that low on the social hierarchy that the only people you can try to target are used up roasties.

>woemn who are single in their 30s and 40s are sad

Wow, what a hot take you incels have! thanks for pointing that out! it's not like slut shaming has been a cornerstone of civilisation for thousands of years, we dont need your fake internet posts to point it out.

>it's almost 2020 and we STILL don't have android gfs

where did science go so wrong?

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ok alex jones.

Lmao women are so god damn retarded. Society has force fed them the idea that they know men to the point that they don't even understand what men want.

slut shaming is cancelled sis, haven’t you heard?

You're either a post-wall roast or an eggboy. Either way your life already sucks and trying to act like you're "above it" just makes you look pathetic.

>incels so deluded they think normal people go around trying to "own the fun out of" their lives

Normal people just ignore you incels, no amount of crying on the internet is going to improve your life incel.


>appeal to everybody
I'd make a shitty movie

>when you have successfully built him up

Do women really believe microwaving him a meal when he comes in from work and sucking out his stress occassionally constitutes contributing to his success?

user, why have a few of the girls I hooked up with acted like the girl on the right? Only 1 or 2 acted shy. Almost everytime the girl was flirtatious, shared too much info, and was very hyper. Can you explain my situation and the meme

That’s a real account. She’s been posting on reddit for years. Roastie.

found the 50 year old wine aunt

The vegan asian dude almost died fyi

What if the hot ass guy was a virgin?

>When you’re young everyone talks to you
Women truly live a different life.

>unironic use of the term 'slut shaming'

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Basado y tomaspillado

Is there a bigger failure than a woman who’s single in her 30s??

I wonder how Tom feels about cumbrains

>I'm desperate to quickly marry and have kids
>but men who want to quickly marry and have kids seem really desperate

If I wasn't an incel I'd be a volcel. Women really are insufferable fucking hypocrites.

In every single way, the left picture is better.

>that last girl pre-emptying the pathetic little betas ready to be the exception if it gets them some used up puss