Other urls found in this thread:
no wonder it's being shilled so hard in this board
The show is enjoyable but Hughie and starlight have some of the most cringiest woman writing ever
When will the new menace be stopped
>the show is enjoyable
Repost your image, but this time at a legible resolution.
hughie and starlight are both shit. give their screentime to frenchie and his autistic mutant gf
well. didn't skip through the frenchie & waifu scenes, but they were hardly riveting.
>Seth Rogen is involved
Dropped before I even picked it up.
>wahhh the show portrays christianity how it is
>wahhh its suppose to sugar coat it and pretend its accepting of gays and not followed by retards
If you read the comic you'll notice how much they changed to appease the SJW crowd, like giving a strong woman backstory to The Female and calling her anything but The Female
Do millenials live to be outraged. You're a pathetic bunch.
it is, faggot
>made a romcom where a hot powerful chick falls in love with an ugly loser and he is shown as the good guy
This place should idolize that fat jew.
Maybe hughie is Seth’s self insert? That’s just a theory tho
Imagine youre rich and seth rogan. You can fuck movie stars and buy whatever you want. But instead you sit around on twitter and shit on people who worship a sky god you dont like
Looks like Spiderman is the egg and sperms are trying to fertilize it
>SJW-laden snoozefest
Were they watching some other show?
So are you underaged or gen x, mister non-millenal?
false flag reviews?
how is it anti any of those things?
KYS homo faggot. You and fellow freaks are AIDS personified.
Isn't Seth Rogen a kike parasite too?
I was, maybe you're okay with pozzed shit but not me
Badly labelled chart. If blue is non-white than green cannot be goy as that would include the non-whites. Green needs to be white and blue non-white goyim.
No wonder DCshills love it.
Non-whites are the kike's minions so who cares?.
>it's the jews fault I watch BLACKED porn
lmao the absolute state of incels
Oh boy, he's awake.
What startled you this time?
>butthurt tranny
Nice false presumption Yehuda Kikesten
>(((Seth Rogen)))
what? I just asked how it's the news fault that you're addicted to porn. Do you have any self control?
Most of kike minions are white though
Why do they always look like this?
You gotta remove black science man he's our guy now.
They're making fun of people like you.
You are that guy that always spams the pics about how all nazis were trannies.
It's also noticeable because you go into overdrive and you make one post per minute.
I see pic related a lot, but it doesn't make much sense to me the more I thought about it.
According to the Jewish World Encyclopedia, there were only 5,000 Jews in the South in 1861. There were 5 million slaves at the same time, 78% of these would have been owned by Jews (3,900,000). Lets say the average Jewish household was 4 people, this would mean that every Jewish Household owned 3,120 slaves
Does this sound feasible?
Based and red-pilled
>haha just a joke
>confederacy didnunuffin and blacks are inferior
I don't get it
Here comes the salty Zionist kike.
How does it feel knowing Israel will be destroyed in your lifetime? Even leftist shitskins are turning against Israel. You simply don't have the numbers to stop the brown Arab hordes.
Only 3% of Southern whites owned slaves and almost all of those 5000 jews were probably in the upper class financially, meaning they'd be in the 3% of slave owners.
>The kike spammer is going all out with his damage control shilling
Every time
>trannies and leftism is good
>muh palestine!
Nobody cares mohammad
Well well well.
That’s what Arabs were saying 60 years ago tho
Remember, to find out who rules over you look to who you can't criticise
Seems like they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams then lmao
Hell, (((Sara Silverman))) herself is shilling against Israel now.
Your own traitorous kikey nature will be your downfall.
eat less cheeseburgers plz
Yeah, it seems like this guy is not even a leftist, just a seething jew.
Wounds like they’re the master race to me then desu
White nationalists and anti-Jewish commie niggers are beginning to outnumber Zionist boomers.
You kikes' own attacks on Christianity are ensuring that future generations of whites won't have any connection to the "muh chosen tribe" meme. You dun goof'd.
Why does a little nazi tranny posting rile up the /pol/ so bad?
>The kike JIDF shill isn't even bothering to hide anymore
Of you had sex you’d be less angsty about Jews
wtf I hate white people now
Is anyone who bullies you really Jewish?
Why does posting objective empirical truths about kikes make kikes seethe so much?
Right-wingers have more sex than beta libcels. We also have more kids.
Rabbis are screeching about the declining Jewish birth rate among the diaspora.
Why do you always do the same thing of
and then go
>lmao u mad
Seriously, every single thread is the same, you post the exact same pictures every single time.
Although it seems that, after you got called out since every single post of yours was exactly one minute after another, and looking at these filenames, seems like you are posting from both on your computer and your phone at the same time.
What anger drives you to do this?
The point is you're going to go down first. This is also a problem you created.
Whites have the numbers to survive the nigocalypse. You don't.
Hitler is the daddy of all jews.
>That pic
Jesus Christ that's sad.
Notice the iPhone filename.
And another iPhone filename.
Can you also post from your computer, or did you get banned, or even rangebanned, and you need to post from it?
Or perhaps you are posting from both the computer and the iPhone?
Why can’t you guys just have sex?
>implying Jewish aesthetics are better
>different opinions and talking about nazi trannies is a jewish conspiracy guyz
Those two killed a ton of Amerimutts, they are heroes.
funny you bring up soi
Yes plantations are not just farms but factory farms of their day, with the amount of cotton and other cash crops they were producing for European markets are the time a 3000+ person operation is feasible
You can just not watch it ya know. Supply and demand.
That I hope you have enough data in your contract to post so much from your iPhone.
Slaves worked on farms you idiot they werent butlers
Slaves were generally owned by the (((banks))) and leased to plantation owners
Sure thing porky.
>Call (((them))) out
>Kike spammer immediately leaves the synagogue and starts damage controlling and derailing
Never change you hook-nosed cretins
Just imagine.
The year is 2050.
The UN is fully niggered and de facto controlled by China.
They enforce massive sanctions on Israel, and force them to open their borders.
Kikes can do nothing by cry and scream to their non-existent "Yahweh" as hordes of Arabs flood in and start shitting-out brown babies everywhere.
>unironically watching The Boys because viral marketers on a television and film board told you too
He's pretty easy to spot, just take a look at the iPhone filenames.
Plus, when he really goes full retard you can even see that his posts are 60-65 seconds apart from each other, and that when you look in the archives his posts are repeated dozens of times.
What's worse is that he keeps acting as if he was fooling others into thinking he's several different people.